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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 749x1069, 1513991868716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13351466 No.13351466 [Reply] [Original]

Time to start buying and shilling LCI again edition

Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101

Suggested books:

List of hedge fund holdings:

previous thread:

>> No.13351498
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>> No.13351520


try having sex

>> No.13351564
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The time for the Chinese ADRs has finally come

>> No.13351572

Fuck tripfags, fuck pennystocks, fuck shills. And fuck threads that dont have anime or manga in the first post.

>copyright McDonald’s Japan
For real?
Makes my proud that I own a share. Makes me think I should buy more.

>> No.13351599
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So basically everything but the /a/ content?

>> No.13351602
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this market can go up and up and up forever but the minute i buy a call it will shit its fucking pants

>> No.13351608
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When I get my IQ money is the next move still LCI?

>> No.13351617


>> No.13351643


>> No.13351767
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>> No.13351804

Buy $PG calls. This is your only chance to get in on the ride.

>> No.13351855

The slow and steady dividend aristocrat value company?

Why are you saying this? Seems pretty random. Article about high call volume was posted after today’s close. Another says an earnings beat is unlikely.

>> No.13351893

>Long on malls during retail apocalypse
Keep on moving, no one wants your bags.

>> No.13352099

NO! intel to the moon!

mobile phone market is saturated,
look at apples falling sales in china... or wait they stopped disclosing phone sales LOL, why would anyone even want to deal with apple

and 5G was always a pipedream
>hey lets spend billions on new infrastructure for a expensive technology that literally cant penetrate thin house walls and is hugely inefficient and possibly a health liability
>this is a great idea on a market that is essentially a natural monopoly
im looking at you T and VZ

>> No.13352198

>Ichimoku, Mulitple MA
>RSI vs CCI vs DSS
>"price action"

I feel like I'm fucking dead after reading this piece http://www.priceactionlab.com/Blog/2015/11/technical-analysis-wealth-redistribution/

>> No.13352269
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The parts about technical analysis being mostly BS are fine, the parts about 'the largest non-violent wealth-redistribution in the history of mankind' are made up bullshit.
This guy is just doing the same thing as the million TA blogs trying to make a quick buck from getting people to subscribe.

Nothing at all special here, just some brain-dead obvious stuff and some overblown claims. Low price of $60/year for more of the same.

>> No.13352311

>The parts about technical analysis being mostly BS are fine
So what works? Due diligence/event-driven? Average costing and hodl for longer term?

>> No.13352384
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pay attention to what people are saying but don't believe it

99% of all the things you read on investing/trading blogs are there because the person writing it can talk finance jargon but can't generate real gains. If they could, they wouldn't be demanding a monthly fee to give you advice in the form of crap articles

if you can't figure out a way to beat indices on your own, there is no amount of investment-related blog articles that will help you. either fight and learn and win the prize, or give up and invest boomer-style

>> No.13352931

Umm guys, is gold going to be okay?
... he looks kinda sick

>> No.13353127

Ya'll ever ponder if the markets will crash in like 5 years time. The more money I put into this gambling house the more I worry.

>> No.13353164

me on the left

>> No.13353321
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whats the plan today, /smg/?

>> No.13353348

Made some profit on PRPO, may buy back in if it goes below what I sold.

>> No.13353385

Buy the intel dip, short gold if it pumps.

>> No.13353461


>> No.13353478

But Intel is up 4% premarket.

>> No.13353482
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, I'm retarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Qualcomm and Apple settle their dispute and lawsuits
> QCOM moons like a motherfucker

Meanwhile at Intel:
> announces that they're dropping out of the highly lucrative 5G modem due to this
> up 4% in the futures

Shouldn't they be down? Sure, the modems strained their capability to produce 14nm chips, but those were money makers, otherwise they wouldn't have priority. I don't get it.

>> No.13353514

Yeah but there are retards that will sell because they gave up on 5G mobile and lost apple as a buyer
intel is making a significant new ATH soon and have some interesting tech on the way, see >>13352099

>> No.13353574

>lucrative 5G modem
didn't you hear the ceo say that 5G isn't profitable?

>> No.13353589

> have some interesting tech on the way

Like what? Their 10nm process is a meme and it remains to be seen if their strategy to counter AMD with a new chip stacking architecture is going to work out. Even with Jim Keller at the helmet, I wonder how they're going to solve the issue of heat pockets.

>> No.13353592

Pump and Dump. Buy AMD or you’ll be left behind when it makes its next moon mission.

>> No.13353607

Jokes on you, I already have AMD stock. Shit is looking good with Zen2 and Rome coming later this year, while it was officially confirmed yesterday that AMD provides CPU/GPU for the PS5. Xbox Scorpio is likely to follow suit.

>> No.13353627
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>PS5. Xbox Scorpio
But why?

>> No.13353637

Scorpio is the codename, similiar to e.g. the Wii was called Dolphin.

>> No.13353825




>> No.13353853

Don't worry, the market will crash much sooner than that.

