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File: 284 KB, 1264x1900, CC0F56DF-49B3-42A3-88EE-16C70AEC6FEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13558722 No.13558722 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing else matters. No one really gives a fuck about having a nice house of yacht or finances. In fact, I don’t even give a fuck about money.

Everyone only gives a fuck about these things to fuck bitches.

The reality is this: Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates and any of these rich tech people are not getting a lot of pleasure. Dan Bilzerian is.

He is fucking hot women day in and day out and those women are in fact literally paying him to fuck him and be in his social space and Instagram pictures. Meanwhile people like Jeff Bezos get stuck with one girl for thirty years.

Everyone knows this too. Which is why so many people hate on Dan. Because they’re jealous. Every single person on this earth would love to bang a hot chick every day. Everything else is a useless cope.

Every minute you spend not fucking a hot bitch is time wasted.

>> No.13558728

The only purpose and pleasure in life is to fuck hot chicks every day.


>> No.13558935

Would it be weird to pay a girl just to see one naked in real life and poke them with your finger and stuff

>> No.13558951

That woman isn't attractive, your post was too long and being famous is fucking gay.

>> No.13558960

he is literally depressed and miserable as fuck

>> No.13558962

>Everyone only gives a fuck about these things to fuck bitches.
Wrong, eventually you'll get sick of bitches too. He's just coping hard af. Just look at prime Mike Tyson interviews. At that time, there wasn't a woman on this planet that didn't want it fuck him and yet he was unhappy af.

>> No.13558996

t. 14 year old boy

>> No.13559004

Hedonistic treadmill. I don't think he's very happy. Raising a family and leaving a cultural legacy, like a useful company or a beloved work of art etc, give you pride and fulfillment. Endlessly fucking thots doesn't fill the spiritual void.

>> No.13559026

Yeah, because he was still a nigger, and he know it

>> No.13559054

Fucking without impregnating is literally pointless.

Fucking gets old, don't give a shit what anyone says especially no virgin cartoon porn watcher on 4chan. Eventually it becomes a chore and you're tied to your penis on a ball and chain needing to get your next moment of catharsis by fucking some worthless hole you feel nothing for. It becomes like masturbation except probably slightly healthier for you (mentally) than masturbation is.

Dan Bilzerian has no children, instead he fucks prostitutes (that's basically what they are regardless of whether or not he is paying them) and drives sports cars. He does stuff that a 16 year old would want to do.
The guys life is empty as fuck hence him doing what he does and throwing parties and all of that shit. It probably doesn't have to be, he could definitely use his time better than most people (since he has money) but he doesn't and hasn't.

Personally I don't even believe he lives like that, I think it's all just an Instagram business, but if he does live like that then I feel sorry for him

>> No.13559090

Okay, Justin Bieber then..

>> No.13559109

either good bait or a braindead poster.

>Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates and any of these rich tech people are not getting a lot of pleasure
wrong. you have no idea how satisfying it is to build something from nothing, and continue to grow year on year.

>> No.13559123

can confirm he does live like that, and he is absolutely miserable

>> No.13559130
File: 280 KB, 498x372, 7C2D5607-BE40-425C-93AA-8658954C32AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Dan is a coke addict and degenerate gambler... think he likes being pegged by his whores?

>> No.13559157

Well that's fucked up man

>> No.13559164

His needs are not necessarily your needs

>> No.13559291
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Dan Bilzerian's life is devoid of meaning and responsibility.

>> No.13559404

yeah our lives are full of meaning trading shitcoins

>> No.13559426

Yeah I'm pretty jelly, it would be a fun life.

I'm not jelly of the social side of it though.

>> No.13559441
File: 48 KB, 497x585, bananaiwata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking innumerable numbers of thots has put Dan at the top of the social hierarchy, but it didn't bring him happiness.

Long term if you are not happy, it's pointless to continue being a degenerate. However, if you just say "he's not happy" without having done the things he did yourself, it just puts you in the position of "jealous incel".

So actually what you need to do is emulate his behavior for a couple of years until it no longer becomes fun to do, and then find a way to achieve true long term happiness. Then if you say that his behavior does not result in any happiness (which is true), people will respect your opinion more because you've actually done the things he's done.

>> No.13559477

happy as a state of mind doesnt exist you brainwashed reets.

>> No.13559485

Dan is a total bro. Yeah he can be a tool sometimes but overall he's a pretty chill dude. The hate is just jealousy.

What baffles me though is how he can hang out with females all day long. It doesn't matter how hot they are that would drive me insane especially when they are all on the rag. Fuck.

