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13607818 No.13607818 [Reply] [Original]

PSA I fell for the hardware wallet meme.

>Be me
>Buy at the fucking bottom months ago
>Store some cones, eths, and litecoin on pic related
>Protocol for crypto access changes Everytime btw
>Aka have to relearn how to use the device, eh no big deal
>Go in few weeks ago to use it, firmware update
>Kinda works, see balances there eh alright I'll use this thing in a few months
>Use now
>Device detected cannot connect
>Trouble shoot the entire internet
>Read everythread
>Shit post on Reddit boards about problem
>Multiple others in similar situations
>Don't fall for this meme, just use brain wallet and paper wallet literally the only safe way to secure crypto.

My only options now are to buy another device and recover the passphrase onto it and hope everything just works out and some how didn't lose altcoins and bitcoins to the ether and this stupid device

>> No.13607834

werks on my machine

>> No.13607848


stick to exchanges non-chad

>> No.13607854

It should work and does for other, there's a possibility though that it will fail like many other have experienced.

>> No.13607862

bittrex and poloniex are the only safe exchanges to keep your funds on.

>> No.13607864
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Meta mask master race

>> No.13607875

Yes I incorrectly used a USB stick in 2019 my error was using the device. There's literally nothing to user error. All you can do is plug the thing in and it either synchs or doesn't

>> No.13607888

This , love the fox looking at my mousey

>> No.13607890

How fucking retarded do you have to be to trust your crypto keys to fucking flash memory

I don't think you could pick a less reliable storage medium if you tried

LTO tape and paper for me

>> No.13607984


did you not write down the seed you retard.
could re-generate from that.

>> No.13608000

You can literally make your own paper wallets for free completely offline if you know Python and how ECDSA works.

Maybe learn to program and not be a brainlet

>> No.13608009


This. I keep mine in a secure storage at a bank

>> No.13608023

The hardware wallets purpose is used to sign transactions. The actual private key is written in the form of a 24-word see on paper. It is a paper wallet but with a pin encrypted device that signs transactions, meaning you never enter your key on your computer ever. (It’s not difficult to comprehend)

>> No.13608032
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The seed phrases or the actual seed?

>> No.13608033

I kinda get it with the sulfur in the onions and the acidity in the tomato warding thieves away, but what does the lettuce do to protect your keys? seems entirely pointless

>> No.13608043

yes i have the recovery phrase. and what do i recover it to if the nano doesnt work.

>> No.13608087
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this thing is a piece of shit.

they recently stopped supporting Win7 (lol) and you'll just run into a bunch of sub-average IQ autists telling you that's "the consequences" of not doing an unnecessary upgrade of your entire OS, guaranteed to break multiple other things, just to get support for something you bought that had support when you bought it.

>> No.13608091

you can recover it with a different wallet having the seed...

>> No.13608095

You got to be kidding me

>> No.13608110

This has to be bait

>> No.13608142
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Definitely user error. Send your funds back to Coinbase brainlet

>> No.13608163

What the fuck they really dont support windows 7? I'm literally cancelling my order

>> No.13608164

Your phrase is all that matters. It is the private key to the public/private key handshake.

Wallets merely let you interact with your coins easier by signing tx. Every wallet asks if you want to import a new one or create a new one... take a guess what it asks you for when you select import new wallet?

>> No.13608196

99% of retards who have "muh ledger is broken" issues just have bad USB drivers. update your drivers and restart you fucking moron, or try on a different PC.

>> No.13608212



>> No.13608231
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fits like a glove

>> No.13608251

This, brainlets.
>My only options now are to buy another device and recover the passphrase onto it and hope everything just works out and some how didn't lose altcoins and bitcoins to the ether and this stupid device
You really don't know what you're talking about kek. You don't have to "recover" it to a ledger. Recover in quotation marks because your crypto was never lost.

>> No.13608277
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>> No.13608352

im probably retarded but does this mean i can just use say exodus wallet, recover the 24 word passphrase and ill have my cones?

