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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13360342 No.13360342 [Reply] [Original]

I just want a /biz/ femanon gf...

>> No.13360367

>that feel when no biz bf

I’m a man btw

>> No.13360368
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>/biz/ gf
why? its your duties as the man to provide for the woman who raises the children.

>> No.13360375

I didn’t say I wanted a sugar mommy I just want a gf I can relate to and is a fellow bizreali what is so wrong about that

>> No.13360385
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Why would you want someone so irresponsible with their money?

>> No.13360416

Guarantee biz femanons are better with their money than al other roasties

Also I don’t want an Asian femanons sorry ladies not my type, and we know black femanons don’t browse here

>> No.13360567
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same. except boyfriend. ;)

>> No.13360603

Yeah, you say that, but, whoops, turns out you have standards beyond that.

Like what if she weighed 250lbs because she's always watching shitcoins instead of working out? Or only became a bizraeli because she's a fugly shutin?

>> No.13360658

I’m only mediocre and not fat or horribly ugly. I’m semi fit

But youre Right, I don’t expect a model but I don’t want a hambeast that doesn’t take care of themselves

>> No.13360660

We all want a gf bro. Unfortunately the way women actually are is not conducive towards male happiness. So AI waifus will have to do.

>> No.13360703

I unironically never even considered the possibility that any of you are female

>> No.13360727


There are no girls on the internet.

>> No.13360733

women only came here december 2017

>> No.13360734

You want a retarded girlfriend?

>> No.13360737

i unironically believe most of biz are female, they’re all so insightful and bitchy, if they were guys we’d just get a ton of threads about cars or some shit

>> No.13360746
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Will u be my biz beef

>> No.13361019

A biz femanon gf is not a retarded one

>> No.13361057
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>> No.13361103

As a biz femanon... y'all are wack and bash women constantly. Good luck finding a gf who wants a biz bf

>> No.13361132
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I never bashed you princess

>> No.13361180
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>> No.13361194

Women unironically love being belittled.
Because they are the inferior gender. You have to treat them like children. That's how you get a gf.

>> No.13361195

If they are female here they are probably asian.

>> No.13361200


Serious question: Why do you visit /biz/ ?

>> No.13361208

Because it’s the best board and has the best people outside of the pajeets

>> No.13361228
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>mfw no biz bf

>> No.13361244
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>outside of the pajeets
>literally everyone is shilling some shit coin / alt coin 99% of the time

>> No.13361249

It’s very easy to see whomst is a pajeet and whomst is not

>> No.13361300

Case in point.

>> No.13361317
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Oh we've got a strong independent career woman

are you happier doing this or would you be happier barefoot and in the kitchen?

It's okay baby you don't need to deal with all the stress. Daddy will take care of you and you can play with your dollies and have tea parties with your friends

>> No.13361334

trust me retard, you DO NOT WANT THAT

>> No.13361340

incel triggered lmfao

>> No.13361341

I know a few friends who browse /biz/ after prep-school anon.

>> No.13361346
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that the best you have?

>> No.13361358
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/biz/ women only date turbo alphas who work for fortune 500 corporations C-suite

>> No.13361366

YIKES kinda creepy
women don't want to be with ugly fat disgusting men
men don't want to be with ugly fat disgusting women

>> No.13361724


>> No.13361843

BE my gf

>> No.13362311

based and redpilled

>> No.13362322

be my gf whore

>> No.13362327


>> No.13362328


>> No.13362338
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>tfw there are negresses

>> No.13362345

Shut the fuck up slut

>> No.13362353

>maternity leave

Women are a net cost to business. Plus having them all enter the workforce to become an empowered worker drone for a boss has effectively halved everyone's income, couple that with mass immigration, high taxes and welfare... whites will be extinct in a couple decades.

>> No.13362380

And that’s a good thing, honestly.

>> No.13362472

pls be qt black

>> No.13362685

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.13362938

What the heck?