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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 264 KB, 840x854, uiltimate doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13716159 No.13716159 [Reply] [Original]

that scam wick the other night fucking ruined me and now its pumping again im going to fucking kill myself i cant fucking take it

>> No.13716170

why sell now that things have just started. 2-3 year bull market anon.

>> No.13716171




>> No.13716176

don't use leverage in your next life

>> No.13716177

Serves you right faggot nigger enabler

>> No.13716190
File: 169 KB, 646x700, 039E780B-A154-403E-BE03-F77A53A892E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get liquidated? We’re unironically back

>> No.13716194

just hold you fucking retard

>> No.13716195


You want to invest? Hold.
You want to gamble? Short sell

>> No.13716200

yes i had a market stop 150 above position and it still fucked me i got scammed but fuck it ill just funnel all my wages into LINK from now and pray

>> No.13716201

Damn wojak, you need to lay off the shitcoins....

>> No.13716203
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pls dont fren

>> No.13716204
File: 814 KB, 604x717, 1558214597417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never used margerine and never ever will
literally just buy 1 btc and hold onto it fuckin nigger xdddd

>> No.13716206

>can't read an irrational market
>blames himself

>> No.13716208

Too hard for you retard to dca and hold?

>> No.13716224

seriously considering an hero move though, it's too late now isn't it?

i am going to build up cash now hopefully dca but fuck i could have been set if i wasn't a degenerate gambler

>> No.13716262

i really feel like it fren everything seems too hard right now with other stuff happening and then this loss :(

>> No.13716302

shit or get off the pot faggot

>> No.13716309

>i am going to build up cash now hopefully dca but fuck i could have been set if i wasn't a degenerate gambler

Don't kid yourself. Your gambling addiction would have cost you your gains in either case. You have deeper issues to work through than numbers on a screen.

>> No.13716354

nah you're right i have other shit going on and i need to work on myself, expensive life lesson i guess

>> No.13716411
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>> No.13716428

I only go long using butter, margarine is trash

>> No.13716442
File: 9 KB, 247x204, frog6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do we even want to know 2025?

>> No.13716515

back to fucking 7.7k jesus fucking christ kill me

>> No.13716542

Scam wick?

>> No.13716560

Don't beat yourself up. There are plenty of opportunities in this market. You are still an early adopter if this shit ever goes mainstream.

>> No.13716564

the wick down yesterday at 4am was caused by one entity market selling 3000 BTC on bistamp at 6.2k cause Bitmex to liquidated $250 million worth of longs due to 50% of the mark price being based on the price of Bitstamp

>> No.13716649
File: 184 KB, 1920x960, B79CDF4B-3855-4999-B76C-3E7B95574AFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this where the meme came from?

>> No.13716698


>> No.13716713

not everything is a meme, reddit.

>> No.13716722

it only ruined you because you didn't hodl, because you're a faggot. So stop being a noodle handed faggot.

>> No.13716784

Everythings a meme fagaroni

>> No.13716847

Do what I did and take a 3 year gap where you don't follow anything cryptocurrency related.

>> No.13716998


reddit would like that.