>> No.13353930

You kids realize that all of the normies will look at the market and make the following normie conclusion:

>Oh look, Norman! The stock market has returned. Therefore it is safe to invest again.
>Piles normie money back in

>> No.13353931
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>blue chips mooning daily
>5g surging

>it will crash any day now

>> No.13353961

you are the normie and trump will punish you for not believing in America

>> No.13353980
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This morning
>ADMA patent secured
>LYFT initiated by Susquehanna as neutral
>Schall law firm class action against LYFT(no shocker here)
>BAC upgrade ACB,CGC as buy
>BAC downgrade CRON underperform
>Healthcare sector still diving on Bernie sander FUD
GL all today and may you be blessed with salad gains

>> No.13353992


Nigger, I voted for Big Daddy T. The wall just became 10 feet taller because of your bullshit.

>> No.13354003
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>> No.13354004

good. braise be to trump. now go be a bull. maybe get biotech cheapies

>> No.13354054

I just started on this and would like to understand one thing.

I'm playing the Investopedia game.
Why is it that whenever the market opens in the morning, my gains are the highest? Something like 20% easily. What dictates this and is it a common behaviour?

Does it mean I should always hold, or at least sell shortly after this time period? (well, not always but you get my reasoning)

>> No.13354059
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> QCOM still mooning

>> No.13354060
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>> No.13354068


The run up/sell off occurs every morning. It's a combination of stupid money entering right at the opening bell and big, automated transactions from institutions buying in. Most smart money waits for the run up in the first hour of trading to sell. Just write a high limit and see if it exits.

>> No.13354082
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what the fuck had my chance to buy the UXIN dip yesterday.

>> No.13354091

Nice, thanks mate.

>> No.13354102


>> No.13354125


If you want to make a good buy in, then wait to enter after lunchtime eastern time. The markets typically calm the fuck down and one can see the actual development of the day's price trajectory.

>> No.13354148

Yeah, I kinda noticed that since starting 3 days ago. Gonna try to stick to a $1-5k account and grow that.

If I can repeat it multiple times and after I get a solid understanding on this whole thing, I'll consider investing my own money.

>> No.13354155

time to buy SQQQ

>> No.13354166

would love to see bernie sanders die of a heart attack

>> No.13354171 [DELETED] 

SQQQ is sexy at this price

>> No.13354190

Biotechs are continuing to drag me into the toilet so that's fun

>> No.13354193


Price movement is parabolic in the up or down direction depending on investors' sentiments. It will travel like this daily from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST. The prices then trickle down and the more stable trend emerges after lunch. Most positions incur paper losses when taking a position. Remember to be patient and only realize a profitable position. Try not to panic. The stock market is a tool for taking money from the impatient and giving it to the more patient.

>> No.13354221

what the fuck is happening to EA
massive sell off the last 3 days

>> No.13354242

Sure, I understand. Not in a rush to do anything crazy.
This is just a side gig for me, as I work as a developer and I spend my day with my laptop anyway.

Appreciate the advice!

>> No.13354269

Wow holy shit I'm down -6.07 percent already for the week and I just keep going down more

I thought the crash was over so I loaded up on biotechs yet here I am. Fucking Bernie Sanders suck my cock you old jew

>> No.13354279

I'm definitely regretting going heavy into biotech just before election time. Probably should've foreseen that the whole sector was going to take a beating. Oh well, file it away for future reference.

>> No.13354287

Apex legends is turning out to be a flop

>> No.13354298

>Beginner day trader
>Start trading stuff I see here
>Win 5 bucks with plug monday
>lose 22 bucks on PRPO yesterday
>almost abandoning this shit
>Make 80 dollars on Yriv in less than half an hour

wtf is this clown world called stock market?

>> No.13354301

Here comes the FUD (do do do do)...
Here comes the FUD, and I say...
It's all Kikes... (do do do do di do do do do)

>> No.13354310

I'm not sure if I want to take my losses now or if I should just hold on until the market stops being so fickle. I'm in fuckin' freefall right now though. Already down 3.5 percent from yesterday

>> No.13354321

guys see this no bullshit

>> No.13354343

Green as fuck futures and opening going straight into red 30mins later. Something definitely smells fishy.

>> No.13354357

>dont have a minimum of 2 yangs in YVR

What are you even doing?

>> No.13354359


t. doesn't understand profit taking

>> No.13354401

I don’t say this often, but BTFD.

>> No.13354406

So... how did it go with AMD? you should really check out the link i gave you in my first post, intel is about to, 2 month tops, reveal tech that is 4x better than anything on the market....
they stole it from EDA but who cares lol

>> No.13354421

Yeah at this point I'm locked in. Just gonna ride it out. None of the bad news is specific to anything I'm holding so I'm not as worried as I would be otherwise. When everything goes down nothing goes down.

>> No.13354432

My hands are iron
But my soul is assraped

XBI in free fall. It must be too late to grab some LABD, right?

>> No.13354439

Ath seems to have been broken without much volality. I'll give this shit show a week or so to continue to rise before I enter back in.

>> No.13354481

Who is eyeballing TSM puts?? I hate playing the earnings game but they are at a high with no catalyst.

>> No.13354487



>> No.13354499

whats the ticker?

