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13559660 No.13559660 [Reply] [Original]

What node options are you exploring for running a Chainlink node?
Asked a number of people, even the discord trannies, and they act as if they do not want to tell me.

What info sources will you use for establishing your node? Will you use CLC, Linkpool, or run your own? How difficult is it to set up?

How much LINK do you expect to receive with a 50K link stack?

>> No.13559671
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Node running is high risk high reward but suicide tier if you don't have a way to secure temporary deals with providers yourself. It's essentially drop-shipping but for APIs so you need to be constantly predicting trends. You wouldn't be subscribing to one API and call it a day, but be constantly cancelling old subscriptions and contacting new ones. It'll be absolutely tedious if you're not already a whale and can negotiate with providers.

This is where the value of API tokenization and dedicated exchange comes in. There wouldn't be much need for negotiation - all you'd need to do is sign-up (possibly with your node id) and buy relevant tokenized API calls before the demand rises. It really wouldn't be too different than swing trading shitcoins on kyber/binance.

Most anons haven't done their homework yet and will be completely blindsided. They think it's just gonna be plug and play like mining. They think LP is gonna be their answer. LP will not be allowed to be more than 5% of the network. Or it defeats the whole purpose. Go look at a single API provider's index right now.


Each has its own pricing plan. You won't even be able to afford a couple. With CLC you'll be able to resell hundreds of them.

With the current neet model, you're absolutely fucked. Decentralization means you're little fishes in an ocean full of sharks. If you can't foresee how neets will need an intermediary between themselves and the data providers, it's time to wake up. Whales will fuck you over so hard with early reputation farming without a solution like CLC.

The recent nodary article alone should have made you realize how far ahead his thinking is. Making the nodes more secure while increasing token scarcity. Almost nobody picked up on the later.

Stay dense and keep falling for the whales and low iq fud though. A year from now you'll be biting your fingers from not listening and thinking properly.

>> No.13559687

You just mind-fucked me. Must find out more on the nodes. I see why the whales are so tight-lipped.

>> No.13559701

I'll wait for an API market place that isn't run by complete faggots. Can't believe I gave my info to that site.

>> No.13559752

Do you really think normies and NEETs wont be able to stake with CoinbasePool lmao

>> No.13559765

I'm using coinbase pool, signed up already. Fuck you teeemo and the rest of you spamming faggots, I hope clc fails

>> No.13559892

What is Coinbase pool and why haven’t I heard of it yet?

>> No.13560311
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>1 hobby node on old laptop with LP's free EaaS.
>1 node on AWS with Fiews EaaS (substitute with NaaS if it turns out great)
>keep up to date with your niche and temporarily subscribe to relevant APIs through honeycomb before the demand rises (assuming they can even get their softcap kek)

oh and make sure to put some in LP too, it's the only way for linklets to be stand alongside corporate AAA nodes.

This is quite a decentralized setup as you'd be covering all 'tiers' of data (hobby nodes for obscure, meme tier APIs, normal node for standard APIs/contracts, and LP for extremely competitive but highly lucrative contracts

>> No.13560616

That first laptop node, I assume it'll always be running, no? Where I live, we have power outages so I have to run on AWS. And I'm using Fiews EaaS.

>>13559671, Thanks for the link, I had no idea where I'm supposed to go for API providers so having some type of idea of what to look for is great.

>> No.13560644
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Also, obligatory,

And you I used these links to set up my node:


The first link is outdated and can't work following ad verbatim, but I still used it to get halfway and install certain packages (you gotta update them all) before switching to the main chainlink guide. I could use the main link guide but having pictures that show me what I'm supposed to be seeing lends a little more confidence.

>> No.13560872

Thank you!!

I'm getting started on this in the evening after work.

>> No.13560955


>> No.13561010

>LP will not be allowed to be more tan 5% of the network
iirc LP volunteers to ensure they never exceed 10% instead. 5% seems too low

>> No.13561050

Jonny will be the only trustworthy service for a good while. It's the only community-funded pooling service that was here since the very beginning.

same goes for honeycomb/ nodary if burak actually delivers

>> No.13561080

Burek must fire Timo, or will never get over that soft cap hump

>> No.13561432

How many LP and CLC to make it


>> No.13561457

there was a /cng/ that some anon was making trying to aggrigate that information
they haven't made it in awhile though

>> No.13561477

5 LP, 50k LINK, Fuck Timo

>> No.13561635

What is Coinbase pool though?

>> No.13561662
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Coinbase custody
I think they have tezos staking, or soon anyway
their dApp design is a total ripoff of linkpool, good laugh

>> No.13561836


>> No.13561954

dunk on em

>> No.13562017
