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13535255 No.13535255 [Reply] [Original]

Im done. Would have to sell my Bags to somehow pay rent this month or get kicked out. 21 yo, got kicked out by parents at 18. Going to give my Stack of 2k Linkies away to some lucky anon. Killing myself when we hit 100 Viewers.

Any good Sites you can suggest? I think twitch would just ban me before i get to 100.

>> No.13535262

Do a flip faggot

>> No.13535264

Damn bro that’s fucked up hope all is well ... I’d gladly take your stack

>> No.13535275

im not jumping though

>> No.13535293

Don't do it anon, hang on to your stack and get help. Unironically, if you show up at a church and ask around for help in exchange for crap labor, you will have a roof over your head, food in your belly and prospects to improve your life in minutes.

>> No.13535311

holy shit this board is dead

>> No.13535318
File: 8 KB, 236x234, 47c0edb4f8e7eb20e3c91e8386787bc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know

>> No.13535325

fuck you faggot i tried to help your larp persona

>> No.13535342

sell your bags and pay your rent. some people don't have a place to live. stop being such a pussy. if you only have 2,000 Chainlink ERC-20 tokens chances are you will never "make it" anyway.

sell. cash out. stop looking at internet meme money. it wasn't for you, and was never going to save you.

>> No.13535350


>> No.13535356

oh geez here we go again, talking another anon down from suicide
Well anon, life has dealt you a card, who is to say this isn't the best thing that could ever happen to your otherwise mediocre life?

>> No.13535360

yeah join a cult that will help tons

>> No.13535380


>> No.13535398

Anon I'm good at reading people and reading in-between the lines I think you're suicidal probably.

>> No.13535403

He doesn't have to join, idiot. If you don't believe, it's just a word game that keeps you going while you work and look for a way out.

>> No.13535454
File: 41 KB, 720x402, IMG-20190425-WA0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holds LINK
>is going to kill himself before mainnet
Don't do it anon. You're at the bottom now, but that means you'll be on the way up very soon.
I've been there anon. Kicked out at 17. Slept in train stations and in trees for a year. Was all alone and at rock bottom and spent years there. Now I've got my own place, a soon to be wife and I've never been in a better place. I could have killed myself at the bottom, but I held out, and I wouldn't ever have made it so high without hitting the bottom first.
Anon, it gets better.

>> No.13535472

Alright you're not so bad, taking advantage of religious people is definitely something I can get behind.

>> No.13535490

Have you given up on life anon? You are only 21 years old, plenty of time to turn things around

>> No.13535559

>holds link
oh no
>"stack of 2k"
BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck link holders are easily the most braindead individuals on this board

>> No.13535740

If this is not a larp: don't do it. Things get better. Try to get out of your own head. Some people have it worse and you don't hear them complain about it. Go live your life. You've got nothing to lose and all to win.

>> No.13535752

Is the depression stage or despair? How do I profit off this?

>> No.13535759


>> No.13535840

i understand you and maybe would do the same in your situation idk
if youre willing to give me your stack you would atleast make another poorfag anon feel better but do what you want

>> No.13535854

also maybe go with a facebook stream? i dont know if they can ban you fast enough

>> No.13535904

pathetic little faggot you should kys instead of op

>> No.13535997
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1528880546001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe i will someday kek

>> No.13536017


>> No.13536087

Cmon anon rap with me here what's got you in a bind?

>> No.13536131

If not a larp, don’t do it. Oldfag here, sometimes in life an heroing seems like a good option. Ride it out, things actually get better.
Also, try church (not some cucked feel good mainline church either, find some old-school trad group.)

>> No.13536146

just like you will be soon:)

>> No.13536155

holy shit you are unironically retarded are you a nig from some shithole in africa or something??? gonna kill yourself over 2k link LOOOOOL fucking dumb nigger if you are from any 1st world country you should really kill yourself dumb nig just dump your LINKs pay your rent you make that shit back in a few months wageslaving even in mcdonalds

>> No.13536160

so what method ?

>> No.13536175

are you larping lad?

>> No.13536188

im an oldfag too. Learn from your hardships it will make you a tougher and more rounded person sooner than you think. Life is all ups and downs and the wise learn and embrace this. The climb is more satisfying than reaching the summit and in time you will know this. You have barely begun your journey. Accept and embrace the ups and downs, dont give up, you will be a better man for it.

>> No.13536201
File: 112 KB, 1026x730, ThornyVapidAztecant-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, we need you at the yacht party

>> No.13536211

Yes we need more linkers to penetrate each other when we hit $1000.

>> No.13536217

You won't do shit n i g g e r

>> No.13536852

pay it forward bro

>> No.13536984

Don't do it. Keep push on.

>> No.13537096

>everyone has infinite strength