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13747807 No.13747807 [Reply] [Original]

I think out of all the "when i get rich" memes a huge house is the most retarded. What's the point of having room after room after room you barely use? What do you put in there, trinkets and shit? And then pay someone to come around and dust them?
One of the biggest houses in my city went up for sale and the auction pictures showed all these grand ballrooms and shit, and then in the small modern kitchen there were 2 la-z-boys in front of a tv. Because who can be fucked walking 10 minutes across their house to grab something from the fridge.
Big houses are a fucking meme, even if you wanted to have lavish parties you could just hire mansions and party in a different place every time.

>> No.13747822

Just because you're a lazy turd doesn't mean I won't use every room in my house for activities.

>> No.13747823

welcome, newfriend.

>> No.13747832

But where will the guests and servants sleep?

>> No.13747841

Congratulations anon you have uncovered the property meme created by boomers for boomers. The reason you dont get it is because you cant be fucked inviting people over to show off your home and hospitality.

>> No.13747848

they don't use them for trinkets, they use them for children dum dum.

>> No.13747852

The trick is to be comfortable without being decadent and to impress without being extravagant.

>> No.13747853

this is cope, you're going to be huddled into a corner of your office jerking off on your la z boy and then to the bedroom to sleep

>> No.13747860
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But what if you want a 6 girl harem and want to breed 5 children from each?

>> No.13747865

They can come visit me on my small farm in the woods that has ducks, dogs, and a music studio. Plan is to buy a bomb and spend a couple of years renovating it, even if I have millions.

>> No.13747869

That's quite the fantasy for someone who claims he doesn't love me.

>> No.13747891

master bedroom for the wife and i
1 bedroom for our daughter
1 bedroom for our other daughter
1 bedroom for our son
another bedroom is my office
another bedroom is my wifes craft room
itd be nice to have another bedroom for storage
thats 7 bedrooms

>> No.13747894
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>a bomb
That was a typo, right anon?

>> No.13747908

as in a run down but structurally sound house

>> No.13747910

Mountain cabin all the way marines, big garden too

>> No.13747911

Noise buffer for other's living under the same roof.

>> No.13747922
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Based. Yeah I want to do something similar be log home-pilled with some robotic farming setup that expands with the technology.

>> No.13747962

> no playroom for the kids
> no bedroom for the help

>> No.13747970
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Linkies status: SEIZED

>> No.13747979


Toss three kids in, and you "need" a big house, but, it starts looking real nice. 5 bedrooms, Two living rooms, or a game room for the kids, three car garage, in a nice neighborhood so the kids don't get kidnapped or molested, and you can easily get into $1 million dollar mansions.

>> No.13747980

The playroom isnt a bedroom
Its basically the upstairs den
We dont have "help" other than the biweekly house cleaner

>> No.13748001


>ancient homosexual cults
>global homosexual cults
>homosexual cult applications

>> No.13748009

>wanting to live in upper middle class suburbia with all the deadeyed sociopathic WASPs.

>> No.13748010

I'll be honest; Even if I was a rich fuck and could buy a house/land that size there's no way in hell I'd do it.

One; don't need it.
Two; would cost me a fuckton to maintain
Three; would cost me a fuckton to keep clean
Four: The monthly bills would be insane
Five: I'd be broke or wind up spending a vast amount of my money on this "money pit" that I don't need to start with.

The real secret to how old timers are rich has little to do with what they did to earn it. Has to do with how well you spend it/keep it over time. Go to some old fucks home who's got a bit of money. You won't find expensive do dads or any shit that fucker don't really need to get by. Most of older fucks money is tied up in banks/stocks,etc.

>> No.13748061
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>Plan is to buy a bomb and spend a couple of years renovating it
>plan is to buy a bomb

>> No.13748069

Nobody said "want to." OP asked how/why it happens. I agree with the other poster with three kids, that the decision making starts looking different when you have to house 5 people. I don't think a lot of single bachelors are hanging out in McMansionville in the suburbs. Unless maybe they're divorced and want to stay near their kids.

>> No.13748078
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Ah ok then

>> No.13748083

I'm a contractor and I work out a lot of million dollar homes and up.

Lots of them, especially the over 50 crowd, it's just room after room that is dusted, vacuumed and clearly never used. Not many guests coming through.

Capitalism at the top is often sadder than people realize.

>> No.13748094

>being rich and still only having 1/3 the kids illegal hambeasts shit out to pass the time
what's the point?

>> No.13748100

lots of vacant homes but real estate prices keep inflating

>> No.13748117

the only multimillionaire I know has lots of expensive do dads
he even has a mclaren 720s, audi r8, and more
his house is huuuuuuge and crazy expensive
hes currently having a million++ dollar home built for his 28 year old son

>> No.13748131

>small farm in the woods
>buy a bomb

When the fuck did they let you out, Ted?

