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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13424357 No.13424357 [Reply] [Original]

>friend asked me if he can borrow $5k last year
>we agree on a 5% interest
>he pays me back the loan but without interest
>tells me I am the one who should be ashamed that I want the interest outta friend
>tell him we agreed on this
>he argues that he wouldn't want interest from me etc

I loaned him the money without any contract, we just talked about it in front of one friend (so I have 1 witness). Can I succeed if I take this to court or not?

>> No.13424369

Just be glad you got the money back. Never loan money to friends.

>> No.13424374

>Can I succeed if I take this to court or not?
I know this cemented this is a troll thread but I'll say it for anyone lurking: Never loan your friends money, or anyone other than blood relatives you trust

>> No.13424388

Take some of his assets to equal repayment.

>> No.13424394

>be burger
>"""""friends""""" fuck you over out of your hard earned wagie shekels
>try to confront them about it
>get shot

>> No.13424397

You fucking kike bag you should never charge interest on a loan

>> No.13424404

>loan money to friend
lelelel whats wrong with you

>> No.13424428
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Who can be behind this post

>> No.13424432

This guy seems like a faggot but it wouldn't be worth your time, effort or the money to take him to court, not by a long shot. Let it go and be thankful you got the money back at all. I've lent more than that distributed across more people and I've never gotten it back.

>> No.13424448

>Just be glad you got the money back
5% on 5000 is what 250 just be happy you got 5000 back and never do this again

>> No.13424461

Explain to him that the money he gave you is worth less than the money you gave him, because while he had your money The Fed was printing shiny new dollar bills every second of every day and devaluing the existing currency. 5% therefore represents not you making profit from him, but him repaying the worth of the loan. If he doesn't understand this then ask him for a 5,000 USD loan over 50 years at 0% interest and hold him to the fact that he "wouldn't want interest from you"

>> No.13424469

loand 3.5k to a friend
never saw it again
you should be happy and never loan again without a contract

>> No.13424487

are you a jew or what

>> No.13424524

>are you a jew?
>did your friend a jew?
>are you a muslim?
>muslim did not sucks peoples blood

>> No.13424541
File: 55 KB, 866x1300, paydenbts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for debt recovery, buddy

>> No.13424547
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>just run a high risk charity for no benefit

>> No.13424578

This >>13424461
either that or just don't be a slimy fuck. If you're seeing that money come back at all you should just be happy that you have honourable, dependable friends. Most people would never see that money ever again.

>> No.13424592

lawyer here, assuming what you tell is ture you have an oral contract you just need to prove it. probably your friend won't deny it so that is that. you also would be a massive idiot suing a friend for 250 bucks. the system isn't build for small fishes like you.

>> No.13424602

>Borrow 30k from friend at 5% in 1960
>buy house
>2019 friend asks for money back with interest
>"Come on man I wouldn't charge you interest"
>Sell house for 400k
Pure profit

>> No.13424609

If you're a beta like myself, treat this as a finished test of character of your friend. From now on assume he is a untrustworthy piece of shit. Tell everybody what happened so that his reputation will sooner-or-later crush him (won't work if you're at the bottom of the social hierarchy).
If you have some confidence in you, ask him
>Are you saying that I shouldn't put any trust into your words?

>> No.13424637

>the system isn't build
wew lad, good luck to the big fishes with lawyers like you around

>> No.13424862
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>I loaned him the money without any contract

>> No.13424922


>> No.13424945

He’s right. Fuck you, jew

>> No.13424983
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usury is a sin you fucking kike.

>> No.13425139



A few years back my dad loaned a friend $25k. He had known the friend for 10 years. The friend left town and never paid my dad. Shit was crazy.

never loan money between friends, but if you must you write up a contract and have them sign it.

Just be glad you got the money back. Now don't be friends with him now.

>> No.13425153

Quit being a jew. If you take that interest from him, he's no longer your friend.

>> No.13425217

You just got counter jewed

>> No.13425222
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>> No.13425249

An agreement is an agreement. A man is only as good as his word.

Be a good friend and hold him accountable. You must convince him to be as good as his word.

It's not about the amount of money. It's about the principal of the thing. If he said he was going to pay you the interest then he must.

>> No.13425446

explain to him that inflation eats 4% of your purchasing power a year

you effectively lost 4% of your purchasing power on that 5k, on top of the opportunity cost form not investing it, your friend is going back on his agreement

jsut be happy you got your money back, never lend any money unless you have a firm contract, even then why would you unless it was a business proposition

eat the cost, move on

>> No.13425579

>Just be glad you got the money back. Never loan money to friends.
this. never deal with money and friends.
never mix money and family either (unless you are helping them for altruistic reasons)