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13476415 No.13476415 [Reply] [Original]

Is karma even real?
The extremely rich and powerful like the Rockefellers or Soros are pieces of shit for example
What gives?

>> No.13476438

>Is karma even real?

Its only real in the sense that if you're good to those around you, you can generally receive good back. You're still going to get mugged and stabbed in an ally though.

>> No.13476442

Good question. I think karma is real to a certain point. I must have bad karma right now cuz I can’t seem to catch a break. Somethings gotta give, this shit is getting tiresome

>> No.13476483

Define good karma
Now define bad karma

Define good pizza
Then define bad pizza

Karma is hippy speak for luck

>> No.13476489

>soros and rothschilds are evil
I'm starting to question everything

>> No.13476501

to understand karma requires a shift in perspective about what you consider to be "me" or "myself". if you think of yourself as your current body and mind, karma will not make sense to you. if you can start to think of your real self as the knowing, the experience, then you will see that the same "you" is looking out of the eyes of other people, of people in the past, and people in the future.

imagine you run a factory, and knowingly pollute a nearby river, and use the money you save to insulate yourself in a mansion, and to pay lawyers to protect you, and you live like hugh hefner until the age of 100. in the old way of thinking, it seems like karma didn't work. but in the other way of thinking, the guy who polluted the river is actually the same guy who is in the emergency room with his sick child who was poisoned by pollutants in the river.

that is to say, if you can make the perspective switch from thinking that "you" are this body and mind to the way where "you" are experience itself, it becomes clear that the bad actions of the rich guy who lived in the mansion translated directly to his own suffering later when his child was sick. it becomes clear why you can never expect to escape a single second of suffering caused by your bad actions.

>> No.13476506

what type of pizza? :O

>> No.13476507
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Everything is energy fren. All we are, everything we experience with our 5 senses and every thought that comes through our minds is nothing but electrical impulses travelling through our brains fren.
Energy is never destroyed, it is simply converted. Do you really think that electrical energy that passes through your brain simply vanishes upon death? No fren, it is converted and passed on through the bacteria that consumes your flesh when you die. Karma will indeed come for these people fren.
You may not believe it but reality as we experience is nothing but a prison fren. You are stuck in a prison of flesh and blood roaming the 3D universe until you are set free at time of death. We are all energy fren and when the time comes and we are no longer stuck in these meat sacks you will have all the time in the world to harass the big tiddy anime babes that refused you the sexe fren.
Our time will come fren. I refuse to let the Rothschild, Rockefellers and Soros' get all the big tiddy anime girls in the 4D universe.

ps fuck you reddit, stop stealing my greentexts you vegan poofs, we are not your frens

>> No.13476513
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>Is karma real ?
Not sure, I've seen evidence both ways. I think ultimately sometimes the stochasm of the universe can be perceived as the manifestation of karma as well as random events.

What is real is primal law. Primal law, darwinian games whatever you want to call it is the idea that we are all just animals clawing our way to be the peak animal. Unfortunately for us, the apex predators of planet Earth have already been established, thousands of years ago. The elite of this planet constitute a different species of humanity at this point. The most alpha lion or tiger in the wild is seen by us as majestic. Is it subject to karma, given unfavorable fortune and smited due to it naturally expressing its dominance ?

It's a hard pill to swallow; the fact that we are an enslaved, imprisoned, neotenized, farmed and controlled subset of hominid existence. It's just that typically we observe dominance in the wild in terms of raw capability of muscles to inflict destruction. However, the apex predators in the age of symbols are as a slightly different breed. Power and dominance in that epoch of hominid existence was taken by those with the highest iq + propensity to use that iq for pure social dominance. Money, religion, sex, time and other resources were basically taken over forever once the knowledge of how to do so was created.

Want to know an interesting fact ? Any competence hierarchy distribution always ends up more or less the same way: 90% of resources go to roughly 10% of participants in whatever game. So imagine that there is a subset of hominids thousands of years ago that figures out what the rules of the most important darwinian games are and then figures out how to transmit that knowledge throughout the epochs. Imagine also that these hominids invented the earliest form of cryptography, literary cryptography. Combined with a unique language where the letters are symbolic and each letter also corresponds to a number, an entire book was written..

>> No.13476517

This. It always comes back in one form or another.

>> No.13476546

karma is real but ONLY WHEN IT HAPPENS
what I mean by this is that for an event or happenstance to be considered as karma it has to already happened or is happening at the moment. "potential" karma doesn't exist. saying "karma is a bitch" to someone as if to warn them of an expected karma result from something they did, assumes the action they did was wrong and that it'll back fire on them, however you don't KNOW if what they did is wrong because you are not an all knowing being. karma is real but not in the same sense as objects or experiences are real.

>> No.13476555


except people who do evil don't love anything so make them suffering through their love of others doesn't make sense at all

it seems you haven't ever lived with a psycho, they don't care about anything, the only way to punish a psycho is to make them suffer directly

your view of karma would only work through people who aren't psycho at all who obviously wouldn't commit to do evil knowingly

>> No.13476579

No, Christians realize this and cop out by deciding the good/bad things happen after you die.

