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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13493311 No.13493311 [Reply] [Original]

How did he create btc without knowing how to code?

>> No.13493322

There is no evidence he doesn't know how to code. I think he actually teaches programming in university.

>> No.13493325

Faggot priviledge and shitposting

>> No.13493328

He says he has taught C++ courses, but he's obviously lying.

>> No.13493330

He just said in a stream he can't code.

>> No.13493331

checked. its true. the v0.1 code was awful shit. just designed with crappy windows specific garbage and riddled with bugs. Its amazing Dave and Craig got it working at all considering their limited coding experience.
In fact after the genesis block was mined, the entire network went down because of patch tuesday. the retards had all the nodes on windows. took them a week to get the network running again, lol
eventually they got hal finney involved and he cleaned up some of the code, and then guys like mike hearn and gavin got involved

>> No.13493339
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A group created bitcoin.

>> No.13493356

He is a full blown psychopath who thinks he has everybody fooled. In his limited understanding of anything he thinks that he is in the clear to claim that he is satoshi because he thinks that the real Satoshi is dead because if he was him then he'd be sure to claim the fame.

>> No.13493390

And the guy after craig spoke said happy craig spoke the whole time because he left two speaks in the middle of the speaks earlier today, sounds stable guy, buy bsv folks buy it.

>> No.13493664
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By lying. Remember! It’s not illegal to tell fibs

>> No.13493789

yes, Nick & Szabo

>> No.13493903

he paid pajeets on fiverr

>> No.13493917

Is gavin or mike now using the alias _unwriter?

>> No.13493939

how do you know so much..

>> No.13493950

WinAPI still requires skill. It's not a piece of cake. You don't have to be a veteran industry programmer, but you can't be a noob either.

>> No.13493971

jesus christ why do I own this shit
I fell for the store of value meme

>> No.13494195
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It's all in the public domain if people bothered to research for themselves and apply critical thinking.

>> No.13494221


>> No.13494272 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-05-02-08-48-58-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably mike hearn. Unwriter and mike have a medium article each that reads very similar and i think mike was a gun js programmer. Apparently there's shitloads more development ready to be released too.

>> No.13494288

It looks more like it's mike.

>> No.13494305


>> No.13494738

I've looked at the v0.1 code on it's not awful at all. And I've seen a lot of terrible C++ at my job.

It sure is not terribly pretty, but workmanlike. It does look like something that wasn't written by a professional coder but more like something from a dedicated hobbyist. Probably not an academic crypo expert, it's way too Windows centric for that.

I'd bet on Dave Kleiman.

>> No.13494778

So now i have a question to SV defenders, i never cared about the shitshow about this guy, but as far as i know SV is more scalable than btc...

IF..! And only if, tomorrow the financial system colapse, could SV provide all of the world transactions?

Asking for a friend.

>> No.13494847
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hm Mike Hearn, might make sense if he was _unwriter.

here's a good article where mike predicts in 2015 what would happen when blocks get full (pic related):

and here's why why he finally left bitcoin:

BTC supporters are those that should read these links the most but they won't.

>> No.13494871
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(forgot to add source into the image, fixed)

>> No.13494914


Have you looked at the pre release code? 0.0.9 I think

>> No.13494941
File: 117 KB, 1200x800, 1556062663625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sirs gigameg blocks will scale infinitely because sirs won't want to buy pentabyte harddrives every month to run full nodes, so it can be fully centralized by coingeek. We will restore satoshis vision of seamless digital cash and be better than credit cards sir.

>> No.13494943
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not yet but neither could PayPal or Visa. the dream is global censorship-resistant cash but it won't happen overnight. as bitcoin gets more and more adoption it will get more and more resources to handle demand, as long it isn't held back for no reason as with BTC.

does this friend of yours happen to have a big nose by any chance?

>> No.13495041

No it couldn't yet but no one is claiming it could. With 2GB blocks it would be 8k tx/sec but once the teranode project is up and running that will be 8million tps. They are going for 2GB in July and uncapped by feb next year.