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13614647 No.13614647 [Reply] [Original]

Why do these coins exist? Redpill me on LTC.

>> No.13614663
File: 333 KB, 900x1200, charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to convert your bitcoins into charlie lee's bitcoins

>> No.13614666

poor man's nano

>> No.13614668
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It shouldn’t...not anymore. LTC is a test net for btc and now that they work with token pay then killed their own coin.

>> No.13614690
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>to convert your bitcoins into <insert founder>'s bitcoins

Pretty much the point of every crypto project. Imagine what the market would look like if for 10 years people hadn't sold their Bitcoins for shitcoins which the founders/ceo/scammer doesn't dump to cash out and become rich

>> No.13614716
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Nano is ~$1.50 Ltc is ~$85. Are you shit eating mongoloid?

>> No.13615094


>> No.13615095

Litecoin will unironically make it , it uses the same game theory than btc and is old enough and has not been taken serious for so much time than there is not whales there.

Once it reaches the point of having low inflation as btc will next year it will become insanely valuable too simply because it´s game theory.

>> No.13615646

This. Charlie Lee doesn't even try to hide it. He's a Bitcoin maximalist who created "Bitcoin Lite" as a side project to get some more Bitcoins.

People buying his bags are retarded

>> No.13615655

"biz retards criticizing a coin" is a strong buy signal

>> No.13615660

It's from a time when an alt only needed the most pathetic of memes to justify itself so people took "The silver to bitcoin's gold" seriously, even though that's a historical argument that doesn't make any sense at all.

>> No.13615679

> old and new coins don't do shit
> doge got abandoned by developers in 2015 and still has pumps
> link is for gay people

>> No.13615702

I'm not saying it won't pump nicely, I'll probably try to swing some LTC myself at some point.

>> No.13615715

Xmr and maybe eth are the only coins that should exist.

>> No.13615718

Ltc is a consolidated coin in the top10 right now, so it will pump if market pumps, no matter the cuckpapers.

>> No.13615739
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Unironically, the Bitcoin space is led by successively diminishing speculation and non-expertise.

From smart contracts, to DAGs, to security tokens, etc., those are the keywords that try to spark recurring interest. At first (till 2016, say), you had very bad projects that were merely forks of bitcoin and not much was required to stand out. Litecoin was one of the coins that tried stuff that worked and Bitcoin eventually did them too - but of course it itself is useless (since years) given how the good parts have reflected back into Bitcoin and even newer projects.

>> No.13615758

Unironically one of the most solid holds in crypto second only to bitcoin. I really don’t understand the irrational hate it gets on here considering it always performs better than bitcoin when there’s a run.

>> No.13615762
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Here's 6 years to this days - the time when the direct bitcoin forks were the only things going on. Only Litecoin stuck.

>> No.13615775

It doesn't do anything, lee is gook... reeeeee

>> No.13615788

Basically the only fud these retards can come up with

>> No.13615792

How do I avoid buying the namecoin,peercoin,feathercoins, etc. of today?

>> No.13615800

In dollars. Trickier for me to swing an LTC/BTC pump since I haven't paid attention to the market in over a year and am rusty.

In satoshis LTC pumps hard but also falls hard just as quickly. I'm just saying I'm interested in watching it awhile before attempting to swing it for more BTC, but I don't believe in LTC anymore than its creator does.

>> No.13615805
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Realistically speaking, it only did a 30x in 7 years. Ethereum did a 200x on the market and 600x since ICO.
It's about as good as Bitcoin if you just want to ride along the blockchain wave, but at all times, people were and are still asking why exactly it's there.

>> No.13615814

Ignore /biz/'s shitcoin of the week threads

>> No.13615819

Pathetic morons, and link holders (the only thing link does is making people gay)

>> No.13615826

Less risk than some “proof of stake” gamble with an unlimited supply

>> No.13615836

I think if alt frenzy is to truly start up again like it did in 2017, then it's probably a safe assumption that most of the big meme coins from 2017 won't perform like they did previously. Aside from a few top coins like ltc and eth, I'd look for shinier coins that didn't even exist in the last bull run. Dumb crypto market investors like shininess.

>> No.13615850

I really want to know what any coin 'does' though?
Besides privacy coins or platforms, sure. But bitcoin, ripple etc dont do anything either, it's a baseless argument.

>> No.13615861

If you are a BTC maximalist, ok, maybe you're right, if you are some pathetic shitcoin holder, you're wrong.

>> No.13615862

Hehe nice pic. Truth+kitty is cute

>> No.13615863

If you must require a use case, then know that it is used in 30% of all transactions on the darkweb

>> No.13615874
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>tfw wennt all in on Namecoin this morning

>> No.13615884
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>> No.13615887
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Yes I'm a maximalist, bought BTC in the 200s

>> No.13615945

The situation is changing every week, but i don't think markets understood or actually care about projects, maybe they will do in the future, maybe not.
At the moment BTC is the leader, the asset every normie knows, and it's a good thing.
LTC as its close and oldest clone, will follow it.

