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File: 4 KB, 200x200, xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13390776 No.13390776 [Reply] [Original]

Will this shit ever go up? I still have like 3k ;_;

>> No.13391154

Probably but noone knows when or by how much (just like any other coin)

>> No.13391360

Probably the safest hold after BTC.

Too many legit partnerships so unlikely to fail any time soon.

>> No.13391385

I think so but you probably have to be patient, it usually spikes suddenly like crazy

>> No.13391391

first they shill, then they cry
always buy the TOP

you should have bought iex.ec lmao
always do what white biz says...

weekly reminder I bought for under a cent in 2017 and made all the money there was to be made. more than 589 from now. so it's over.

>> No.13391400

mfw this number is indicative of what my stack was like. cope, xrp virgins. you wasted 2018 thinking about delusions and jesters. I was in japan.

>> No.13391426

No one has any interest in XRP, it’s just a souvenir for Ripple Labs fanbois

>> No.13391547

€10 is doable if Evertons testing it actualy uses it. But €1 is a huge hurdle on its own

>> No.13391552

uses it how exactly? you do realise that the fabled xRapid, the ONLY product of Ripple that uses XRP, is basically wash trading, don't you? How's that going to push the value anywhere? Normies don't buy the news or rumours anymore

>> No.13391696

Will you be happy with $12k+ next bullrun?

If the answer is no, sell.

>> No.13391718
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>> No.13391719

xrp holders are traitors

>> No.13391791

>I made money with this coin so for EVERYBODY IN THE PLANET IT'S OVER

I bet you have an IQ of 1 trillion, don't you?

>> No.13391823
File: 38 KB, 1080x284, Screenshot_20190421_122933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13391890

Total useless money for a bump, dump it ASAP and take some serious token

>> No.13391945
File: 89 KB, 757x750, xrp-standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well known fact that Ripple employees have been dumping explaining the downward pressure pressure every time XRP tries to move up this year.

David Schwartz has moved around ~3 Million XRP to Coinbase in the past several days:


Another Ripple employee has moved 7-8 Million XRP to BitThumb, GateHub, etc in the past several days:


What is scary is there were billion XRP dumps in January and February 2018 like for example this wallet dumped OVER 1 BILLION XRP on exchanges.


>> No.13392114

>Too many legit partnerships

>> No.13392348

3k is nothing...

If you were smart you'd start accumulating as soon as it hits .29 again thanks to people selling for BAT right now

>> No.13392436

XRP hit over 3$ on speculation alone.

Plenty of new partnerships + XRapid live it will likely hit new ATH ($4+) so your stack x $4 = $12000 minimum.

>> No.13392439

New ATH by end of july. Has never been out of question.......

>> No.13392466
File: 368 KB, 900x1000, xrapidscam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> XRapid live



Meanwhile, Ripple employees continue dumping.

>> No.13392476

Anyone selling XRP at these prices are dumb as fuck and will commit suicide when it pops up...look at the XRP/BTC ratio you fucking noobs...it always reaches its lowest point before exploding up to its highest you fucking gullible tards...LOOK at its historical...all of crypto is a scam so you might as well put money into the best scam

>> No.13392516

This. It follows Bitcoin. When Bitcoin reaches new highs, xrp will reach new highs.

>> No.13392539
File: 8 KB, 234x216, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Anyone selling XRP at these prices are dumb as fuck and will commit suicide when it pops up

When I realized that XRP was all marketing and had zero use case, I sold all my XRP at $0.36 on December 23rd and bought BAT at $0.14. Do the math. You are the fucking gullible tard and it'd help if you realize this soon rather than later.

>> No.13392550



You think you're some kind of guru because you sold a valuable asset to make a short term gain on another. If you weren't so clueless you'dve kept XRP and still invested in BAT.

>> No.13392551
File: 134 KB, 423x600, 6299_6_2018-06-18-sklavin-nina-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm fud is so bullish

>> No.13392558

We still have until October to accumulate

>> No.13392650
File: 217 KB, 968x1184, 1515028011857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have 50 billion XRP tokens in (((escrow))) they can dump on the market at any time. Someone explain to me how this is not Jewish?

