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File: 9 KB, 170x296, tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13804072 No.13804072 [Reply] [Original]

This kills the BTC.

>> No.13804095

stfu boomer

>> No.13804113

>Crypto is comparable to some stupid fucking Dutch bullshit that happened over 300 years ago.
Jesus Christ Boomer just die already.

>> No.13804156


If all the farmers in the world decided to grow tulips, the supply would significantly increas. If all the computers in the world decided to mine Bitcoin, the supply doesn't increase. There's a big difference there buddy.

>> No.13804195

Unlike the dollar, which the fed keeps printing more of and keeps losing value

>> No.13804269
File: 13 KB, 325x155, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13804292

Oh you retards don't even know.

Holy shit, you morons.

>> No.13804295

Fuck me don't they have bigger pictures at your nursing home computer or are you still using a CRT monitor from the nineties at 800x600?
You geriatric fuck.

>> No.13804322

Educate yourselves, you dumbfucks.


>> No.13804349

LMAO right?

Its the Tulip Trust idiots.

Not the literal tulip bubble.

>> No.13804361

Holy shit. What the fuck?

So we're all fucked??

>> No.13804366

Nigger if you make an incredibly vague and cryptic thread don't blame us if we don't fucking understand what you're blathering on about.
Also Craig Wright is a conman and a scam artist.

>> No.13804403

Read this faggot and come back


If you still don't get it, enjoy poverty.

>> No.13804422

Blonald blumpf is literally hitler.

>> No.13804439

> Tulip mania
> Tether
> Warren Buffy prophecies
The patethic weapons of deluded bobo boomers

>> No.13804440
File: 122 KB, 768x624, Psychology-of-Market-Cycles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing you, you've been somewhere on this chart

>> No.13804461

First two non-retarded posts.

>> No.13804706

Trump was better before he became a Jew.

>> No.13804728

He was always a Jew, anon. We were just in denial because he promised physical removal of shitskins.

>> No.13804743

Hahahaha. Hahahaha hahahaha. You actually believe that? Hahahhahahahah1

>> No.13804746

imagine being stupid enough to believe, even for a section, that CSW is satoshi

truly mind boggling levels of brainlet

>> No.13804763

Yeah a mathematician who holds doctorates in law and economics would have never been the kind of guy to invent Bitcoin.

>> No.13804905

certainly not a sociopathic pathological liar, no. I have never for even one fraction of a second believed this faggot was anything other than a fraud. I don't let anything he does impact me in any way and I suggest everyone else do the same. He's not the first huckster trying to ride the crypto wave and he certainly won't be the last

>> No.13804958

Pure unadulterated NPC.

>> No.13804971


Keep following the herd

>> No.13804987

this is fishy as fuck

>> No.13805025


I could not care less what you think, this fraud isn't satoshi and that's a fact. It's not a debatable point. The market will prove me right in time.