>> No.13608372


Op is a retard, you can also use trust wallet and import the 24 word phrase and send coins without having to verify using the device

>> No.13608399

Coinbase is probably fine I never had a problem with them

>> No.13608470

you can literally make over 6 figures doing anything remote if you know how to program. why would you bother with bitcorns? there's no point to crypto if the system treats you well, it's just inefficient compared to your other options

>> No.13608498

You can literally make unlimited money if you time the crypto market perfectly.

It's easy bro

>> No.13608580

you imbecile just use paper wallets for long term storeage! they are semi free. aside from the cost of paper and ink. you can have great redundancy in storage locations. truly the most safe and secure way to store crypto.

>> No.13608596
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this! try to confiscate pic related assholes!

>> No.13608626

>air gapped Tails
>generate keys and encrypt them
>make copies on all devices and usbs
>print out a couple, store a copy on your email or anywhere else (even the blockchain)
>engage comfy

>> No.13608650
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>> No.13608715

How to do you transfer btc out of a paper wallet tho

>> No.13608745

in a few years you will probably be able to swipe them into any exchange. other than that you can just find a secure computer when you want to spend some and scan the private key into a wallet. then spend as normal.

>> No.13608762

Is this the new "can't cash out" meme?

>> No.13608791

it's more like a "don't buy expensive unnecessary gimmicky trinkets that can fail you" meme

>> No.13608801
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>using wangblows 7

>> No.13608811

Goldman thanks you, the assets will come in handy next time a big trade doesn't go our way.

>> No.13608817

is a paper wallet truly the best idea of a timeline of a year or 2 storage? should i make copies of it?

>> No.13608822

Do you have an old pc? Your usb shit is old

>> No.13608832

Okay but you literally can't cash out so why does it matter?

>> No.13608846

yes and yes obviously. if you have a decent amount, keep a copy in a secure location that isn't your house. airgap before generating if there's even a chance your computer is compromised.

>> No.13608851

one more thing to consider see that pic? you would need over 900 quintillion years with the entire hashpower of nicehash to get close to breaking it. that means you can literally post it as advertisement, leave it in your gmail give a copy to all your friends and relatives.

>> No.13608858

yes, but make sure you use bip38, make sure you generate them on an offline computer, and for gods sake do a decryption test with a different software and check all the address before you send anything to them!

>> No.13608872

airgap? what in the fuck.
bip38? how do you generate something you need internet for on an offline computer?
i don't know how to do a decryption test wtf are yall talking about

>> No.13608876

*make sure you generate them on an offline live os clean booted computer
yeah your os may already have malware hunting for bitcoin private keys. unlikely but could happen. residues from generating could also remain on disk etc etc.

>> No.13608893

you don't need internet for it. download the webpage to an usb drive you boot your live os from. verify integrity with hash or signatures. and good to go.

>> No.13608919

Download drivers and use google chrome you brainlet

>> No.13609014

Here you go, m8. Remember your coins aren't stored "on" the device. Your 24 word seed (and 25th word passphrase, if used) are all you need.

Input your seed (and passphrase if need be) into this (OFFLINE) and you can export your private keys and use something else, if needed.

>> No.13609022

Plug it into a Linux box

>> No.13609027

>old laptop that never goes online
>boot from CD using tails (look it up)
>drag and drop "bitaddress.org" file you downloaded to the Tor browser
>boot bitaddress from Tor (dont worry about the clock syncing, you are offline)
>go to bulk wallet
>type in a password or sentence that you've never used before and has never been online
>generate keys
>spread the encrypted private key like AIDs and never worry about losing your money ever again

Just remember your password/phrase. The best part is after you're done sending your coins to storage, you can delete/omit your public key from your wallet and keep only your private key. This way if someone finds your wallet they wont even be able to see your public address/ your net worth.

>> No.13609031

It works just fine on Windows 7. Just don't expect any "support" if you e-mail them.

