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File: 61 KB, 1500x1000, nederlandse_vlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13659372 No.13659372 [Reply] [Original]

This is the first transparent hybrid exchange, complete with a fiat on/off ramp. Founded in the Netherlands, aimed to take an international piece of the pie.

Built in the bear market, and according to the team ready for the bull market. Launching soon

>> No.13659406

I won't trust any Dutch exchange if it is not run by 100% whites.

>> No.13659436

A name would be nice, kanker jong.

>> No.13659438

Cool, NEXT

>> No.13659462
File: 146 KB, 2365x1576, wallets-comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wayyyyyyyyyy too late...
Atomic Wallet

What we’ll do in 2019
>Mobile apps release for Android and iOS.
>Assets portfolio discovery screen.
>Hardware wallets support—Trezor, Ledger, Keepkey.
>Add more than 20 new assets in the wallet.
>Trading desk for major exchanges.
>Web browser extension for a more smooth desktop experience.
>Sell crypto and withdrawal to your bank card.
>Security improvements—2FA support, fingerprint and face scanning.
>Non-fungible tokens and crypto-collectibles management.
>Lighting implementation and cross-channel atomic swaps.
>Localization—multiple languages and local currencies support.
>Multi wallets management with import of any private key.


>> No.13659538

Then this is the one you can trust. Besides, they have no power like Binance has. It's a DEX and CEX combined, the crypto you get goes into your own wallet

>> No.13659540

Except nothing of it is in-house and all of it is through partnering. This is just an aggregator, not an actual “””built in exchange””””

>> No.13659557

do you understand that it aims to become the own exchange while you're still able to hold your private keys? ever heard about atomic swaps?

>> No.13659571


>> No.13659628

Heh, NEXT also let’s you control your own keys while being able to trade on an exchange... make your own thread ranjeesh

>> No.13659659
File: 7 KB, 192x262, aaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing a bunch of wallets with a hybrid exchange

shoo shoo

>> No.13659688


>> No.13659901

you talking about bl3p or what?

>> No.13659919

Atomic Wallet will let you trade on different exchanges.
>>Trading desk for major exchanges.

>> No.13660214

NEXT.exchange. So basically you buy your internet monies at ease, and then you are also the one to actually own them. The exchange and its blockchain are a perfect fit for people ranging from normies to advanced faggots. Let them trade ripple while you sit comfy on your masternode. Coins and tokens go in your wallet. They're yours. They dont belong to (((them)))

>> No.13660263

dat schrijf je aan elkaar kankerdebiel

>> No.13660546

So your money will still transition through an exchange in the end then..?

>> No.13660593

?! no
the trading desk allows you to use different exchanges, also means their own one for atomic swaps

>> No.13660611

NEXT token is gonna fucking moon anons. I know at least 4 dutch crypto noobs that are waiting for it to come online before buying into bitcoin

>> No.13661624

if NEXT actually has a referral program you should pajeet those 4 noobs kek

>> No.13662477

6k chad reporting in

>> No.13663154

Hij heeft vooralsnog gelijk, kankerdebiel. Link of kanker op

>> No.13663197


Eindelijk een kankerkind dat wel met spatiegebruik weet om te gaan _O_

>> No.13663215

Oja, duidelijk..

>> No.13663223


>> No.13663231

Het gaat om NEXT Exchange, kanker zehbi

>> No.13663254

Developers are pajeets?

>> No.13663255

Dit is een Nederlandstalige thread. Flikker op met je gastarbeiders taaltje

>> No.13663305

How does this compare with Abra? You keep your own private keys while still being allowed to trade over there as well.

>> No.13663310

"We are an established Dutch and British company that is (where applicable) in line with regulations and compliances."

KYC, yes or no?

>> No.13663382


praat engels je pajeet slakken

>> No.13663700


>> No.13663738

No KYC for normies and jeets, which is
like their first tier account

>> No.13663760

>een Nederlandstalige thread.

lmao fucking mongool

>> No.13663790


>> No.13663906



>> No.13664043

Dutch are the worst and their language sounds like eating a sandy shitsandwich. No way I fall for this scam. Overbought token with no present usecase and a ZERO volume demo exchange.

>> No.13664210
File: 21 KB, 400x400, cg75N1Pu_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overbought exchange token
>no use case


>> No.13664376

Go to www.ronin.id they actually have stable coins

>> No.13664475

I use ronin one. It’s a good app desu. Super clear, also Dutch and actually live

>> No.13664561
File: 23 KB, 280x300, GreenWojak1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13664587

It doesn't matter if it's good or not.
If they communicate with european fiscal authorities and you need to pay shitload of taxes on capital gains it's not worth it.

>> No.13664630

You don’t pay shitloads on capital gains.. The Dutch system doesn’t work like that. You have an allowance of 30,000 euros tax free per person of savings including stocks etc. anything above that is taxed at 0.2%

>> No.13664661

belgianfag 33% + municipality = 40% on bitcoin gains

>> No.13664704

pure kino coin, too bad it's not going to pump.

>> No.13664709
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, 5E076FA8-54E8-46D7-864B-AE3F6CD8B60F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13664715

Zelfs na een jaar?

>> No.13664807


Voor bitcoinwinsten kan u in drie categorieën vallen:

Als u de bitcoins ziet als langetermijnbelegging, en de transacties binnen het normale beheer van uw portefeuille vallen, dan zijn de meerwaarden belastingvrij, net als bij andere beleggingsproducten.
Als u speculeert met bitcoins, en dat niet uw beroep is, vallen de winsten onder de categorie 'diverse inkomsten' en betaalt u het tarief van 33 procent. U kan nog wel uw gemaakte kosten aftrekken.
Als u bitcoins beroepsmatig verhandelt, vallen de inkomsten onder de tarieven van de gewone personenbelasting. Zelfs indien u een ander beroep hebt, maar op georganiseerde, op grote schaal of met veel middelen toch in bitcoins handelt, kan de fiscus die inkomsten als beroepsinkomsten beschouwen.

Gewoon lang genoeg bijhouden die handel en niet swingen.

>> No.13664855

>Zelfs na een jaar?
doesn't matter when you cash out

i have a cold wallet, nothing on exchanges, and i will move to some other country in 2/3 years to cash out, it's fucking insane to give away 40%

>> No.13664876

Stop posting swamp peasant language

>> No.13664947
File: 2.63 MB, 1242x2208, C34829AE-3B77-4745-BFF1-FA8B78531651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord and savior ronin one. All others suck https://medium.com/roninapps

>> No.13665026
File: 66 KB, 750x363, CD3DBE60-B33F-4058-AAFD-16429A1E9D55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this

>> No.13665079

I will ask to my accountant, laws are not clear about "long-term"
Laws in general are a meme in Belgium and if you are breathing it's a taxable event for them.
But I will ask to my accountant to confirm...

>> No.13665278

Yess NEXT will be going wild and it already did awesome

Masternode holder checking in :thumbsup:

>> No.13666161


>> No.13666796

the exchange did fucking nothing. the token yes but not the fucking exchange. is everyone completely braindead here?

>> No.13666992

>er zijn mensen op dit Hongaarse rieten mand weven voor hobbyisten forum die hun bitcoin verkopen voor """altcoins"""

Jullie gaan het nooit maken