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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13354676 No.13354676 [Reply] [Original]

>browsing /biz/ from the Boreal Forest, the last remaining white reservation on earth using my state-mandated brain analyzer helmet that translates my neural activity to internet use
>my pre-birth Amazon Lifetime Happiness Contract dictates that I never view, read or think about anything that could pose a risk to any minority or beingperson on the quasi-rube tripleplex spectrum of gender that occupies 45% of my leased memory that I struggle to pay for because of reparations garnishment from my welfare; I am not allowed to work due to the dangers I pose to muslims because I am a Caucasian.
>an unchipped aussie shitposter in a desert somewhere who has bypassed the unchipped internet ban using a coathanger and a didgeridoo posts a picture with a caption that reads "god damn I love being white", an illegal image that warrants a 45-year minimum sentence to hard labor in an Amazon Fulfillment Wagie Cagie for breach of the Minority Protection Act
>it crosses my subconscious before I even notice it, I panic and cannot leave my chair because I have not spoken the Equality Pledge 5 times, thus my restraints remain
>within 30 seconds Safe-t Thought Patrol drones are sawing through my ceiling and extract me and my chair via giant claw
>my sentencing and trial is carried out mid-flight via a telepathic link to a thought-judge in Berkly California who reviews the last 90 days of my neural activity for other mind-crimes
>I am deposited into a hyper-max Safty Wagie Cagie inside the North American Amazon Fufillment Center Megaplex
>I die of old age having worked for 130 years, my life extended via Amazon Employee Health And Wellness Enhancement, my body rots in the chair unnoticed as I rack inactivity fines for failing to move the ordered pallets of double dildos
>My consciousness remains the entire time, kept alive through my neural helmet for another 50 years until the battery finally dies and I am transferred into the next passing drone forklift

>> No.13354699

Hehe nice

>> No.13354723
File: 169 KB, 400x416, 1542157250517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13354731

Sounds like 40k

>> No.13354773

This is happening in 2030

>> No.13354812

Well you shouldn't have been on 4chan in the first place, serves you right.