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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 813 KB, 750x745, dashyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13526673 No.13526673 [Reply] [Original]

> it's 2016.
> The BTC camp is arguing over block size limit. This has been going on for a while.
> Dash being BTC based. Brings up the question for the DAO.
> 2 weeks later all votes are cast, consensus is reached. Block size is increased to 2MB.
> Meanwhile in the BTC camp: fast forward to 2017. They are still arguing about block size.
> BCH splits off causing a huge shit show. Will scale with increasing block size.
> BTC goes on to cripple itself as much as possible, prices to transact on BTC go up to $50. This could have been avoided.
> Satoj goes full retard and splits SV.

How anyone is still in the BTC camp is beyond my understanding of life

Pic related to story

>> No.13527093

Former Dash whale here.
That DAO is badly malfunctioning. I dumped my Dash in early 2018 when I realised no one participated in voting, and there was no discussion, just early founders with 1000s of masternodes who do whatever they want. But they were also completely incompetent degenerates. Only Ryan Taylor is halfway to competent but his hands are tied, its all he can do to keep up appearances as the slothful and arrogant pre-mine holders lurch the coin from one disaster to another. No developer is inspired to work on dash. They are just collecting cheques. No progress is ever made. We've been waiting on Evolution upgrade for 4 years. Always 18 months away, just like lighting.
The funding for projects get misappropriated and no one is inspired to build the dash ecosystem.
I switched to working on growing Bcash. At least there the community believes in their product and doesn't need anyone's permission to get things done.

>> No.13527107

you must be following a different dash cause the one I'm investing in is making good progress.

Also evolution will happen with the .14 update which is up next. so give or take a month or two. I suppose.

>> No.13527111

That seems like an honest and sad story.

>> No.13527113

> early founders with thousands of masternodes.

yeah well you r just being a liar now cause there has never been more than 5000 nodes.

>> No.13527135
File: 36 KB, 367x492, memefaillen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dash evolution repos have been made public. and its being rolled out, also recently they have added standard instant send and LLMQ. so you can instant send instant send transactions. no wait time in between..

> no progress.


just check this


nice try bcash shill. nice try.

>> No.13527241


>They are just collecting cheques


Alos founders premine scandal

Also its fucking deflaratory asset trying to be digital cash =everyone just bagholding

Also Venezuela people starving lets shill dash to "help them"

At this point i think tron is more legit than dash desu

>> No.13527272
File: 836 KB, 960x748, dasherino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> muh premine

all those coins were given away.
one of the reason that dash is so big right now is because the premine happened, and coins were handed out for free.

pic related is you

>> No.13527295


Every masternode project is scam or if not destined to fail I know i can't chandge your mind but i can sugest:

Go away to your plebit dash subredit pls

>> No.13527324
File: 57 KB, 645x729, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dash is 100 eur right now and one of the most reliable BTC based chains.

just fuck off with your trolling

>> No.13527331

Also its fucking deflaratory asset trying to be digital cash =everyone just bagholding

If you want to make better btc aka. digital money (wich pivoted to store of value meme for exact same fucking reson) at least try to incentivise ppl to spend....

Wtf is so hard to undesrtand here btw???

Are you fags economic illiterate?

I hope you have few masternodes and just shill your piramide ponzi to make profit because if you beleve THIS is future of money there is 0 chance for you

Same goes for nano fags btw...

>> No.13527335


Yes yes pls buy my bags sir

No for real fuck of to dash subplebit noone cares

>> No.13527342


I used dash instantSend to buy coffee.
BCH was also accepted in that store.
BTC was not.

fuck off pleb.

>> No.13527358


I used fucking air luft miles card at airport =airluft miles adoption inc.

Shit choice currency projects are DAO the strength of DLT is not replacing fiat for everyday transactionsthis isn’t 2013 anymore slowfag you’re a bit behind on this market


>> No.13527377
File: 70 KB, 952x624, lmaobiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye tardo

>> No.13527887

Hmm, I guess they did something. Delegated keys are nice. Now if only some of those retarded mass masternodes would delegate them to smart and competent community members who care if the coin is getting closer to it's vision of being digital cash.