>> No.13476586
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and the lessons of that book were further encrypted not only with gematria and astrology but with various levels of meaning: allegorical, literal, homoletical, exoteric and esoteric. The deepest esoteric meanings were in fact preserved orally only and the true private key to unlocking the book. However, this encryption is not anything like the algorithms we have today such as SHA 256 or 512 or quantum encryption schemes. So, this knowledge is able to revealed to those not in the original lineage. The blackpill is that the more this type of knowledge is understood, the more the learner understands that it is unassailable - imagine that the gazelle suddenly learns the lioness' secrets...it just does not make a difference. The gazelle is still prey to the lioness. The whitepill in all this is the most spectacular realization I can share with you frens:

>ethics were invented as a weapon to control people
>morality is entirely relative and derived from primal law:good is proportionate to the benefit in resources for you and your lineage
>You don't have to already be an apex predator of humanity to wield primal law
>you simply become a sociopath and manipulate all in your path toward your own end
>this doesnt mean you hurt people or do evil, it just means you put yourself first and are not afraid to lie or otherwise deceive if it brings you more benefit than not doing so
>lying is just one small example of all the possible mechanics of human interpersonal action you can twist to your benefit
>the world is not a safe comfy place, your life, safety and happiness are on the line at all times
>lack of awareness is vulnerability

The point is that you might as well be like the people on top and get as many people under you as possible. There's no need to vocalize this nor make it obvious however ; )

Decide what you fear more: vague karmic repercussions that the identities that control you put in your head or not achieving your endgame.

>> No.13476589
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Unironically read the bible anon.

>> No.13476594

Bloodline families trace back to Cain, son of lucifer. This is his world. Man was made in the image of his vain show. Yahweh's flock are exiles here.

Going whole hog Service To Self v. Service To Others continuum is why the sex magic pedo adrenachrome memes are so powerful. Also consider that those bloodline families are merely vessels for demons who are passed down through the generations, as to not die like a man. An attempt to delay being judged and cast into the lake of fire. They are acutely aware of thier fate. Mocking man is really all they have. The world is an idol, service to self materialist hierarchicalism is an idol. They rule over an illusion that smells like shit.

Kamma is a discussion more to do with explaining why they most ascetic are not fully enlightened as a result of their achieving full cessation from the world. Why the middle path is so narrow.

>> No.13476597

karma isnt real.
if Karma were real, then evil rich billionaires wouldnt exist or their lives would be hell,lots of family grief and morning,
but its not like that, they have the best of everything.

then we go on the opposite end
the teacher who helped all her students,beloved by her students, get preggers and has a still birth labor.

karma is just the inability to inoculate yourself from bad consequences

>> No.13476603

no proper christian believes in Karma

>> No.13476611

there is no need to punish a psycho, she will die alone and the tremendous fear that will arise in the last breath.. it more than enough.

>> No.13476626

When things come back to bite your ass immediately, when (percieving) karmic response from universe is not delayed, it means one is near to the middle way. That this teaching tool of beating mind against something harder as to sharpen it is sincerely the greatest gift in this school. How long being trapped in this snare of living, dying, and forgetting, does it take to be able to see/hear/know The Living Word.

>> No.13476641



what are you implying

>> No.13476682

It takes dying to find out. You ready?

>> No.13476696
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Not in the sky, nor in the midst of the sea,
Nor by hiding in a mountain cave:
No place on earth is to be found
Where one might escape one’s wicked deeds

>> No.13476699

>Imagine also that these hominids invented the earliest form of cryptography, literary cryptography. Combined with a unique language where the letters are symbolic and each letter also corresponds to a number, an entire book was written..

most of them are mutts and don't even know how to read their own language. there's plenty of evidence they don't have absolute control as well.

as for karma and the OPs question of whether or not it exists I can say that if you have a guilt based morality as opposed to one based on others shaming you for your wrongdoings it definitely does.

>> No.13476719

Karma is a story told to children to keep them in line, same as hell. Bad people get away with things most of the time. There's no such thing as cosmic justice and you enable bad people to get away with more by believing in it.

>> No.13476771

Relative Privation is a fallacy, not an argument. This is the discursive defense of Moral Relativism, a Satanic Ideologoy.

>> No.13476808

Social Darwinism is Satanic ideologoy.

>> No.13476919
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Karma is a Ponzi scheme. You create good karma by helping people, helping the environment, etc. It will inspire some people to do the same or help you in return in the times of need. But, most of the time people just take advantage of your good will. You might eventually come up a situation where you just starve to death or die horribly without getting any of the benefit of karma.

>> No.13476981

Using the the historic and cultural role of Christianity to push Christian faith is dishonest and misleading.
Fire literally made us human, doesn't mean it's more appropriate than a stove

>> No.13476990
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>> No.13476992
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>You're still going to get mugged and stabbed in an ally though.