>> No.13615948

I was agreeing with you, just wondering what the ltc haters expect it to 'do'?
Dishes? Laundry? I dont get it... What does btc 'do'?

>> No.13616178

This question always ends these threads. C'mon faggots, if you have a legit argument name something specific.
Protip: you can't

>> No.13616201

What exactly do you want? I gave you a use case and you said you agreed with me. Yet you're still arguing. Are you autistic?

>> No.13616222
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>Redpill me on LTC
Here Goes:
>copy+paste BTC, do no development whatsoever, only change consensus algo
>Greg Maxwell writes a GPU miner for LTC, shares with nobody, gets half the circulating supply for himself
>Scammer creator gets his bro to list it on coinbase, dumps at ath
>Biggest technological advancement is that they'll start copy+pasting code from GRIN as well as BTC, lmfao
>The entire early bitcoin community left the infiltrated BTC for BCH
>This includes billionaires such as Roger and Jihan, as well as dozens of others who prefer their privacy. But they're all investing in the ecosystem
>The best scientists Bitcoin ever had stuck to BCH, actual scaling is happening
>Even tokens are now on BCH and the first few ones were moon missions (biz missed them)
>More merchants in East Asia accept BCH than BTC now, the trend will only become more and more pronounced
>Even got Schnorr signatures before BTC, lmfao
>Solid devs, no infinite inflation bugs like BTC retards
>Every shitcoiner is afraid of it, so they have to call its biggest holders scammers, but the biggest holders are actually the greatest selfless philanthropists of our time

>> No.13616263
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What are you talking about? The chart says minimal was 0.98$, and ATH was 370$.

>> No.13616290

Bcashiers still lost and arrogant as ever I see, you're just the new linkies

>> No.13616298

I agreed with you, you told me what litecoin does, its use case. Which is not what I'm asking you autistic mongoloid.
I'm asking the anti-ltc sheep who bleet 'it doesn't do anything' what other coins do that litecoin doesn't.

>> No.13616307

I was speaking about the general initial price and the current price.

Yes, I didn't mean the situation where you bought at exact minimum and then went back in time to sell at the ATH.

>> No.13616328

Litecoin is the real Bitcoin Cash.
This will trigger Cashies but it’s true.

>> No.13616359

Check those trips, beta faggots

>> No.13616376

but I'm up almost 200% on ltc

>> No.13616421

Who cares what price swings were at the start? Litecoin didn't have ICO where the price is hardcoded.

>> No.13616441

How many coins do you have?

>> No.13616605

how will i make more bitcoin without other coins?

>> No.13616655

This + green id

>> No.13616874
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>mfw I'm up 300% on the year
>mfw its all litecoin trades
>mfw reading this retards post

fucking kek. never gonna make it. its not about the technology you retards

>> No.13616885

what's your stat, I haven't been paying attention for over a year.

>> No.13616903


>> No.13616963

I will 110% back this anon's post. LTCs success does not come from technology or speed, it is absolutely game theory and LTC will unironically hit $1000 next bull run. Guys, you need to see past the bullshit and investigate deeper LTCs current situation. Charlie Lee is a dumbass, but he's fucking based and he will make this coin insanely successful

>> No.13617005

Got any good reading links if I did want to read more into the current situation?

>> No.13617079

dash vs ltc

>> No.13617215

I mean you’re kinda right but you still sound really misinformed. What is, supply?

>> No.13617240


>> No.13617244

Pre-mined, whale controlled supply, criminal devs, centralized, no benefit over other "fast and feeless" coins.

>> No.13617259


Source that that claim, pls anon?

>> No.13617278

I'm not gonna spoonfeed you, there's been several articles published on this

>> No.13617584 [DELETED] 
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I was doing some reading, and that pdf...

The traced the demixed accounts, after seizing the addresses.

It wasn't that they demixed the account, to find the people. They found them due to linking their social media profile, to their darknet aliases.

So, mixing works for it's intended purpose. Noone has been tracked due to mixing, to my knowledge.

>> No.13617625


BTC and Monero are what's being used, according to this report...


>> No.13617671

Do you know how to google? Just type “litecoin dark web” and read

>> No.13617691

"litecoin dark web"

>> No.13617866


It's basically bitcoin but not managed by corrupt idiots with banking ties. It has a higher number of coins, faster transactions, newer features and it's just basically bitcoin++ while still retaining all the good things that made bitcoin potentially good money.

Guess what bitcoin and litecoin are missing? Fungibility. What's the number 1 priority of Charlie Lee right now, the man who quit his lucrative job "because he wanted to make sound money"? Fungibility.

The reasons why I believe LTC will outperform other altcoins
>single focus, it tries to be money and nothing else
>the people working on it are good people who love what they do and want to deliver a solid coin
>they have experience
>they understand money

I know I could probably earn more money trading shitcoins, but I don't want the stress. LTC is one of those coins that will guaranteed do well over time and you don't have to worry about your savings disappearing overnight. Yes it will swing, but the project will not be abandoned or turn out to be a scam.

It's one of the oldest coins too.