>> No.13354510

ment for>>13354487

>> No.13354513


>> No.13354562

you must've sold with a market order when the bids weren't there.. bids are only at 3.10 then 3.06 then 2.91

>> No.13354577

It'a trading at 3.14 right now
Why can I buy at 3.16 right now but not sell at 3.16? Hello?

>> No.13354595



>> No.13354613

you wanted a limit order, not a market order

>> No.13354614
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Bought the SPY when red
Hope EOD I won't be dead

>> No.13354623

because the bid isn't there.. someone has to buy it at that price if you want to sell it at that price..

>> No.13354659


>> No.13354678
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>this thread


>> No.13354685

Big green candles on high volumes followed by non stop red candles on low volumes. What the heck is going on I'm confused as fuck.

>> No.13354691

So what do I do now that I'm out of day trades? Invest on something big and leave it there till monday?

>> No.13354698
File: 40 KB, 582x1072, goddamn pajeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here anon i drew you a picture to help you understand

>> No.13354706

Bless you anon

>> No.13354710
File: 1.54 MB, 500x283, 4454BFE1-6A84-4863-9A5A-DF4EE05F3F1D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck didn’t I listen to that anon who called the Bernie Sanders FUD I was balls deep in the healthcare sector man...

>> No.13354733


>> No.13354787


Patience is a virtue. Wait in cash until the perfect opportunity presents itself again. Don't just enter for the sake of entering just because your cash is idle.

>> No.13354792
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>> No.13354793

Fugging gold!!

>> No.13354807

What platforms do you guys use? I've been using TD but the 7 dollars per trade only makes it really worth it for large or long trades.

>> No.13354816

aight, guess I'll take my $65 profit of this week and wait until next week, I have 0 knoweldge on swing trades anyways, it will be risky to try without researching. Also I'm getting paid next week so I'm going to double my account's cash (started this week with 250 I had sitting in my account).

Hope someday I reach the 25k so I can day trade every time I see an opportunity.

>> No.13354825

robinhood if you want to get jewed on market orders like pajeet above

>> No.13354848


You have to remember that the stock market is literally all of the world's money fluctuating up and down every single day. There will always be opportunities to make lots of money everywhere every day. It is more prudent to fight the Jews wisely with well thought out EXITS and entries instead of rushing bare-ass first into their whirling den of razorblade covered dildos that is the intraday trade.

>> No.13354855


This. Robinhood is Pajeet's greatest scam.

>> No.13354871

>He doesn't know about MMs running the stops
Good goy. Keep using limit orders to (((manage risk)))

>> No.13354877

I watch TGTX every day

there was a suspiciously large buy just moments ago...
I recommend getting in this bitch

>> No.13354892

>buy into a diving sector
Probably best to wait on sure fire news

>> No.13354908


I'm well aware of Market Makers, son. How's your $14 profit coming along in bbygrls first bwokerwage?

>> No.13354916
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>> No.13354943

The only winners I have right now are Walt and Tim

VSTM and LPTX are killing me bros
I didn’t realize the plummet would be this fast and hard.

>> No.13354946
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what percentage of your paycheck goes towards trading?

>> No.13354948

Back in cash now off this session's highs, and assessing this month's performance.

Total profits since 4/1/19 to date: $4,836.73

Plus salary brings me to about $10,000 made for the month of April.

Today's a good day, Tater (and Robinhood is a scam).

>> No.13354974

found $75 in cash on a brokerage account, best buy and forget thing to grab?

>> No.13354983
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>> No.13354984

I just started this week and put in 250, next paycheck will put 250 more. After that I'm thinking of putting in 100 dollars every month.

>> No.13354987


>> No.13354998


>> No.13355021

Probably something currently cheap that has potential to grow. Some cheapies I am currently watching close are GE, F, or NOK.

>> No.13355028

Everything is in the shitter today even though there was a green opening on good China news. I have no idea what's happening anymore. I think people probably got tired of crabbing the last few weeks and are pulling out.

>> No.13355032


>> No.13355051

I've tasted Japanese McDonalds. It tastes completely different from western McD's. More flavor even and the bread is less mushy.

>> No.13355053


>> No.13355060
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>> No.13355061
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>I’ll just Gold a little longer
>Biotech can’t get killed forever
>these can’t keep dropping forever


>> No.13355078

legitimately forgot they exist kek
really see a future for a north american based green power ancillary company?

>> No.13355081

which coin is that?

>> No.13355100

How quickly would BezosCoin ruin all other crypto?

>> No.13355110

Should I just give up and throw all my money into amazon? I could probably buy like... 5 shares.

>> No.13355116

I'm down almost 4 percent today alone and there's no end in sight.

>> No.13355119



Smart money does the opposite of the natural gut feeling of a normie investor with stupid money.

If we are constantly gaining and approaching toward an All-Time High, then smart money begins to take profits during the run up -- not at the time of reversal.

Anyone in position in the markets saw this pop-n-flop coming today. Stupid money will continue to FUD because of this for a few more days until folks come back to their senses and realize they can buy again.

Like Annie once sang

>The Sun will come out tomorrow...

