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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13614437 No.13614437 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck the Ratrace

>I have like 180k in cash if would liquidate everything besides crypto.
>2 BTC
>82 ETH

i make about 85k a year can i stop working in 4 years?

>> No.13614533


>> No.13615110

I guess it depends on how much you spend yearly.

>> No.13615134

Right now but you want because you're a little cuck

>> No.13615138

i would spend maybe like 30k per year when i retire.

>> No.13615170

i can't retire right now i need POS and if they don't manage it to make it work i don't know if i would be fucked after like 5 years of retirement

>> No.13615237
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how old are you fellow /biz/nessman

>> No.13615268
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will turn 27 EOY

>> No.13615307

Buy home with minimal down payment

Get loan using equity from home

Buy more homes

Get more loans because now banks froth to “trap” you into debt spiral but be disciplined and pay off your earliest (and highest interest) loan first, repeat ad infinitum

>> No.13615392

property is way too overpriced where i live

>> No.13615685

>what is inflation

>> No.13615935

you need 750k to maintain that in retirement, so maybe in 15 years you can retire

>> No.13615978
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If you put it all into BTC right now you should be holding about 28BTC, which is a lot but despite /biz/ believe we won't see 100k soon so you wouldn't be able to reitre off of it

The only way to retire within 4 years if you use that 2 btc to start to trade your way up
You only need a few 200% to make it.

>> No.13616097

How do you trade up on it?

>> No.13616118

wait for the next big dump and enter the market heavily you retarded dumb fuck. this shit is gonna go parabolic again sooner than later. stop being a dumb basedcuntfuck.

>> No.13616121

i think we will hit 100-200k by 2021 regarding the 4 year cycle.

>> No.13616126

Property will always be overpriced because the FEDs keep printing money causing the real estate to inflate. If you find a property that gives you the right ROI, it's always a good time to buy.

>> No.13616132

should i go 50% ETH 50% BTC or should i diversify more? maybe some ADA and Monero i won't trust other stuff

>> No.13616136
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You either invest a lot of time to learn TA and how the market works or you try to finde some P&D groups, prepump their selection and then dump on their pajeets during the pump.
Back in 2017 I made 23 btc out of my 2 that way

>> No.13616140

He may mean buying alts that are going to moon. Fota

>> No.13616217

But how could I find those?

>> No.13616230

yes. just buy any allocation of eth/btc and you will fucking make it. especially if you have 100k+ to invest. the safest bets are those and its almost a fucking guarantee.

>> No.13616233

Put 1 btc in link and you can retire by the end of 2020.

>> No.13616255
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already posted this before, but https://upcomingpumps.com/ is your best bet. 1/5 chance of making god-tier gains, and an even higher chance if you study the charts
do your own research brah

>> No.13616310

> won't trust other stuff
Why? There always will be some low cap altcoins that will make 1000x, u should risk and invest around 5% of your portfolio in them.

>> No.13616311

well i was thinking about real estate with the 100K because of muh diversification.

I mean if BTC and ETH will moon like crazy i would have at least 1 property already that i'm renting out that is generating some money.I could use the gains money from crypto to buy even more.

With the gains from the apartment i would buy BTC and ETH month by month or save it for an other down payment. like anon >>13615307

you have a point here

even if everything would go to shit my monthly income is still high enough to live comfortable but i just want to escape the Ratrace and be free from slavery.

>> No.13616548

Fuck you

>> No.13616592