They literally just state "We don't support windows 7" lol.

>> No.13609036

just follow the instructions, play with them, take a few hours to try shit out with empty wallets!
in the end you should be able to create a password protected wallet decypher it and import it into say electrum.

>> No.13609050

Nvm, fixed the problem, closing thread :]

>> No.13609062

Why do u use ledger when there's Trezor? Ledger isn't even open source, I'm sure it has backdoor inside to steal all crypto and exitscam.

>> No.13609066

So what did you do?

Also all you paper wallet fags, what if your house burns down?

Store your seed on one of these bad boys. And don't forget to store the 25th word passphrase in your head: https://billfodl.com/collections/featured-collection/products/the-billfodl

>> No.13609072

one more thing!! this is important, there are different address formats, and it can happen that you see a compressed address and the decrypted address doesn't match it because it's uncompressed. so always take care to compare addresses in the same format!
the other tip is, you don't actually need the verify code of the paper wallet, the pk is enough, and if you only store the pks in your email box then nobody can tell how much bitcoins you got on what addresses.

>> No.13609081

>Ledger isn't even open source
jesus fucking christ! seriously?

>> No.13609092

Storing your private key in your fucking e-mail inbox is absolutely retarded.

You do realise even Microsoft's e-mail services were compromised by insiders, don't you? Most of these e-mail companies support teams are all pajeets, selling data to their families dodgy businesses.

>> No.13609094

i appreciate the tips but to be frank cant i just generate a paper wallet online and is it that way.
i mean what are the chances that not jumping through all these hoops and shit would have much affect

>> No.13609100

go ahead! >>13608596
i already said use bip38 to do otherwise is retarded.

>> No.13609107

>Also all you paper wallet fags, what if your house burns down?
>spread the encrypted private key like AIDs and never worry about losing your money ever again

I can store my private key anywhere in any medium.

>> No.13609114

nobody knows it's probably fine, but when btc hits $1mil do you really want to take chances with that wealth? can't you spend a few hours to err on the safe side?

>> No.13609121

>still doesnt understand encrypted private key

>> No.13609124

People as fucking dumb as you do not belong in crypto. Everything here that you are trying to blame is all your fault.

>> No.13609131

Srsly. It's not open source, but there are thousands of dumb goyim who use this kike wallet. Dunno why while there's completely open source Trezor.

>> No.13609367

Yeah, and they are absolute niggers about it when you contact tech support.

>> No.13609391

I have never had any issues with my ledger. Way easier than typing in my private key every time, way quicker, and way safer. Maybe you are just retarded OP?

>> No.13610226

Just call support. I had a dead pixel line in the display of a unit I recieved and Ledger support sent me a new one, no questions asked. Your best option is to use your social skills and open a ticket. If you can't do that much, quit bitching about your broken device and paying for a replacement. Your recovery code will work fine.

>> No.13610267

agreed 100% OP. if you're not doing a brain wallet, and you don't use a libreboot x200 or something similar, you are a faggot and doing it wrong.

>> No.13610307

I have 2 ledger nano s.
I encountered the same problem as OP as i tried to update them on an older machine with win7 few weeks ago.
Took like ages to do so and in the end it didnt work.
I did the firmware upgrade then on my 5.000,- EUR brand new machine with win10 and it went through in under 20secs.
If you buy a crypto hardware wallet its sort of implicit assumed that you are rich enough to habe a decent machine as well.
Ledger is good stuff, especially with the new ledger live software. Can only recommend.

>> No.13610327

this is the consequence of not beleving that your funds are not #safu on binnance, faggot

>> No.13611027

you have to be a retard to not understand how to use a ledger
he >>13607890 answered and exposed you for the brainlet you are

>> No.13611119

What's a paper wallet? Just printing your key instead of writing it down?

>> No.13611179

Hell no

>> No.13611200

>wanting a blackbox between you and your private keys
Enjoy your unpredictable "firmware updates"

>> No.13611216
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