>> No.13355131

So far this year, maybe 60%
I wanted to get to 25k to allow daytrade, since I got there I can’t stop
after I pay my mortgage, utilities and food, I don’t really spend money on anything else because I’m a LOSER

>> No.13355156




>> No.13355162

But my normie gut instinct says HODL...
It also says cheapies, but they keep getting cheapier.

>> No.13355165

>implying I use shitterhood
You're still retarded though.

>> No.13355185
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the chaddaq
lets go for round two

>> No.13355186


Consider the following: one can sell at high tide on the intraday and re-enter at low tide in the afternoon, after-hours or the next day at a more advantageous position with a higher share count.


no u

>also based investor who didn't fall for Pajeet's scam

>> No.13355226


>> No.13355235


>> No.13355246




>> No.13355283

>GALT under $4
I’m buying fuckit
Sink or swim boys

>> No.13355294
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Everything is green, except for the goldbugs

Easiest market ever

>> No.13355300

fuck the haters Ill buy the biomarin dip for the range

>> No.13355312

>want BiliBili
>it’s one of robinhood’s 100 most popular
Fuck. According to my “RH users are mostly retarded” thesis, that’s a big red flag.

True, I get scared away from swinging around my position when it drops right after I DCA down.

>> No.13355385
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>> No.13355391


>> No.13355392
File: 60 KB, 1200x675, TopPoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh muh name's Pajeet.
I rob the NEETs
Tellin' stupid kids to get on Wall Street
Oh it's all (((free)))
Don't you see?
Just link your bank accounts right over to me.
It's oh so (((free)))
My friend, don't you see?
I'm saving you five dollars
While charging behind closed doors in outrageous fees.
Kids so dumb
Made me number one.
You took a risk to make 100 dollars
So I'll give you some.

>> No.13355395

its physically impossible for natturual gas to go below 2.5. get your UNG here!!

>> No.13355399

Imagine taking the time to write this post

>> No.13355402


Imagine being a tripfag who thinks people care about their presence on a board of anonymous faggots.

>> No.13355405
File: 64 KB, 576x480, FB16DF76-7930-422C-A5BB-11853AFCDAD4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no trade deal
>minuchin says it’s good, he likes it when talks get heavy

>> No.13355422


Imagine being an attention seeking tripfag on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.13355424

Is wealthfront a scam?

>> No.13355431

Why can't Democrats just fuck off for one year? Down 5 percent in a day? This is taking all my gains right into the fucking toilet. Asswipes

>> No.13355451


They can't fuck off because they don't know what kind of genitals they want to buy from the surgeon yet.

>> No.13355461


But trump administration saying they’re trying to slash drug prices isn’t helping

And UNH ceo’s Statements aren’t doing us any favors

>> No.13355472

Maybe we get a little bump when the one non-redacted page of the mueller report is released?

>> No.13355529


I don't get this healthcare FUD at all. Sanders isn't even the frontrunner in his own party, even if he was he is unlikely to beat Trump, and even if he somehow manages all that, the bill will get voted down easily because every single republican will go against and a good number of centre-leaning dems too.

His healthcare plan is physically impossible, yet the market is pricing it in right now.

>> No.13355533

>’it says here, ‘ *clears throat* ‘fuck n-words, fuck jannies, buy MCD. Now just what in the world could Mueller have meant by that?’

>> No.13355536

Worst part of the whole thing is i already bought yesterday thinking the worst was over. But today was the worst yet.

Well guess lessons for next time.

>> No.13355577
File: 298 KB, 1440x1347, SmartSelect_20190417-115336_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be you
>pay ~5 bucks a trade
>be scared to trade because losing money each time
>be me
>use Robinhood
>make unlimited amounts of trades for free
>sell when I want
>buy when I want
>no "hidden" fees

>> No.13355606

>worst thing is I bought yesterday
>worse than all the buying I did on the 11th and 12th
Y-yeah! You sure are a dummy!

How much Ronald do you own? Looks like a reverse head and shoulders type pattern just happened?

>> No.13355610
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>> No.13355614
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t. Babby

>> No.13355622
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>> No.13355627
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Rip anon. I loaded my pockets up with NVTA at 25ish and its fucking WAY DOWN today. Could have bought so much more if i waited an extra day. I need to get better at waiting. So that's why I'm not gonna buy squat until my next paycheck in a week.

>> No.13355634


If you faggots like money, that is...

>> No.13355635

>I'm a big boy because I pay a brokerage for access to information that I'm too lazy to google

>> No.13355641
File: 255 KB, 1045x2848, Screenshot_20190417-130156_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yeah haha

>> No.13355649


No, I'm a big boy because I make enough money with my skills and intelligence to not have my whole fucking world be decided and ended over spending a five dollar bill.

>imagine being this poor

>> No.13355660

Just buy it

>> No.13355666
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>> No.13355667

>he thinks hes being smart by wasting money
pffttthahahaha yeah you do you Big Boy

>> No.13355669

>pharma all red
Oh well

>> No.13355680


>thinks that Pajeet's scam is saving money


>> No.13355681

>PKU treatment
>not yet covered by Uk’s NHS
Interrrusting. Tell me more.

