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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13504959 No.13504959 [Reply] [Original]

71 year old who has been retired for a decade complains about upcoming cuts to his government pension while aboard his personal yacht.
>"The franking credit proposal is the most unfair proposal and hostile proposal I've ever heard of or seen in my life," Perth retiree Steve Gledhill told 7.30. "It targets entirely the wrong people. It sends entirely the wrong message and it's going to make life very difficult for a lot of people in the wrong category, when they should be enjoying life and should be left alone to do so."

Boomer "heartbroken" when his modest three-bedroom home, which he inherited from his grandparents (who bought it for 5,000 pounds), only gets an offer of $1.67 million.
>After the gavel fell, the agents managed to get the bidder up to $1.67 million, but it was still a way off the $1.75 million reserve. “Yes we are heartbroken,” Mr Kerr said. “We expected to get something more reasonable than this. This is garbage.”

>> No.13505084

I am all in on boomer hate threads but the yatch one is retarded.

A sailboat capable of circumnavigating and with 3 rooms , bathroom and things like that cost 5 times less than a 1 bedroom house in most cities.

That boomer did nothing wrong , he bought a yatch cheaper than a house and lived tere.

>> No.13505134

You're right cuck #notallboomers

>> No.13505150

this, real estate is a meme

>> No.13505167

>thinking he lives on his boat

>> No.13505180

Look at his ugly smug face, baby boomers were a mistake. Imagine having your parents and grandparents fight world wars and those who were lucky enough to survive provide everything and spoil the shit out of baby boomers post war eras. Fucking disgraceful all generations past that had to struggle more and more, not with blood but with labor for jobs all the way to current zoomers.


>> No.13505203
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>We expected to get something more reasonable than this. This is garbage.




>> No.13505208

>A sailboat capable of circumnavigating and with 3 rooms , bathroom and things like that cost 5 times less than a 1 bedroom house in most cities.

What are maintenance costs?

>> No.13505245

Just to clarify, they own their own house AND a yacht. They don't live on the boat.

And these articles aren't satire, they are real, even though they read so much like parody they could literally word-for-word be posted on theonion.

>> No.13505290
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At least those boomers own something.

>Mfw grandparents have squandered the wealth they managed to accumulate.
>Went from owning multiple homes to living on rent and having to work in their 70s
>Earn low 6 figures but waste it on retarded excessive rent and lavish lifestyle. They live paycheck to paycheck.
>Have zero savings, no assets and no concept of them not being able to work in the future so they refuse to save.

It's insane how out of touch with reality these people are. Their bodies are already starting to give out and they still can't imagine that saving money would be important.
Without a doubt I'm going to start receiving messages from them to take care of them when they're too feeble to work.
Fuck that. They put more money into feeding birds in a month than what I've gotten from them during my lifetime.

The entitlement is off the charts with these people.
It's like some global mental illness in that generation that has completely fucked up their perception of reality.
Worst part is that they see themselves as the hardest working paragons that have ever graced this earth.

>> No.13505337
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>> No.13506175

The British are particularly bad in this way

It's simply unbelievable to me when I watch this videos of British Boomers utterly unashamedly talking about how budget cuts in their gay little pensions are "unfair"

In America at least the boomers still dress up their entitlement with their lifetime of "hard" work and rely on their huge heap of mile-high asset prices that they sit on
But holy fuck it's like in Britain they are all now the spoiled children of the men who built the empire

>> No.13506654
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Serious question, what's going to happen once the boomers all die out? Is gen X going to be worse at being our out-of-touch overlords? Who's going to inherit all of those McMansions? The banks who gave them reverse mortgages?

Just wondering what the fuck I'm supposed to do, buy into an obviously over-inflated real estate market or just wait for the fucking boomers to die.

>> No.13506673

Why the fuck would you assume he lived on it?

>> No.13506723

Gen-X are the fucking opposite of boomers. We had to grow up with these people as our parents. When I inherit my parents McMansion, I am going to sell it and buy some land in the middle of nowhere and build a log cabin. I will survive mostly on hunting/fishing/gathering.

>> No.13506738

Animals feel pain just like you faggot

>> No.13506745

I'm a millennial and had really shitty boomer parents, the kind that did drugs and never saved a dime or any assets to pass onto me, at least you get a cardboard McMansion as a consolation prize

>> No.13506782

Fuck boomers.

>> No.13506799

Fuck boomers

>> No.13506816
File: 375 KB, 503x720, Screenshot from 2019-05-03 01-19-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when do the Boomers find out the American economy has irreversibly collapsed and their retirement money is pisswater

>> No.13506826

Hopefully soon so they can live long enough to reap what they've sown

>> No.13506870

At this point I basically have given up and decided to wait until I retire before buying a house. The job market is too unstable, you have to be ready to move at all times, especially once the upcoming market crash happens.

As far as McMansions go, they'll probably end up in the hands of all the H-1B Indians in STEM jobs since they'll be the only ones earning any meaningful income pretty soon. Either that or more people will buy into the group living meme and live six to one McMansion, but you'd need for HOA's to die off for that to happen.

>> No.13506919

I thought you guys were joking about boomers but every single stereotype about them is 100% true. They buy houses and expect to flip them for profit when maintenance costs start piling up. They sincerely price their shanty town decrepit homes at millions of dollars and just want to move to a new abode, leaving the home buyer with the bag.

>> No.13507017
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>Inherit the strongest and most robust economy in the world
>Parents fought hard in WW2 and struggled to give you a life they could never have
>Saved money dilligently in order to provide a nice inheritance and a home for you when they pass on

>"My house is my retirement"
>"I worked hard for everything I have"
>Just get a degree, all of them are good
>Follow your heart and the money will follow
>"What college fund? Just take out student loans and pay them all back once you get a good paying job with that English degree"
>"Sorry, all applicants must have a masters degree and at least 10 years experience" (even though an 8th grader could do the job)
>Proceed to wipe their ass with the world and squander everything their parents and long line of ancestors left for them and keep everything artificially propped up just long enough so that they will not be alive once it all crashes and burns

>> No.13507092

Dude, my younger brother is a millenial. When I was growing up, we were dirt fucking poor. We used to roam dirt roads for beer bottles people through out of their cars to turn in for money. I got all my clothes from goodwill and my Dad joined a cult called The Jehova's Witnesses. It is only after I got kicked out of the house at 18 that my parents started making money. So, yeah, I deserve that McMansion more than my spoiled millenial brother.

>> No.13507101

just import initie nigs, asians and pajets to buy it all

>> No.13507180

I finally got a job making 60k and my grandpa asked me if I can buy a house now (California). When I laughed and told him no, he asked me, "well then what are you going to do?"