>> No.13748143


Consumer nukes are the future.

>> No.13748157

Also you gotta think about this displays of wealth draws the underbelly of your neighborhood like moths to a flame. Do you really want some asshole breaking into your house? Or how about the crackhead down the block looking for cash for his next fix. Those people see a nice house like that it's like "free money" to them.

>> No.13748171

What do you think the $10k/yr community security fee and $5k/yr donation to the policeman's charity are for?

>> No.13748177

Bitches love big houses

>> No.13748192

id hope you live in a wealthy area
perhaps a gated community
if you own a home like that
so nothing to worry about

and not had a million+ mcmansion built in the fucking ghetto

>> No.13748199

Boomers are looking at it more as an investment, rather than need. They bought their first homes in the 1970's for $50,000, added a few rooms in the 1980's, and sold them in the 1990's for $675,000.

If you have several hundred thousand dollars that you don't need to spend, and you start looking around at your options, and the stock market looks risky, and bonds look like shit, and you don't want to just put it in a savings account, you might decide to spend a little more on your house and park your money there. Up until 10 years ago, housing prices had always gone up; it was only a matter of going up fast or slow. Although, I think this is a terrible idea right now. Real estate markets all over America are overdue for a correction.

>> No.13748273


and another for sex, thots dont want to see a bunch of pictures of your wife an kids

>> No.13748290

>a dozen rooms with no use
>wastes all his money filling them up with shitty clothes, vases and other living room trash and trophies to make people think he's of high status
Literally the worst investment after a Lambo.

>> No.13748331

I'd buy a house like this only if I'd really REALLY made it.

Like millions of dollars in PASSIVE income monthly.

Because the only reason I'd get such a big mansion is for my private army of armed bodyguards, my staff of maids at my beck and call, lead by my own personal butler, my personal drivers, to drive my fleet of sports cars, and of course my harem of big tit paid sex slaves that I can replace at whim (fuck having children, or being stuck in relationships).

Also I'd have my own private gym room with complete equipment, movie room with a huge screen and la-z-boys, game room with a pool table arcade machines etc, jacuzzi and pool, etc.

>> No.13748477

vanity is unhealthy

>> No.13748494
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Redpilled, and congrats!

I live in a 600 sq. ft. condo.
But I own 11 more just like it. All those tenants pay my bills, making me "wealthy".

>> No.13748553

That’s about twice as big a space than I’d ever care to live in.

>> No.13748570

nah batteries beat em to it

>> No.13748593

Probably not true but the idea is there

>> No.13748630

>Real estate markets all over America are overdue for a correction.

People didn't learn from the last decade. In my personal case it's all the California fags fleeing from the sewer pit they've created into my area jacking up home and land prices.

>> No.13748667

The only reason I desire such a lifestyle is because I have a friend whose family is actually rich enough to live like that (they're from a political dynasty, in our 3rd world country where such things still exist). They've had someone in the family "elected" into positions of power for like 30 years straight.

I'm personally retired (I earn barely 5-digits usd monthly in passive income from my online business which I have to work on like a few hours a week) and I live a moderately luxurious lifestyle.

But they COMPLETELY blow me out of the water. Like a massive buffet at the dining room every meal served by several chefs, or someone tries to get them in a fight in public and several goons in black with concealed carries are immediately standing around the aggressor...I mean I really want to get there if I could.

>> No.13749010
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Not gonna dox myself here, but it happened.
Started with a duplex in Tacoma,
1031 tax exchange into 2 condos,
Borrowed against those 2 to buy 2 more during 2008 crash,
Been buying one/year on average ever since.

>> No.13749065

Well said. I used to work as a housekeeper for a few of these homes.They only use the kitchen, bedroom, living room, dining room.

I worked in a 14,000 sqft house that the dining room wasn't even used. Most of the job is dusting and cleaning floors/countertops. Pays pretty well just because there's an inherent level of trust to be given access to >6000 sqft custom homes.

>> No.13749169

Ever lived in a cramped coffin of an apartment? No?
Exactly. You wont understand. Some people NEED the room. Some people dont.

>> No.13749297

I'd purpose build a place to suit my needs and have a separate room for each of the main things I do. Reading books in the library, watching movies in the theatre, and so on. Right now everything is condensed into a family room where we just watch TV and stare at our phones. It will be nice to have separate rooms to focus on separate activities.

>> No.13749333

Nice blog post dumbass

>> No.13749343

this is my dream to make it though congrats

>> No.13749456
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Yea, got out of Tacoma and now my units are spread throughout Seattle/Tacoma suburbs, not in the cities.
Hope you make it, too.