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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13719127 No.13719127 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many /biz/ members struggle to make money despite having high IQ's?

>> No.13719135

We're lazy porn addicts thanks 4chin

>> No.13719137
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>> No.13719143



>> No.13719150
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They're attracted to success to provide for their offspring.

>> No.13719170

They’re not you faggot, they only say that to lure beta orbiters in. Women only want chad’s cock and instantaneous dopamine pleasure release. They act like children. There, I saved you some time through experience.

>> No.13719175

Speak for yourself bro... fucked gf, she’s asleep next to me, and I’m still up obsessively scrolling /biz

>> No.13719178


Since when have women been attracted to intelligence lol?

>> No.13719186

High neuroticism
Below avg social circle
Lone wolf mentality

= bad combo

Me on left

>> No.13719329

>hi iq here, why no gf or mony
Fuck off to pol

>> No.13719886

You’re the only single one OP

>> No.13719899

Not single. I think biz is the least single board m8.

>> No.13719928


>> No.13720595

Khazarian Nepotism.

>> No.13720618

You have to talk to them first OP, staying in your room, guess what you won't meet them!
also KYS All women are Whores

>> No.13720622

unexpectedly based

>> No.13720636

Only low IQ brainlets are able to put up with roastie bullshit

>> No.13720664


>> No.13720687
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1. Women are not attracted to iq, they are attracted to wit and the status that comes from having a high iq

2. Most here are not high iq

3. Most here don’t even want gfs anyway since they are low test and addicted to porn

>> No.13720698

Actually this is definitely the case. Guys here are actually trying to make money and so aren’t faggots who have given up on life.

Most people just use 4chan to vent and complain like /pol /b etc

>> No.13720719

>Most here don’t even want (((gfs))) anyway
That’s actually correct. (((Dating))) is degenerate and skewed in the favour of roatsies. What I want is a bangmaid meat robot wife

>> No.13720730

Only low IQ brainlets haven't been able to find worthless women. This game is getting stupid. You're a male feminist at this point screeching all men are rapist pigs because you're an ugly cunt who never got any attention, so you pretend you hate them anyway. Cope harder, much harder.

>> No.13720749


"Dating" might be degenerate in its modern form but having a relationship with a female for companionship and to fulfill your biological imperative is not. There are more people in relationships than there are single, that must say something about the human psyche. Face it, we need companionship of a female as a man to be spirtually complete - you can try to convince yourself otherwise but at 29 all my guy friends who are in stable relationships and happy and all the single dudes still LARP that they are 19.

>> No.13720754

>Most here don’t even want gfs
I'd like to try this "having a GF" thing but can't figure out:
o) how to talk to women
o) what does a relationship look like while in progress
o) how to initiate a relationship
o) how to find a woman who doesn't want to make my life much more complicated just to fuck with me
o) how to find a woman who doesn't just want me to be a resource at her disposal

>> No.13720762

I unironically have a 180 iq.
Not sure of it was cheated, my mom used to train me on IQ test books, and so I've seen most of the questions before.

But I can tell you making it is not related to IQ at all.

I would always get top results in exams and aced all my subjects. Graduated with honors. Still ended up wagecucking for several years.

What opened my eyes is when a dropout friend of mine suddenly became a millionaire. I realized high IQ and good academic performance means jack shit in the real world.

It's all about finding and providing a product people demand, and then scaling and marketing the shit out of it. Especially the last 2 steps.

Or you can get lucky like getting into bitcoin/eth early, or shitcoin roulette, or winning the lottery.

Basically either just luck, or building a business you can scale or market. Smart or dumb doesn't matter at all.

>> No.13720775
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> biological imperative
you mean like roastie hypergamy?

>> No.13720814

Because is a fake news

>> No.13720828

Holy fucking cringed through my monitor at this cope

Lads this is next level mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance. Do yourselves a favor and end it or go on no fap and realize how full of shit you are

>> No.13720840

Get replaced by Muslims already, Nigel.