>> No.13477113

endgame is to quit this stupid planet

buddhism, astrology, numerology, judaism and any other world describing discipline just explains how fractals of nature / evolution work. if you dive a bit deeper to Jung or any author books about subconscious you'll find out that our "mental" plan is very influenced by external events which current western science can't explain but at same it perfectly fits to what was described 5000 - 10000 years ago in ancient asian books

if (You) want to betray laws of nature and try to escape yourself (by flying to mars, in example) you have not much chances against universe

eventually all of you will be fucked when another world war / natural disasters will start

why you treat only yourself but not world around you where you actually live, idiots. instead of enjoying life you spend it in wars and slavery dreaming to build yourself a bunker to destroy the world from it

deep trouble, so many lies

>> No.13477504
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everything is working perfectly as intended.

>> No.13477511

Tell us more. What books do you recommend and where does it say that in regards to 400-5000 years ago?

>> No.13477626



>What books
Pretty much everything from Carl Gustav Jung. He has tons of sources varying from 15-20 century to ancient things like "I Ching" book which is like 3000 years old at the moment. Basically Jung just spend whole his life reading and analyzing hundreds of books of all cultures all across the globe. I can give you exact books I've read but I'm not sure if they are available in English, it's not my native language. So, I would just refer to Jung since he's well known for good reason (he's like 100x better than Freud or other scammers to whom many refer when people say they know "something" about psychology)

To explain my background, I've been studying psychology as hobby for like 5-6 years and seen enough of western stuff, alongside with this I had friends who were in astrology and other esoteric stuff. At some point I kinda gave up and decided to switch direction to look what else this world can offer, and was surprised.

Many things which modern science still can't formulate into words to make experiment are actually described in very old books like mentioned "I Ching" / Dao / Vedas (there are many Vedas, they just don't care, they don't have a god or sins, and only talk about concept of nature. Yes, Vedas are from India if you mind). Zoroastrian / Avestic stuff is also very interesting (it's more about astrology which also has hundreds of sub-disciplines)

Thing is, what we have today as modern civilization isn't first time in human history, it goes in cycles, and there are 2000 year cycles (it is amount of time it takes to "universe" to come through one zodiac sign in terms of evolution) and there are mezo cycles which are about 180-280 years. If you will look at history timeline looking at planets at same time you will find many surprises, and also have some idea of where we are heading to right now :^)

>> No.13477652

Go on... who are this subset of hominids? Ayylmaos? Jews?

>> No.13477719


Another thing is, every well developed nation / civilization in any period of history eventually came up with exactly same observations about universal laws of nature / universe and made monumental works based on their knowledge. This explains pyramids, jew star, eye of god concept, also many other well known images of "secret knowledge" which is often illustrated with psychedelic fractals, which you can find not only in internet memes but also in churches, in places where people do meditation / yantras / retreat / shamanism / spiritism practices

If you will spend some time you will find out that all these (christians, muslims, buddhists, astro guys, you name it) are about exactly same thing - chemically speaking you consist of stardust and was given a birth by this planet, Earth. All you have is your spirit. When you will become dead, what will change? Your body is still the same, what has gone? Spirit.

What is spirit?
Well, it's up to you to find out if you have one :)

Just think for a minute if you have young souls in your circles. Think about these people, maybe this is why they act this way? Vice verse, think about people around you who act different, could you say that they are old / elder souls? Does it explain a lot from this perspective?

In all continents and cultures people were studying this part of life and came up with different conclusions, wrote monumental books about it. When they found out what universe wants from them, empire collapsed, people set free from this planet, and demon of greed assaulted another continent, another culture, another empire was built. Try to draw parallels between Roman Empire and what US is doing now. Don't compare, just draw parallels and look how code works. And take a look at Dao philosophy, just for curiosity.

Also, fun fact, (((math))) was born when people were watching sky, and they needed to explain all crazy concepts they saw there. Now look around, first world lmao, zombies, you know nothing

>> No.13478841

karma is for coping faggots who are to weak to change anything

if god defines good and evil under productivity, intelligence, discipline and wisdom, then rockefellers or soros would be saints while common men are evil

>> No.13478883

Karma is a chink meme to keep the gullible masses in check

>> No.13478891

A psycho does not care about your feelings about what you think their thoughts and feelings will be in their last moments. This whole world is a fucked up neverending spiral of despair and your are just like any other psycho out there attempting to sugar coat their experience to avoid the real truth that we are nothing but rotting flesh ready to go back into the ground. KEK--- this is just one way to look at it. I think psychos suffer greatly internally and just don't want to kill themselves as that would be stupid.

>> No.13478928

Karma is what India's aristocracy uses to subdue the dalit shit tier caste by making them think that they deserve it for actions in a past life. It's a fucked up culture and a bastardization of religion.

>> No.13479384

>based and dmt-pilled

>> No.13479419
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>> No.13480410

This but ironically

>> No.13480614

its just energy passing on from 4chan to reddit fren

>> No.13480628


>> No.13481936

Karma is real, is it cause and effect on a universal level. Free will is also a thing and as long as you do not oppose free will, you probably won’t incur bad karma. All of us willingly accept everything that these “evil” people offer us through contract law, whether we realize it or no. They play by the rules, we don’t even know the rules.

>> No.13482249

>Define good pizza
Pizza without pineapple
>Then define bad pizza
Pizza with pineapple