Nice quacker tho

>> No.13355682

Why is QQQ such a chad? Nasdaq is down and it just doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.13355685

Five Below (NASDAQ: FIVE) is up 20% this month but I swear they are NOT going to hit make their earnings projections

>> No.13355690
File: 407 KB, 250x250, 1277449361223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biotech and all of healthcare is stupidly oversold by this point and it may still drop further.

Both GALT and LCI are excellent buys and I'm picking up the dip whether it fucks me in the end or not. The amount of damage the threat of nationalized healthcare is doing already is unreal and seems like a razor thin chance.

Fuck Bernie. The sane left needs to stop acting pulling punches on the progressive, retarded left.

>> No.13355691
File: 14 KB, 360x230, db7c8180e1a29c54095ed6ae3364628a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pays higher prices than everyone else
>sells at lower prices compared to everyone else

>hurr hurr fucking retard boomers, I don't pay commission

>> No.13355695
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>> No.13355696

>reddit spacing
>is the one wasting money every trade
what's it like being retarded?

>> No.13355704

I dont know shit about pharma but Skreli says its good and its got a solid trade range

>> No.13355721

t. Doesn’t know the joy of seeing “price improvement” on a trade when their based broker gives him a helping hand, or getting proxy voting materials in the mail to keep tabs on what’s going on in his bigger holdings, including invitations to shareholder meetings.

t. Doesn’t know the joy of making speculative free trades, quickly getting in and out of positions as soon as the urge strikes, without having to worry about cutting his own profit margins every time he takes profits.

>> No.13355731
File: 238 KB, 500x381, Honey Badger l 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is robinhood down for anyone else?

>> No.13355732

You’re just buying it because the prison trader who looks like he might have downs says it’s a good one? He can’t even keep up on the day to day from behind bars, even if he gets more cellphones.

I guess I should check out his youtubbs tho.

>> No.13355738

>Both GALT and LCI are excellent buys

>> No.13355746

>including invitations to shareholder meetings
>Doesn’t know the joy of seeing “price improvement” on a trade when their based broker gives him a helping hand
whoa man, that extra 2 cents per share is worth the 5 bucks you paid them for the trade

>> No.13355747

no Im just buying it to sell to a greater fool tommrow
range trading is what I do, they call me the lone ranger

>> No.13355763

I’m gonna go to one of my biotech shareholder meetings in Pasadena. I imagine it’ll be more fun than an AA meeting and less boring than a US history lecture for ESL students.

>> No.13355765

They are if you hold long term. GALT is getting fucked by the timing of the RO though if the sector holds its panic for a month or two.

LCI will squeeze at some point.

>> No.13355796
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>> No.13355815

Ty for honesty. I am not at all confident we won’t continue to freefall. Putting more money on this sinking ship seems like bad idea until we get some sort of all-clear on healthcare.

XBI looking mighty tempting though.

>tfw I have facial hair and glasses.
Heh heh gottem!

>> No.13355820


>> No.13355855
File: 11 KB, 226x120, 3D76A737-4363-44DE-AEB0-9528DE447A79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called LABU collapse last thread
>called AAPL/QCOM correction last thread
I’m on fire rn. My IBM spread worked. I’m doing a 2 grand PM long strangle now.

>> No.13355871
File: 198 KB, 750x971, 9C56B396-80EF-4AE8-B9B6-6318E3BC14EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scalped the shit outta QCOM calls at open too

>> No.13355882
File: 118 KB, 546x546, pepdrink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PEP All time high /foodchad/

>> No.13355891

AAPL 205 eow/Monday. After it hits that range it’ll dump for 3-4 days and then spike the two days before earnings to fill the gap

>> No.13355970

>Global Endometrial Cancer Market Outlook Study, 2019 to 2024 - Key Players are Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Pfizer, R-Pharm-US, Elekta AB, and Varian Medical Systems - ResearchAndMarkets.com

>No mention of LPTX treatments for endometrioid & gynecologic cancers


>> No.13355972



>> No.13355978

Imagine salty bitches giving you twice as many (you)s as the anon you mocked, lol.

>> No.13355989

Jeez anon, you got a few right and now you think you can predict the future?

What makes you think an underdog like Apple can pull off a turn around now?

>> No.13355993
File: 46 KB, 1380x766, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I invest in this space company?

>> No.13355996

>Retarded left
>Diabetic supplies cost 1300 a month
There is a reason for the outrage faggot

>> No.13355997


Well an extra 2 cents per share on 10,000 Shares is an extra $100 profit, so yeah.

>> No.13356021

No one thinks the current healthcare system is good. You don't make it substantially worse by nationalizing it.

Change is not necessarily good. Smart people know that.

>> No.13356036


It’s a well known fact that 92% of the world’s smart people work for Nintendo.

>> No.13356047
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>I believe in universal healthcare
>I also want sick gains from healthcare stocks

>> No.13356048

I know how the market plays their earnings calls.

>> No.13356066

Yeah, but some of the left has been being especially retarded for the past 5-10 years.

And some of the right has been especially retarded lately as well. In my humble desu desu, they went completely off the rails when they bought in to the idea of trickle down economics, in the face of all evidence that money trickles up and consolidates in the hands of the few.

