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13572777 No.13572777 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit off beta-males?

>> No.13572804

I'd lick her feet if you know what I mean.

>> No.13572811

You call them the betas but they got to drink lemonade with a cute foot in it meanwhile you just have this saved on your phone

>> No.13572821

By being a roastie and live-streaming

>> No.13572845

unironically you're probably the beta

>> No.13572847

Yeah well don't put your foot on the ground if you're gonna do that wtf

>> No.13572872

I'd pay $10 for that

>> No.13572876

have sex emcel

>> No.13572896

Feminist blockchains for equality and inclusion. Miners are required to answer feminist trivia questions as part of the reward allocations. Those who answer correctly get coins, those who don't get nothing. Government will be required by law to pump the coin so the Proof of Virtue work is valuable enough to be worth women's time.

>> No.13572923

Bend over reestie

>> No.13572926

I'd pay 21 bitcoins for this

>> No.13572963

One Brappuccino, please.

>> No.13572989

lol wtf is this from?

>> No.13573010

Fucking easy desu.
Have any bussiness you want just : put a woman in pics or video or reception
If you cant just say it help women causes
Create a crypto called femcoin
Say its gonna remove the gender pay gap
Betas flood your coin

>> No.13573422

based and thotpilled

>> No.13573656

she has ugly feet

>> No.13573686

7.5/10 feet tbqh

>> No.13573734

Is this Dan Schneider's new soft drink start up?

>> No.13573744

How do I become an e-thot pimp and profit from women with big tits and no brain?

>> No.13574529

Just remember that feet aren't a fetish, if you're attracted to feet then you're just a retard with a brain that can't tell the difference between toes and genitals. You can tell that it's mental illness because you can't seem to shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.13574537

create a content platform

>> No.13574551

No one actually likes feet, we're just shitposting

>> No.13574631

It's called prostitution. /thread/

Sage is in all fields

>> No.13575151
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