>> No.13720847

Yes, you have over FIVE standard deviations higher than average iq

Do you know why the fuck a normal distribution is retard? So you’re 1 in 3.5million iq? Kys idiot

>> No.13720855

On nofap since start of year, try again

>> No.13720859
File: 244 KB, 400x397, A9F2F6F2-72C1-48F3-A446-A490E6F0EE0A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you I’m Christian Lebanese and this has already happened to me

>> No.13720868

Oh sorry I didn’t mean to include you in that quote sir, you’re actually being honest about your autism. My mistake

>> No.13720875

It's about putting effort into being successful. Effort of some people yields better results, because of factors like IQ.

>> No.13720881

Praise be to Allāh! :^)

>> No.13720893

>can't reply coherently
>better call him an autist
It's ok to lose an argument from time to time. Don't act like spastic

>> No.13720914

Only extremely new fags use autism as an insult anyway

>> No.13720919


“Can’t figure out how to talk to women”

Get your panties out a bunch. I agree with the part that women will always make your life more complicated, but that’s y evolutionary design

>> No.13720925

> christcuck believes in evolution

>> No.13720927

I’ve been here since link ICO you autist. Nothing on 4chan really matters except crypto anyways

>> No.13720928

>Why do so many /biz/ members struggle to make money despite having high IQ's?

97% of /biz/ are some type of social inepts /outcast with a superiority complex while having actually nothing to show for it whatsoever.

They got hooked during the most mania bull run days, where you literally could do 100% in 2 hours just clicking random buttons on chinese scam exchanges.
You learn nothing here except being miserable - literally nothing about crypto/blockchain or trading. Nobody is willing to do own research and just repeats half-truths at best

>> No.13720932

Don't be delusional most image board users are low iq retards with an undiserved superiority complex.

>> No.13720941


>> No.13720943

glad to see this board is full of sub 100iq copecels. Still worth browsing for the quality 1/30 post

>> No.13720945

>be me
>have gf
>she wears sexy outfits for me
>gives me blowjobs
>I fuck her doggystyle
>was a virgin before she met me

Epic win

U mad incels?

>> No.13720946

because they're brainlets, intelligence and self esteem go hand in hand, if you are truly intelligent then you realize your infinite potential which puts you above the herd, if you are posting these low self esteem garbage you are clearly not intelligent. Fuck this keyboard makes a ton of noise while typing don't want to wake up my gf

>> No.13720954

>I can talk to women, therefore everybody can, naturally
This reeks of normalfag logic. You forgot the "b urself" matra.

>> No.13720959

So you’re saying Genesis is fake... okay
What else from the Bible is fake my dear christcuck?

>> No.13720967

My income is very reasonable for my age and education. What is exceptional is the amount of net worth I accumulate compared to someone who earns the same as me, because I live on very little.

>> No.13720989
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never change /BIZ/

>> No.13721022

This board is truly R9k 1.0 reincarnated

>> No.13721028

>don't want to wake up my gf
What a beta cuck lol

>> No.13721030
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>The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.

>> No.13721040

I hate to tell you but /biz/ are mostly low intelligence people. It's the Dunning Kruger Effect that keeps the illusion alive OP believes in

>> No.13721048

A lot of people migrated from pol/r9k to here and have a single-board browsing habit. Therefore they want to recreate those pisspools here.

>> No.13721069

What about /fit/?

>> No.13721085
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/bant/ chads taking over

>> No.13721102

> reddit offshoot of a reddit board taking over
hopefully not

>> No.13721153


>> No.13721268

>o) how to talk to women
First you need to work on your body language. How tall are you and how much do you weigh? Do you hit the gym? Are you a confrontational alpha kind of a guy who is willing to get in arguments and fights just for the fun of it or are you letting people walk all over you while mumbling under your nose?

>> No.13721288

/fit/ mostly consists of DYEL's larping, and in rare cases people that want to actually better themselves to get a gf

>> No.13721305

> better themselves
kys normie

>> No.13721365

Fit are all having casual sex with each other, no straight relationships to be found.

>> No.13721498

a lot of larping. its also feast or famine for entrepreneurial types.

>> No.13721961

Iq definitely matters because there are some things you can’t do with being smart enough to understand it. But you are right about everything else and iq is overemphasized by insecure nerds

>> No.13722016

All my life, I have been suppressed by jews.
Not going to go into details, but pretty much been alone and largely unsupported through most of it.
When I came to biz, I finally found a purpose, and I'm on my path to success now.


>> No.13722050

>how do I short retards