On the left, it’s mostly white women who have totally lost it, and they’re being led by a token few WOC. On the right, it’s mostly white men who are completely ideologically possessed, and listen to people like tuck the cuck and Alex “I see gay frogs” Jones.

>> No.13356075 [DELETED] 
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1 2 or 3, smg?

>> No.13356103


the option where you fuck off back to /b/

>> No.13356110

3 3 3 3 3
And also 3

Really the largest voting block is the problem. It’s the baby boomers. They love debt and cognitive dissonance.

Our boomer president and the boomer who lost the election are the two least likable candidates we’ve ever had.

>> No.13356112

3, 2, 1

>> No.13356116

I knew u guys would be moaning about biotechs. If LABU breaks 47 you’re headed to 45 and if that breaks it’s december lows time.

>> No.13356139
File: 8 KB, 300x168, tf2bogcall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cheapies? What's mooning tomorrow/smg/? Shill me something

>> No.13356174
File: 31 KB, 550x481, 6629A524-717E-43E0-BD62-539AD9A348FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mooning tomorrow?
Suicide rates

>> No.13356199

Day of the Dive

>> No.13356218
File: 18 KB, 320x240, 1334299584023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how few headlines there are about healthcare's freefall and Bernies effect on it?

You would think a major candidate demolishing markets would be news. We can surely trust the media to report any moment now.

>> No.13356225

Bernie hasn't even done anything and the market is still freaking out because of him
This is the most he'll ever accomplish in his life

>> No.13356231

CNBC talks about it a few times every hour... now they just got fed news so they’ll be on that for a while.

>> No.13356233
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>> No.13356250

What happened to galt

>> No.13356257

>Bank of Mellon
Buffet got rekt again

>> No.13356266

>worst timeline
Please clap

>> No.13356274

Who else in on MRVL calls?

>> No.13356280
File: 22 KB, 247x242, 1552427994148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel the bern

>> No.13356285

Go to their website. There is one headline that talks about United and healthcare and nothing on Bernie. Its like focusing on the broken plates while the bull rages in the china shop. Anything but the bull.

>> No.13356299

Got about a yang worth of NWL

>> No.13356300

nothing, see


>> No.13356324


No shit he's senile

>> No.13356330

What’s Gaben doing that makes you think he’s gonna make some monies?

>> No.13356331

Doesn't the term 'be greedy when others are fearfull' now applies for biotech ? I'm bagholding LPTX but this seems like a golden opportunity to DCA and buy the fuck outta cheapies.

>> No.13356349

Is the market really down because of fucking Bernie? The fucking geezer with no chance of winning?

Oh no no no no lmao

Even if he gets close to the nomination the DNC will just fuck him over again. I think the money makers just wanted a reason to sell today.

>> No.13356351

Totally. Buy Pets.com

>> No.13356355


>> No.13356366

No, not really. biotechs are though. Dow is down because of IBM

>> No.13356370

The message has caught on with the rest of the dems, and Trump has claimed he will make republicans the “party of healthcare” and will slash payments to pharma and insurance.

Bernie may not win, but I think the fear is that he has tremendous much influence on the conversation.

I’m getting the cheapie feeling too but I’m so far down in the hole now.

>> No.13356371

I agree with this, desu
Not only does Bernie have no chance of winning, Congress will never let him nationalize healthcare
I think these fears are overblown and the market will realize this in time


>> No.13356372
File: 57 KB, 645x729, pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bernie is bringing down the markets

The algos are selling. It's nothing more than that. Computers playing against other computers with tards like you thinking you can time the markets and beat them

>> No.13356377

Should I go all in on ATT as a long term hold or am I going to go down with it?

>> No.13356384
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1484114961399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

movement slowing at death zone, nikkei strong

>> No.13356385
File: 56 KB, 768x1024, Doubtfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn BAC has cost me some money.

>> No.13356395

Look at VHT. That is a healthcare ETF. Look at its graph of the last week.

Its not just biotech. The panic is real.

>> No.13356400

I’ve bought Boeing strangles at low volume two days in a row and it seems to be incapable of losing you money

>> No.13356422

>Everyone getting justed
>I'm green on every holding
Based weed and uranium. Green stocks for green prices :^)

>> No.13356428

>da onle fing dat mouve da mrket iz compyueter

hurr me make poopies in my diepie

>> No.13356432


I got spooked out of goviex, and was looking at the uranium ETF yesterday but it looked like it had been going down, even after the senate’s nuclear bill.

What’re your U holdings?
And how can you stomach the frothing bubble of dudeweed?

>> No.13356442

explain why you are long on this

>> No.13356444


t. doesn't know real investors trade with 100 shares being the smallest unit and can account for 10 measly dollars

>> No.13356479
File: 1.29 MB, 1242x2208, 367D75CC-38C4-44B9-B2F3-99D434EE27C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honesty the only thing holding Plug back is Tesla. If Elon admits hydrogen cells are in the race against EV’s it’s done and plug goes to 10+

>> No.13356481

>buying 10,000 shares of any stock that would grant you a 2 cent benefit by having a broker
>spending several hundred thousand dollars
>being happy you saved 100 bucks
>your logic
>being fucking retarded on accident
>being a teenager
>doing that math
>proving yourself to be retarded
>being you, unironically
>living day to day as you
>being a broke ass retarded teen on biz
>talking stocks but still get an allowance

>> No.13356490

O no I’m not a real day trader or hedgie

>> No.13356495

FIZZ is probably better

>> No.13356514
File: 14 KB, 460x343, aer1V6v_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retail investors move markets

>> No.13356516


you type pretty butthurt... almost like a fat person.