>> No.13559497

90 IQ thread
let's go with simple words. try to follow along
zuckerberg, gates, bezos are very very rich
what stops them from doing anything?
if they wanted to hire the best escorts, they could
they could do that every single day, for the rest of their life
so what is the logical conclusion?
they don't do that because they don't want to
they don't do that because they've got something better
to intelligent people, the challenge of running a business successfully is a higher high
being surrounded by hot but vapid women is boring
consider the following, brainlet reader
you're about 90 IQ
an unironical retard is about 60 IQ
do you relate to retards?
do you like hanging out with retards? day in, day out?
probably not
now picture these rich, intelligent men
to them, the average escort is dumber than a retard is to you
another thing to consider:
the dumber you are, the more you enjoy physical activity
this includes sex. science proves it
this is because as you get smarter, you have more internal stimulations
for intelligent people, sex alone isn't mindblowing. sex + intimacy is what gets brainiacs hot and heavy. a high of the mind has to come with the high of the body
even for people like OP the dan bilzerian isn't all that, because you brainlets need guidance, structure
hence why you get depressed without a wagecuck job
and this is too many words already for the people who need to read it, so what's the point
have sex

>> No.13559531

Have sex

>> No.13559783

Can confirm my life is mostly about partying and whores and I feel horrifically unfulfilled. I can't get a proper job because I'm too old but I have a high IQ (srs) and was the best in my school at everything.

I've taken to paying for shit like language tutors just to make me use my brain once a week. I literally have a headache from not thinking.

>> No.13559799

Satisfaction is the death of desire

Desire - Happiness

A guy who can have anything by merely wishing it is an empty man

Which is why Dan Bizellerian is still begging for social media likes, and spergs out hard if anyone insults him on social media

He still desires the approval of strangers - even money cannot buy this

>> No.13559830

I'd also say fucking the same girl (one you think is perfect) and spending your life with her, having kids etc will bring you more happiness than fucking gold diggers

>> No.13559831

that is because he knows he is a peace of shit

>> No.13559846

This blowing away your daddy’s money on cocaine, hookers and gambling isn’t the postcard of happiness or the perfect life to anyone but a nigger.

>> No.13559894

OP is correct and everyone else posting in here is a coping virgin faggot with low t

>> No.13559898

He's still an Armenian manlet so no it's not perfect.

>> No.13559979

>What baffles me though is how he can hang out with females all day long
He hates it but he thinks that it's what he's supposed to do.

>> No.13560019
File: 8 KB, 299x299, vYCj0nv_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan Bilzerian leads an empty degenerate life. He's probably not smart enough to be self aware and realise that the girls he fucks do it for Instagram followers and money, and if he is then that's even worse; nothing beats having sex with a woman who actually wants to have sex with you for who you are, not your money or followers or any of that bullshit.

He's the 13 years old's idea of what a rich person lives like. He's going to either die or try and at one point settle down, only to go through divorce after divorce. I'd choose having a stable loving family and reasonable prosperity over his life any day. I'd do what he does for like a month or two, not make a fucking lifestyle out of it.

>> No.13560028

Being rich as fuck but having an average IQ must be awful because eventually you will get bored of having anything at anytime. Being a genius on other hand is a blessing because you will dedicate your entire life to something that only few people understand. Tbh I would rather be an erudite than rich even though I don't think a erudite will struggle financially since he would come up with something to get rich.

>> No.13560074

Most wealthy men do what Dan does.

They just don't post it online because they aren't attention-addicted retards.

Read "The Wolf of Wall Street" once you're into the tens of millions, thots and prostitutes come running. Smart men are able to enjoy it but keep that part of their life private.

>> No.13560083


What this guy said.

Sex with a woman who is fucking you so she can get something out of it, is terrible.

>> No.13560093

Dan is the embodiment of manlet cope

>> No.13560094

>Every minute you spend not eating is wasted
>Every minute you spend not getting wasted is wasted
>Every minute you spend not taking a really satisfying shit is wasted

>> No.13560128

no male friends
weak chin
has to pay to have roasties around
heart attacks from cocaine use
dead dad

>> No.13560382

Even though whiteboi doing it and all the whiteneets Wanna be him.

>> No.13560434

the ultimate red pill is having money not to satisfy desire but to eliminate problems

>> No.13560528

> thinking that hook ups happen for any other reason.

Unless you’re a cuck who enters a 20 year relationship with one woman, every time a woman is attracted to you it is because of your looks/money/status idiot.

>> No.13560593

That’s because NPC’s follow whatever the media tells them is cool as well as the urge to fuck lots of girls. 30-40 years ago they would all want to be James Bond because that was cool and portrayed as so, now with movies like wolf of Wall Street and NIGGER culture being shoved down our throats in every avenue of media take a guess at what the general population wants to emulate? Jackasses like Dan and whatever chimp is shucking and jiving for his Jewish masters to the tune they wrote for him in the spotlight this year.

