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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13680723 No.13680723 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question:
why was pajeet hivemind so triggered by iexec?

>> No.13680759

iExec has no right to exist

>> No.13680768

hey pajeet npc #102

>> No.13680780

based and baguettepilled

>> No.13680782

They think they have /biz/ lockdown and anything non-comformosit with the linkpajeeterey makes them screech & seethe with the power of a thousand VPN's.

>> No.13680830

They think they own /biz/ and only them can do decentralized oracles even when Chainlink has not demoed a single thing in 2 years. Holding both projects but disgusted at LINK community. Some fag even sent iExec team a troll email with quotes from 4chan, how inmature you need to be to even think of doing that?

>> No.13680849

Posting in a frogcuck seethe thread

>> No.13680854
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this is what happens when your project is exposed as a scam

>> No.13680870

They posted a completely false graphic and so felt the wrath. It's over now but they lost a ton of potential investors since some linkies were interested in it.

>> No.13680886

Sure pocket change from 4chan zoomers is their investor target

>> No.13680910

He's 30 yo and is /biz/'s resident village idiot. Can't expect anything of substance and maturity in what he does, but he's and HVT for getting baited.
You read this, retard? Anymore subliminal confessions on how badly you were bullied at school? Come share. ;)

>> No.13680923

look at Links market cap my friend
we are up over 500% since ICO
stay salty

>> No.13680940

but the chart was not factually wrong:
>publick audits
> mainnet
not yet
>multiple blockchain
not yet
not onchain

>> No.13680959

Not correct, the same developers are dumping to get free money, they bring it back at 0,69$ dumping, they just don't dump too much so they can continue with the fraud.
Basically it's legit stealing.

>> No.13680962

>We were well aware of the history between Chainlink & Town Crier. The chart was already outdated anyway, especially since the good news of CL going Mainnet, and was since removed from the page.
Say whatever you want, but their pajeet tier marketing is backfiring hard on them.

>> No.13680964

Do you really think /biz/ has anything to do with LINK price? How stupid are you? LINK is a good project and there's a good ammount of serious investors in it, nothing to do with 4chan zoomers pocket change that they problably stole from their parents credit card. And as i said, I own both so not salty at all retard.

>> No.13680966

maximum cope

>> No.13680973

but it is linkies in biz that are pajeet tier

>> No.13680990

explain which points are wrong, npc

>> No.13681037

Maybe dude, but stop doing damage control about iExec having pajeet tier marketing now

>> No.13681057


It is an extremely stupid move to compare yourself with chainlink at this moment. Chainlink has a far bigger community and acquired a huge amount of partnerships. You need the community to run the network for you, chainlink has done a good job in acquiring that community. Eventually, the network effect will probably be more important than who actually will have the better 'tech' or 'product'. Just like microsoft won from apple (although apple was the better product).

Iexec needed to focus on being a niche market for cloud computing, like they always claimed to be. This move confused a lot of investors and insulted link holders, who thought they were actually investing in something different.
Its just very bad marketing. Very unprofessional.

>> No.13681092

I think it will dump when v2.0 comes out. We have a lot of bandwagoners and unironically dumb people holding RLC who don't follow conversations in telegram. There won't be staking, the token won't be used in the beginning. It is only valuable with free info and APIs because the companies that sell their API data already have real life reputation to lose, they're incentivised and trusted to do their job without using iExec. And payments are possible in their chosen currency so the RLC token won't even be a thing

>> No.13681099

Rlc have no community, they have only paid pajeets and some website to pump this totally irrelevant asset.
They obviously compare because their lame marketers think they create "engagement".
They think that if "people speaks about it" some moron can fall into their trap.

Take into account you're arguing with a dirty ass indian right now, not with someone who put money into the scam.

>> No.13681125

Unprofessional lmao
> crypto is not an anime you know this ? This is real world business
Top kek

>> No.13681138

When talking to linkies I have the feeling talking with 1 guy alone, lost in his cave in Russia

>> No.13681165
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Stop shilling this shit, you shitskins are fucking it up.
You don't understand the subtle nuances required to create meme magic.
Let the team do their shit and participate in public mining where you can.

>> No.13681167

The link shills all coming out to fud rlc now that their precious Oracle turf is being threatened

Just bought 100k

>> No.13681221

>multiple blockchain
>not yet
Wrong, can be used on Zilliqa and wanchain. Iirc maybe eos or tezos too, don't quote me on those tho.

>> No.13681258
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>> No.13681262

it literally cannot be used anywhere yet, it is a testnet

>> No.13681294

Because it's actual competition. They are working together with intel, ibm, alibaba cloud and most recently EDF, the fifth largest electricity company in the world. iExec is not some shitty project that the pajeets want you to believe. I do believe chainlink is further in their development for decentralized oracles. But when both projects will go live the competition will start and the subject of decentralized oracles will start to get more attention.

Competition is good, both for Chainlink and iExec.

>> No.13681301
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>> No.13681726
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>tfw losing money holding this while everything else moons
fucking sucks lads

>> No.13682048

The shills are paid. Some are bagholders looking to exit at a decent price, but most are from a paid shill farm(yes this is a real thing).

>> No.13682078

i have to admit i hold 50% in RLC but that check graph is making me a little sketched out? i dont even hold link but i know for a fact some of those checks were super wrong. how can we be so out of touch?

>> No.13682102

Coins that doesnt belong on the top 100 at this point are a scam

>> No.13682141

It was not a good move but nobody cares about a shitty graph. They already addressed the issue and it's been removed. Do you think serious investors are going to take into account a shitty graph that stayed on their website for 4 hours? Look at what happened with ETH after being hacked and forked and look where it's now, that was a huge issue and they got over it. This chart FUD is desperate attempts by 4chan zoomers to discredit iExec's hard work

>> No.13682162

Accurate. Id been thinking about peeling 10% of my LINK stack and puttinf it in RLC. That infographic really exposed them for scammers though. They have their ear to the pavement and post whatever they think will pump the price. Meanwhile LINK team dgaf and works autistically every weekend making a rock solid project with no muss or fuss. Racking up 3 security audits in total silence instead of using them as an excuse to rename their product LINK v1, v2, v3, etc etc etc

>> No.13682181

The knee starts to bend. Didn't take long.

>> No.13682187

Are they really wrong though? Link hasn't actually showed that they can do sgx onchain from what I understand.

>> No.13682193

rlc is going back to 20 cents
better sell now

>> No.13682219

Youre not serious are you? Oh gosh...now im starting to doubt the holders...fuck

>> No.13682238

nobody cares about a shitty graph that they made and put out, that was completely wrong? And you see nothing wrong with that? holy shit im out guys. I honestly thought linkers were deluded but holy shit you guys are next level.

>> No.13682246

I asked a lot and no one ever showed me proof...
I can't find anything on google about onchain sgx CURRENTLY WORKING(the whole poiint of the iExec chart)...so I would like a knowledgeable linkie to show me that it works.

>> No.13682251

>5 rupees have been deposited to your account

>> No.13682648

>link is a good project
Found the retard lmfao