>> No.13392675

Good point. You should stay away from it.

>> No.13392690



Ripple has been dumping .... proof above.

>> No.13392717
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1535238354305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Article from Jan 2018 talking about Jed dumping during the ATH. Nothing new. Thanks for the fud though. I'm still accumulating. Keeping the price low until October helps me out.

>> No.13392720

Basically this. Also safest coin after BTC. It's on Coinbase, Coinbase pro and you can use it to buy shit with the Coinbase credit card now. Even if you hate it you can still buy it and sell it for BTC when it pumps back to 200k Satoshi.

>> No.13392739

>getting labeled a security soon
objectively you are a subhuman nigger if you own XRP, a 41 billion supply kike scam coin that's never replacing or working with Swift

>> No.13392745
File: 221 KB, 1838x2048, Ripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ripple employees continue to dump millions of XRP. That is why you are sitting with zero gains since December while much of the market is recovering

David Schwartz has moved around ~3 Million XRP to Coinbase in the past several days:


Another Ripple employee has moved 7-8 Million XRP to BitThumb, GateHub, etc in the past several days:


>> No.13392827

Cool story bro

>> No.13392856

No where on that site does say what you're claiming. Screenshot the part that proves your claim.

>> No.13393239

I'll bite, wtf is happening in October?

>> No.13393266
File: 196 KB, 900x1200, David_Schwartz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally 3 Million XRP being moved to Coinbase Pro from David Schwartz aka Joel Katz's wallet.


If you cannot read the transactions on the explorer, I can't help you faggot

>> No.13393290
File: 8 KB, 188x268, phony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know that's his wallet? I read the transactions and didn't see anything that reflects your claim. Just post a fucking screenshot of your claim.

>> No.13393307


3 million xerps huh, that's just shy of a one million dollhairs.

>> No.13393321

he has to sell his before it shane ellie's theories. so they remain honest

>> No.13393347

The only possible threat to this is JPMorgan coin. But even that won't plummet its price to zero.

Yes, a good hold for now. Keep up to date on the news and what JPMorgan plans to do with crypto.

>> No.13393353

I remember that. That was a nice day. I went from $300 to $600, because I'm a poor person. MY famile are retards dude. If they listened to me, it would be $10k. Theyre dumb as

>> No.13393366
File: 30 KB, 274x206, 92737798922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It literally says Joel Katz which is the name he uses in Ripple forums. That wallet that is dumping to Coinbase had 21 Million XRP in mid 2017 to early 2018. It dumped around ~14 Million XRP in December 2017 and January 2018.

Besides David Schwartz and a few insiders who else has that much XRP? Also the funds come from another user named Joel Katz without the ~

>> No.13393433

All I see is 500 xrp.

I have a Yahoo email address called johnmcafee420. Does that mean that I'm John McAfee?

>> No.13393452

>~14 Million XRP in December 2017 and January 2018

What was the price at that time?

Why would someone want to sell at that price? It's almost as if he likes money? Buy high and sell low right, anon?

>> No.13393456
File: 33 KB, 480x360, 83222132922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fucking shit. Looking at those transactions and the fact that XRP was between $1 and $3 in Dec/Jan, looks like this monstrosity cashed out $20-25 Million selling to bagholders at the peak of the bubble

>> No.13393483

Kek, this, locking in $20 million in profit is never a bad idea

>> No.13393836

shit doesn't go up, it goes down. pretty basic stuff anon

>> No.13393965

Probably closer to 40mil

>> No.13394226

>$20 million in profit

It's not $20 million or $40 million in profit dumb ass. I think the point is it's $40 million FREE money. They didn't pay anything for it and it didn't cost anything. It's free chucky cheese tokens Ripple founders are dumping on you. They have most of the supply on top of that 40 Billion more that is still locked up.

Ripple is the biggest scam in crypto

>> No.13395045

At 6k sats, it is overpriced against BTC. I'd gladly buy XRP once it dumps to 1-1.5k levels.