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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 300x300, ripple_Medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13639462 No.13639462 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13639478

Just bought 6,000 fidget spinners

>> No.13639488

XRPtards we ride!!!!

>> No.13639490

shit should i fomo into xrpppp?

>> No.13639520

Only if you like $

>> No.13639553


>> No.13639600

Waves and Ripples. The ripples are the small parts of Waves.

>> No.13639618

fellow xrptards, how many ripples is enough to make it?

>> No.13639628


>> No.13639639

The Vincent Wilson special - 20,000

>> No.13639641
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>> No.13639642

>imagine selling this below $0.30 only because some fat ogre said he did so

>> No.13639665

>imagine believing a top holder distributing his coin is a bad thing

>> No.13639745
File: 34 KB, 474x355, 123456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat ogre who happens to be the CTO selling the very thing his company is supposedly going to make every FI in the world use which is supposedly going to make it very valuable

>> No.13639759


All in XRP. It will be the next days winner.

>> No.13639763

He sold ETH at bottom to make it look like he doesn’t know the exact cycles of every major coin. He does this on purpose to throw off normies

>> No.13639774

So that proves he is utterly stupid, that does not bode well for Ripple, now does it?

>> No.13639773

I never got all the XRP hate. It seemed like a coin that panders to the financial authorities would have a built in advantage.

>> No.13639790

In fairness, there is a huge problem when one person holds all of a coin. See, for example, Jihan and BCH.

>> No.13639803

Thats the whole spiel tho, so its the inverse of what BTC represents idellogically. I wonder why all these btc oldfags like to shit on it

>> No.13639820

Sorry, it's only going down from here

>> No.13639830

The BTC old fags have long abandoned core. All that's left is arrogant moonbois

>> No.13639838

Xrp won't moon.

>> No.13639925

it's testing .40 as you write this

>> No.13639974

a humble 9k

>> No.13639977
File: 82 KB, 960x632, aHR0cHM6Ly9ydXNzaWFuZGlhc3BvcmEub3JnL3VwbG9hZHMvaW1hZ2VzL2FjNGQzYjNhZTYyMDZhYjI0YzEyLmpwZWc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I own 12k

>> No.13640001

There is no such thing as Core you weirdos.

>everyone has already left Microsoft Core MSFT
You sound like an out of tune guitar

>> No.13640007

xrp won't moon

>> No.13640018

>not understanding that it' a percentages game

not gonna make it

>> No.13640081

you mean percentages like 60% of total supply owned by Ripple?

>> No.13640098


>> No.13640112

you mean the amount of their product that's being held in escrow, to be sold to clients? No.

>> No.13640119

niggas...we are in last stage...remember xrp is the last one to moon before dump for the season. thanks i just sold all my bags.

>> No.13640135

nice lingo there, drinking the kool aid bottoms up, are we?

In normal English - the amount of XRP help by Ripple ready to be dumped on the market at a moment's notice. As you said - percentages game - 60% sounds like a winner here...

>> No.13640137

this has to be trolling

>> No.13640143

because crashing the value of their own product is going to benefit them how? Do you honestly not understand how escrows work?

>> No.13640183

A fixed amount will be made available for them to sell over time. People trade their USD they worked for in exchange for the coins. It's just proof-of-work with humans.

>> No.13640186

>.remember xrp is the last one to moon before dump for the season.
So true!

>> No.13640211


>> No.13640245


>> No.13640263

It’s not decentralised fucktard and the company has half the supply. Its not blockchain its a database. I’m sure however the price will still increase by a lot because of all the idiots thinking the banks are backing this... the whole point of crypto is that banks are not involved. But whatever. Enjoy ur sick gainz

>> No.13640265


>> No.13640277
File: 56 KB, 621x702, snsssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its not blockchain its a database
>the XRP Ledger isn't a ledger

>> No.13640345
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>> No.13640353

That doesn't answer the question though, does it? And it doesn't matter what the point of bitcoin is. If you want to let idealism get in the way of profit go for it, you seem like a spaz anyway. I honestly don't know why I try to help people. If you get rich off of xrp it doesn't help me in anyway. I should just start FUDing it to influence more brainlets like you to stay away from it.

>> No.13640369

imagine being so much of a nihilistic prick you want to profit off of a banker kike scam

>> No.13640376

A blockchain is a distributed database that uses cryptography to establish consensus between all of the participants. Don't fight the jew anon. Banks will ALWAYS exist.

>> No.13640390

>fixed amount
>a billion a month
>not counting shittons held by devs and former devs

Enjoy getting dumped on in predictable and limited amounts

>> No.13640436

imagine choosing to stay poor rather than give up on the idiotic idea that banks will be toppled by literally anything.

>> No.13640451

£100 eoy

>> No.13640457

Found the mutt
Fucking genetic jew slaves, ahaha

>> No.13640464
File: 19 KB, 604x399, cripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so stupid and high time preference you find this compelling

>> No.13640710

Imagine being so retarded and delusional as to not recognize the bottom of the XRP/BTC ratio

>> No.13640763
File: 21 KB, 618x894, 1526390438357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought @5043 sat

>> No.13640840

Just bought 900

>> No.13640850

Lmao what the fuck, there is absolute not predictive value to be seen from those circles, you can draw both graphs with arbitrary scaling

>> No.13640859

should read as
>absolutely no predictive value
I'm still tired

>> No.13640938

The absolute state of /biz/
This is beyond brainlet tier TA

>> No.13641695


>> No.13641778
File: 123 KB, 1136x443, IMG_6856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
