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File: 22 KB, 236x418, neettoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13629123 No.13629123 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder Paul Le Roux is Satoshi

>> No.13629134

>not even tomorrow yet

>> No.13629141

I don’t think so

>> No.13629151

this is not normal

seek help.

>> No.13629159

then why is he wearing an ETH sweater?

He has a giant head and awkward stance just like Vitalik. I swear these guys have to be genetically modified super geniuses or something

>> No.13629420


Rhodesians can wear what they want.

>> No.13629488

>best Satoshi in based attire

>> No.13630481
File: 379 KB, 1270x700, blockstreamvsbsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real SN is either dead or was captured.

>> No.13631018

Yep Paul was captured. Establishment is backing creg to bn SN because this guy is a racist criminal who had ppl killed

>> No.13631089

>this guy is a racist criminal who had ppl killed
don't mean, he's a bad person tho. Not really. Besides, if that wenker Cregs the alternative timeline Satoshi, we must search our hearts and find forgiveness

>> No.13631106

I had never heard of this guy until last night and I got physically sick reading about all of the coincidences. It's definitely him. The other suspects melt away in their feasibility once you read about this guy. 99.9999% of people smart enough to make bitcoin would never have had the balls or situation to actually release it. With this guy, it's believable he would want to release it.

>> No.13632185

Le Roux will kill Craig from prison
The hit has already been put into motion and cannot be stopped
Multiple payments have already been made

>> No.13632201

Craig is Satoshi. Paul only worked with Craig until Craig realized how much of a criminal he is. Bitcoin was designed to catch criminals not promote them. Glad he’s in jail and will now rot until death.

>> No.13632246

Craig will be assassinated before 2019 ends
there is no escape from this guy

>> No.13632410


i've read 2 books about this guy since I first heard about him a year or so ago. He was mentioned in the news because one of his hitmen (Joseph Hunter) was sentenced for murder.

Until last night though, I never even considered the possibility that he had any connection to Bitcoin, but seeing all the evidence now, i'm also totally convinced.

>> No.13632709
File: 43 KB, 707x566, 1557725192927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "anyone but Craig" narratives are getting hilariously pathetic, to the point where they will rather root for a literal criminal psychopath with 6 confirmed hits by hired assassins to be satoshi, rather than Christian pastor and cybersecurity expert with 17 university degrees Craig Wright.

>> No.13632843

>I am ZIMBABWEAN. I left Zimbabwe in 1984, and have since lived in several countries including the U.S & U.K. The disadvantages of Australia: Internet access is far to expensive, pornography laws in Australia are backward, banks report on everything you do
>banks report on everything you do

t. Paul La Roux, Usenet 1990s

>> No.13632901

OP from yesterday's thread here ... on one hand I'm proud my meme has legs but on the other hand I think you're all retards for believing this.

Never change, /biz/. :-)

>> No.13632933

> bitcoin is invented by a cartel boss serial murderer to launder money
ironically normies have been right about bitcoin

>> No.13632974

I think it's a legitimate possibility.

>> No.13633010


Nice try Craig

>> No.13633083

hes a Christian Pastor with 17 degress, donchakno

>> No.13633160


They have no idea what they're talking about. These are the same people that thought Nick Szabo was Satoshi because they skimmed his blog.

>> No.13633217

Daily reminder Craig is australian police

>> No.13633584
File: 987 KB, 716x1158, CSW_businesscard_nsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He works with the NSA too. He's military intel plus popo, and he is here to put the entire crypto cartel and federal reserve jews out of business.

>> No.13633610

Btw that's also why he get so much hate. Anyone saying Craig is a fraud is guaranteed to be a criminal or a paid minion of a criminal. There's no third option.

>> No.13633716


No, they're just suffering from CDS. Greg Maxwell is DEFINITELY a pawn though.