>> No.13560691

He's 5'9" though.

>> No.13560772

Seeking external validation shows emptiness of mind and spirit. And that’s pretty much his whole schtick

>> No.13560829


Unless she's like a 7 or 6. Dan fucks 9's and 10's and they all want status/money/looks.

I'm pretty sure he caught on to girls using him to climb the social ladder i.e., Lindsey Pelas. He now has girls working directly for his company Ignite. People forget he's actually building a marijuana business. Heard it fucking sucks so far though.

>> No.13560877
File: 23 KB, 480x360, adaywithout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"A day without sex is a day wasted!"

>> No.13560900

That's not true. I want a big giant house, ride around in a limo sometimes, neat cars, first class flights, traveling around, and good food. And I want to share it with my senpai. Most importantly, I want to be drunk. On good wine and scotch. Every day. Making money is fuel for my alcoholism. But who wants to be a poor alcoholic, amirite?

>> No.13560987
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x1000, 1553954396492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met the guy at a Manhattan event. He's a really chill dude IRL, totally unlike his Instagram persona. But I can tell right off the bat that he's completely dead inside.
Ultimately, only a kid or someone with really fucked up views would want to live a life like that. Feel bad for him.

>> No.13561034

>be billionaire
>nobody really likes you, they just want to get close to you for social status and money
>can't develop deep meaningful relationships with anybody because the above
>all you can do is use it to your advantage and have thousands of short lived supericial relationships with a bunch of people that don't give a shit about you

yeah... no thanks

>> No.13561043

What is a strip club?

>> No.13561045

You make friends with other billionaires. It's the exact same reason why noblemen didn't hang out with commoners in the middle ages. Not that there was anything intrinsically wrong with commoners but they would never be straight with you man-to-man.

>> No.13561152

Honestly i got my fair share of average bitches and it got very boring. Like "WTF am i doing now?"

Fucking an extremely beautiful single women might be more satisfying.

Red pill is that it's harder to fuck 1 really really beautiful women than 10 average thots.

>> No.13561411

Not trolling. Knew a guy at my old job who was a man whore. He used to hit on clients and customers all the time and would be successful at it. The dude fucked well over 200+ club hoes and couldn't remember a lot of their names.

He's now married to a man. I honestly can't make this shit up. I haven't spoken to him since. We all think he just got tired of women and started banging guys.

I've been with a handful of women myself from different cultures. Honestly I'd rather bang a 6/10 that knows how to fuck then Stacy who just starfishes in bed. Quality over quantity

>> No.13561766
File: 19 KB, 500x312, 1557082058290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its other way around, you motherfucking clown-ass retarded bitch.

Bilzerian is fucking john and he is paying these whores to fuck them.

He is failure in everything in his life.

He was kicked out from navy seals.

He inherited the money from his father, did not win shit - everybody knows that this fucker cant play poker, DYOR.

He is taking pics with guns but when he experienced mass shooting he was first to run away - he was even livestreaming moment of shitting his pants.

He is strawperson (or layman if you like it better) for companies such as energy drinks or redneck/republican businesses. I'm pretty sure that if you would had enough money you could pay him to pose as your friend to make you look less loser in front of your loser retarded friends, OP.

If troll this post was 2/10 bc I answered.

Eat a dick, hoe.

>> No.13562454
File: 115 KB, 500x282, Stiffed_Vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very wrong. Pic related lives the perfect life.
> family
> degrees
> Patents
Everything else is just STIFF

>> No.13562553

I don't even have to read the thread and I know every single reply is going to be jealous Reddit cope.

>He is fucking hot women day in and day out and those women are in fact literally paying him to fuck him and be in his social space and Instagram pictures.
Dan bilzarian = king of /biz/

>> No.13562579



>> No.13562716

Have sex

>> No.13563375

Literally who

>> No.13563393

said like a true accountant

>> No.13563434

there's some hotties on 4chan, in the real though all the hot it tied to a radiator.

>> No.13563947

Dan doesn't have any purpose in life. He's likely to off himself. Look at all the bullshit he is into He isn't any better than the people you are talking about.

>> No.13564075

"friends" built on the premise of money are not genuine friends.

>> No.13564081
File: 464 KB, 1200x765, soap maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan Bilzerian tried to be a Navy Seal. He did not earn that distinction. Dan Bilzerian makes a show of playing poker. He hasn't studied the game or practiced enough to be a professional gambler. Dan Bilzerian makes a show of working out and improving his body. He doesn't have the discipline to be an athlete or a body builder. Dan Bilzerian pays a stable of models and porn stars to hang out with him. He is not profiting from this as Hugh Hefner or any other Pimp. Dan Bilzerian makes a spectacle on social media. He hasn't leveraged his minor fame to do anything meaningful.

