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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13656576 No.13656576 [Reply] [Original]

6 hours until pump. Are you done accumulating?

>> No.13656587

there was no reason for the btc pump, its going to dump

>> No.13656589


>> No.13656597
File: 62 KB, 996x776, 1552123457250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this could go either way

this is legit making me nervous af. If it opens up and people start buying, we're going to 20k+
If it opens up and we dump?

it's over

all this riding on this moment. fuck me I had a nightmare last night that BTC was $200 and heading down to $0 with no explanation

>> No.13656601
File: 44 KB, 680x723, 3D976846-01EB-4EEA-9659-7DAA4B9BDC61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>binance funds locked for over a week
>cant withdraw btc
>every single frozen account will keep holding and will not sell the second CZ opens it up
The absolute state of biz

>> No.13656610
File: 34 KB, 657x527, 1557596488649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as soon as it opens we are hitting $9k BTC, $10k by eow

>> No.13656624

its not going to dump you retards.
trades were still open so people could just have bought stablecoins if they needed to.

people will either rebuy btc/shitcoins with their stablecoins or taking it out of binance and go buy via some other exchange.

>> No.13656630

Let's get it over with already.

>> No.13656636

they could still trade in the meantime you fucking retard bear.

>> No.13656645

6-8 hours? Funds are NOT SAFU! Remember WEX posted the exact 6-8 hours?

>> No.13656647

I can't sell my ETH please don't dump while I'm at work reeeee

>> No.13656659

Limit orders set before the system pause too.
XRP another 20%
Matic with go crazy, possibly even 150%
Link maybe another 20%
I reckon ETH will make some good movement too

>> No.13656671
File: 690 KB, 1713x2048, 496241FD-5829-4495-B2C1-4D1B8D3A0D70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re not all in fiat/USDC right now you’re going to fucking implode
>In 2017, a Bitfinex employee accidentally told the truth about Tether.
>In 2018, the "Deltec" letter does not say "cash deposits". It says "portfolio cash value".
The portfolio is cryptocurrencies, not dollars.
>That's why they have to engage in constant market manipulation.
>bitfinex bitcoin premium vanishes after binance shuts down withdrawals
>“As of the date I am signing this affidavit, Tether has cash and cash equivalents (short term securities) on hand totaling approximately $2.1 billion, representing approximately 74 percent of the current outstanding tethers.”
>cash equivalents
Cash equivalents =btc
>shadow banking crypto exchanges money laundering
>tether missing $850 million
>At the very minimum at least 188,000 Bitcoins on Binance won’t be able to be sold for real money for the next week. I sure hope there’s not a big unexplained crash in prices before Binance allows withdrawals. You know who will be able to withdraw from Binance? Insiders. They get to sell their coins, while you're stuck on Binance. They get to capture the liquidity that does exist. Good luck out there. We can't have outsiders dumping their bags, now can we? Binance has two cold wallets, that add up to 188,311 BTC, or a full 46% less than nearly 350,000 they should have, if we are to believe that they only lost 2% of their Bitcoins.
>tether using bots to damage control
>Tether 2017: We promise all Tethers are 100% backed by fiat
>Tether 2018: We promise all Tethers are 100% backed by assets
>Tether 2019: We promise all Tethers are 74% backed by ______.
>Tether 2020: Tethers exist, WE PROMISE NOTHING
Its clear as day a Binance+Tether manipulation collusion

>> No.13656705
File: 164 KB, 1250x816, 8A3CC0C3-5836-461C-8299-7ABADC2E9137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-they can still trade
yeah binance shill dont tell them they cant cash out though!
Bitfinex is desperately trying to pump btc to recoup their losses on their illegal banking scheme so they can say they’re 1:1 backed again before they get rekt by investigators.
Binance and Bitfinex have colluded to make this happen, for obvious reasons as Binance is the biggest tether holder.
Its not coincidence that the bitfinex bitcoin premium is dropping right after binance locks up. Once we see coinbase 1000+ you should know to exit. They’re all just trying to make this happen again just like in 17’ with the coinbase 1000+ so they can max out profits in fiat. Freezing binance prevents everydays holders from selling their bitcoins and tether against real markets. Binance will unfreeze their big guys before they unfreeze the plebs. Binance desperately wants to unload their tether but would that would give them a mega loss, so instead they collude with bitfinex to keep the ponzi alive. Pic-related, Bitfinex employee admits tethers are backed by crypto and not USD, if crypto drops they’ll be unable to stay solvent. Screencap this, get out of tether before its too late.

>> No.13656709

Binance still let's me set a stop-loss

>> No.13656725
File: 208 KB, 1607x898, 37FCE48C-36C3-4A19-8420-05A0069B50DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same day LMFAO
Why are you binance shills so nervous?

>> No.13656775

Main question, how can WE profit from this?

>> No.13656815

Simple, open up a 100x leveraged short on bitxmex/primexbt

>> No.13656840

boring fud, not reading
imagine actually writing this

what do you gain by doing this? you're not helping anyone, no one is going to read it, so why bother?

>> No.13656992

> who the fuck is reading that schizo shit ?

>> No.13657013
File: 31 KB, 472x461, 1554775727628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah fuck that weirdo.

>> No.13657031

Really good write up - I liked the literature here. Thanks for that!

Edit: oh wow thank you for the gold!! I liked and upvoted the post
