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File: 63 KB, 696x449, Binance-Launchpad-Opens-Fetch-AI-FET-Coin-Token-Sale-with-BNB-Trading-Pair-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13797279 No.13797279 [Reply] [Original]

>circulating supply to increase by 25% by end of month

Sell now and rebuy around 5 cents thank me later

>> No.13797323

On May 25th private sale tokens will be released, sell before the bloodbath

>> No.13797731
File: 157 KB, 291x294, 014539598456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. Is it going to get worse?

>> No.13798187

Much worse

>> No.13798195

Do the math, the market cap will still be insanely low.

>> No.13798480

Hurts to say but I had to sell at a loss. Although long-term FETmarines should be fin, no?

>> No.13798503

token lock mechanisms are the biggest fucking scam kek

>> No.13798581

I was just saying how the market cap, would go from lets say 15, to released coins bringing it up to about 25m

>> No.13798607

that's....that's not how that works. supply goes up so price goes down, and market cap will stay the same (or even go down because people will sell)

>> No.13798623
File: 25 KB, 655x509, 1557379238048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this

>> No.13798626

Matic n Fetch marine here. Also, holding BTT, I know justin will pump my bags

>> No.13798632

Yeah, no I had to sell not a good short-term bag. Lost about 20% of my stack.

>> No.13798649

25% will be in circulation by late August. They're unlocking tokens on a daily basis from May 25 onward

>> No.13798713

You have weak hands

>> No.13798735

This entire thread is fud

>> No.13798756

I don't want to wait a month.

>> No.13798771

I'm not talking about the price, I'm talking about the market cap. and an increase that small won't affect pump gains. If the cap went up to say 50-65m that would fucking suck, but the fact that we're staying under 30m is amazing

Will the price go down? Sure. That doesn't mean shit when its this minimal and we still have x4-x5 potential gains

>> No.13798772
File: 765 KB, 1256x692, 1527366962092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lower than 100sats? I only threw $100 but I really need a win. Being a nolinker today is a sad feel

>> No.13798842

t. bagholder