As far as I can determine Dan Bilzerian is a poseur without the commitment to become good enough at anything to have any real accomplishments under his belt. He blows his money on hedonistic pursuits and purchases cheap fame in order to fill the void that comes from never doing anything of meaning with your life. Now what he's like behind the scenes I don't know. Plenty of rich international play boys have secretly been masked vigilantes, but I don't know Dan like that so I couldn't say. If he has some secret life then we are in no position to weigh its merits.

All of the things you admire about this man are nothing to be admired. They are the hollow trappings of hedonism. You perceive it as admirable because you are in the same pit that he is and you think that frivolous hedonism is a way to fill the void in your life where ambition and accomplishment ought to be.

>> No.13564099
File: 7 KB, 198x254, 2018-02-05-16-43-53-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. A man's got to live for something greater than himself. Bilzerian would never die to defend his cars, money, or women. With nothing to die for hes not truly alive.

>> No.13564115
File: 76 KB, 989x1000, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those women are in fact literally paying him to fuck him

>> No.13564136

lasting fullfillment, dude is not wrong here. real accomplishments give you the best feeling.
you gotta blend some short term fun with a long term mission that gives you purpose.

>> No.13564143

based & redpilled

>> No.13564165
File: 156 KB, 514x1024, 1533432662329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>4 results

the amount of incel beta male virgins in this thread is too damn high.

none of you fags would even have the social skills to last 5 minutes at this party. i am not saying i would either.

party starts @ 1:57:16

he has been building a person brand for himself for the past 5 years. now he can start any company he wants and have smart people run the whole thing. i guarantee his Ignite cannabis company is going to take off simply because his name is behind it

>> No.13564191

dude volunteer for a crypto project u like, take the initiative, get back into the game. join a shitcoin x project and work with the dev's. it's a start that can lead way higher ups later on

>> No.13564240


>> No.13564256

best post

>> No.13564266

The whole reason girls fuck him and the reason anyone knows who the fuck he is is because of his daddys money you low iq brainlet. Let me put this in terms you can understand... MONEY > EVERYTHING BESIDES YOUR HEALTH

>> No.13564273

I'd almost agree if he was 24 or something, but this guy is 40 fucking years old.

I used to think about how lonely he must feel but I concede that he's less lonely than I am. Still not jelly of him though. If I had the bankroll he inherited I'd rather live on Tristan da Cunha than fuck with coke and dumb roasties for the rest of my life.

I've partied at expensive clubs before where the people that do it as a lifestyle hangout. Shit gets so old after an hour I couln't imagine making a career out of it.

>> No.13564329

>> Wake up
>> Dye your beard

>> No.13564359
File: 57 KB, 517x462, 1556665971710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather hang out with you fags on here than party with those fake whores and rich fags.

>> No.13564360

>https://youtu.be/A6PnwCLxEIw?t=7034 [Remove]
kek look at these people being all impressed

>> No.13564438
File: 2.49 MB, 424x336, ezgif-2-e8e0a9b194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but this guy is 40 fucking years old.
fair point

>Shit gets so old after an hour I couln't imagine making a career out of it.
what if you were making $20million a year from it?

>> No.13564506


>all of that hand to head contact

This was arranged unless he's just really itchy.

>> No.13564552


Just kys already Dan no one cares.

>> No.13564559

Is it me or this party looks... Dead?
Ok, lots of chicks, drinks & swimming pools but...

>> No.13564577

his wife (does he even have kids?)
patents of microsoft power point clip art schematics (no application)

>> No.13564601


>> No.13564698 [DELETED] 

Why am I still watching bubblecuck drinking from a straw

>> No.13564716

crazy how the 'free market' doesn't really help with this at all.
kafka literally did this

>> No.13564828
File: 65 KB, 640x640, v1ipUPTuwCtLKiS6J3fguICdYRrw199u93u80LYC8zY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with your 100% on everything. Bilzerian is a God. You should have posted a hotter roastie though.

This image is Linsey Pelas. Bilzerian fucked her.

>> No.13565166

It’s nice seeing a Jewess getting defiled forever by a nigger instead of white women all the time here on cuckchan.

>> No.13565186

That nosejob is god awful. Just hack it off at this point disgusting.

>> No.13565817

that 'party' looks like an apple store...

>> No.13566450

What's his problem then, is he sterile?

With his money, many sane man would already have half a dozen children.

>> No.13566659

Low T incel

Why the fuck would you want kids? As soon as he has a kid he gets to start making large child support payments for at least 18 years.