>> No.13356519

Fuck Canada you faggot your market doesn’t exist here

>> No.13356531
File: 3 KB, 279x237, 1277882242895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GALT clawing its way back.

>> No.13356541

Shill me your REITs, I like cozy dividends in the 4-7% range if you have em.

I'm Long: O, STAG, LTC, APLE, EPR, AGNC, & GOOD. Also MAIN, BDCs are cool too I guess.

>> No.13356545
File: 164 KB, 500x500, 1554530725178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Healthcare dip is bullshit. Buy it nya.

>> No.13356578

Historic low prices but starting to rebound, lots of mines shut down, remaining ones have increased sales, Fukushima coming back online, China going nuclear as well as other developing countries moving from fossil fuels, Energy Fuels just had Section 232 submitted to trump that will block uranium imports from russia and China to the US and effectively increase demand 5x overnight from US markets

>> No.13356588


t. Dirt Jew

>> No.13356600

>projecting this hard
>26 posts by this ID
>spending literally 5 hours ITT
>in a position where youre sitting all day and posting whether it be at home or at work
lmao fat fuck CONFIRMED

>> No.13356616

Hedge funds have avoided this rally, that’s why the markets are so gay and predictable

>> No.13356675

MRKR is seeming increasingly juicy to me, will put some of my GALT profits into it along with VTGN

>> No.13356694

Healthcare gonna be smg’s bitcoin

>> No.13356707

Still better than wallstreetbets style retarded options plays and glorification of massive losses for upboats

>> No.13356712

Been swinging mostly UUUU, but going to hold now after what I bought yesterday in anticipation of the section 232

Also not that worried about weed. I'm more focused on smaller, relatively undervalued companies that have room to grow. It might pull back in the short term, but these companies that establish themselves in Canada will be prime to push into the US market once it's inevitably legalized. I don't mind waiting.

>> No.13356721 [DELETED] 

guys im not fucking joking theres some serious buying happening all of a sudden in TGTX

something is going on, someone's been tipped off to some news or something

>> No.13356737
File: 32 KB, 259x233, 1278098867844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 3000 dollars worth of GALT at 3.98 today. Any time it gets near 4 dollars there is zero reason not to buy.

>> No.13356736 [DELETED] 

oh yeah now I remember, you faggot jew haters dont deserve shit.

>> No.13356753

Based and GALTpilled
Hard to go wrong with buying GALT at those levels

>> No.13356777

If it drops more tomorrow to that level I'm doing 10k. Average way down from 4.67

>> No.13356788
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>> No.13356793

Those are big plays.

>> No.13356818

>Why the fuck didn’t I listen to that anon who called the Bernie Sanders FUD I was balls deep in the healthcare sector man...

It's a dumb reason for a sell off. Election isn't until next year, there is no guarantee of a Bernie or even dem win, and any policy of that nature would not take effect for at least a year after election day. I am heavily buying in to this dip.

>> No.13356821


>actually being autistic enough to count all my posts

>> No.13356829

You just need to hover the cursor over your ID, stupid.

>> No.13356836

>he doesn't know you can just hover over the ID to check post count

hello newfren

>> No.13356892
File: 131 KB, 500x600, wojak_aaaaa_hat_drus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BANT at 0.0002
When's the 10,000:1 r/s?

>> No.13356930


You're right. Please forgive me for focusing on collecting my $4,800 profit today instead of not learning every single inane feature of 4chan. You must be the coolest 20 year old around.

>> No.13356940

shutup retard

>> No.13356943

Got more than $100K yet fatty?

>> No.13356948

I'm down 98%. It can only go up, right?

>> No.13356958

What would be a good amount to get in dividends yearly?
For example how much would I need to get per year if I bought 1 stock for $10 for it to be a good investment?

>> No.13356963


post your portfolio, baby

>> No.13356987

What are everyone’s thoughts on Overstock stock; scooped up 200 option on it yesterday

>> No.13356997

Soon as you go above $100K.

>> No.13356999

pffttthahahahaha fat ass definitely confirmed, look how negative this loser is

>> No.13357000
File: 109 KB, 640x274, 1553920456925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 mins left,
Let's talk buyable dips:
Healthcare? Mining? What's the BIG BRAIN move?

Now THAT is setting a low bar.
GJ on that galt bounce, I think I may buy some when it goes below $4 again.
Just be thankful, you learned a new feature today.

Welcome to /smg/. No matter what platform you use, you're going to lose money.

>> No.13357003

youre all fags btw

>> No.13357020

weed pharma tip: Tetra BioPharma warrants are going for steep discount right now due to a big market sell an hour ago. They briefly hit low of year today at $0.20 (CAN), which is also a key support level. Trading at $0.215 now.

>> No.13357025
File: 3 KB, 126x85, 1277450666661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ GALT.

>> No.13357030

what a fucking retard lmao.
dude, just go. no amount of money in the world is going to make your fat ass get into shape

>> No.13357036
File: 806 KB, 500x281, 1555268695759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i luv u 2 tbhfam

>> No.13357044

You can buy the dip all you want but you’ll be averaging down probably tomorrow and Thursday. You gotta understand man these weak handed faggots are dumping because they think trump isn’t going to get a second term and he hasn’t done anything to prove investors that Bernie’s plan is bullshit and a huge FUD. Once he tweets(and I hope) that Bernie is out of his mind healthcare will skyrocket but I agree this is an absolute absurd reaction by algos

>> No.13357064

You’re an idiot, probably better to buy puts until they fire the CEO the days of ostk going anywhere are over
It’s a short playground right now so if you’re down for that you’ll make a small scalp

>> No.13357066


I will happily scoop more cheapies.

>> No.13357099

Have a feeling we're going to get a filing about some more insider buys from Uihlein at 5 or so

>> No.13357107

As in 5 PM

>> No.13357108

All these assblasted kids with hurt feewings because I made them aware they fell for the biggest scam around. I imagine you're involved in other bullshit "money making" apps that pay out pennies for hours and hours of worthless grinding. Don't y'all have some shitty YouTube channel to beg likes for while you make half a penny filling out surveys and doing all the other stupid shit your facebook and instersnap page tells you? What's it like to be poor as fuck every single day of your collective lives clinging to bullshit for a glimmer of hope at making more than a hundred dollar bill each week?

>> No.13357109

CVS looks like a buyable dip

>> No.13357129

Vanguard has deposited $0.05 into your account

>> No.13357130
File: 54 KB, 676x581, 1554766772197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13357148

I think you're right. 3x the daily volume too. I've made 10% on those shares already.

>> No.13357149

Imagine going so hard to be thought of as superior by a bunch of faceless anonymous words on a screen on the internet. Christ, drop the coke habit.

>> No.13357153

Seriously, RH's competitor could've hired some one with an ounce of subtlety.

>> No.13357158

Pretty encouraging desu

>> No.13357165


Phew! Good thing I got that nickel!

That's what us kids care about around here, r-right? Saving literal fucking pocket change! Better invest it in my cell phone.

>Hurr durr we're gonna make it f a m.

>> No.13357168

Tetra BioPharma (TBPMF) is .4947 right now,
Do you mean TetraLogic Pharma (TLOG)?
TLOG is at .019 right.

I know there's a currency difference, not sure how my broker app does it, but it can't be THAT far off.

I can't find a company that sounds like what you're describing. But give me the downlow on canadian mining stocks plz.

You sunnuvabitch

>> No.13357172

post portfolio

I want to laugh at you with everyone else, little man. i'll post mine right after

>> No.13357183

CDXS is on sale right now and that’s my go to for a quick 1k it never stays at 19
They do biofuel and food enzymes absolute amazing growth

>> No.13357191
File: 24 KB, 292x292, 1277625726073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some LCI at 6.92 too. 2k dollars worth.

>> No.13357194


What's it like to panic over $20?

>> No.13357197


>> No.13357213
File: 6 KB, 298x169, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13357219

He did before, he has less than $100K in total equity. Explains his lashing out.

>> No.13357224

bitch I had an unrealized loss of $30K during the december slump and did nothing but continue to buy.

>> No.13357228

>Tetra BioPharma (TBPMF) is .4947 right now,
>Do you mean TetraLogic Pharma (TLOG)?
>TLOG is at .019 right.

I was talking about the first one (tsx: tbp otc: tbpmf) but not the common shares. There are warrants trading on the Canadian market. $1.30 strike expiring 03/2021, no acceleration. I don't think you can trade warrants through OTC.

>> No.13357229

Bull me up

>> No.13357230
File: 197 KB, 1125x1229, DFC7F18A-B240-48C9-A95F-E624B7D153F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, but it looks like it’s come up a bit from a few months back, and has a head and padded-shoulders pattern.

>> No.13357239
File: 59 KB, 560x564, 1544816388756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everybody doing on Friday while the markets are closed?

>> No.13357257

Probably just fucking kms myself.

I need to find a better way to make money. Maybe I should try my hand at drawing doujin or self-publishing erotica on amazon. Or writing for seeking alpha.

>> No.13357261

Sit patiently and wait for them to open again on Monday morning.

>> No.13357273

actually get work done

>> No.13357281


wagie gig for 1.5x stat pay.

>> No.13357288

New thrread

>> No.13357314
File: 137 KB, 750x937, 08082E12-AF76-4630-BC08-DDA1512D439C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were less of a gambler it’d be really easy to make steady cash every single day by buying options at 3:50pm and selling them at 3:59.

>> No.13357316

sorry fucked it up
new threeead

>> No.13357350

Yeah I'm sure the gubmint will make Healthcare cheaper and with no drop in quality, just like they did with college.