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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1333888 No.1333888 [Reply] [Original]

economic illiterate here and want to know what are serious disadvantages of leaving brexit .i know about whole uncertainity in financial markets but still know not enough real issues that make bad mood for investors

anyone can provide real economic argument?

>> No.1334637

shameless selfbump

>> No.1334643

EU requires companies to be based in the euro zone

which is now not the UK

>> No.1334658
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Besides a short term reorganization, it should be beneficial once they renegotiate trade deals which WILL happen. EU fees were larger than the supposed benefits.

>> No.1334687

yeah, the EU won't buy anything that came from a company outside europe.


>> No.1334724

Market is currently dumping pound thanks to a chain reaction - Uncertainty causes some investors to reinvest, forcing the value down and additional investors (even if they are or confident in brexit) to reinvest on top of this.

Tariffs may be higher on UK exports, but deals will definitely be renegotiated by the EU, even if the EU is in the position of power
This should be balanced out due to the fact that the UK is now more free to trade internationally

>> No.1334754

>EU fees were larger than the supposed benefits.

This whole LEAVE campaign was done on a single word with no proof.
Even the numbers they spat out were proven lies.

I can't wait to see this shithole die.
I'm out.

>> No.1334766

It would

But it has to be cheaper or better than something produced within the EU

Which wont be the case for Britain

>> No.1334772
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>a unified europe under germany is good guys
>of course these uneducated negroes will contribute, it's not like any work they can do will be obsolete in 5-10 years time
>What do you mean these muslins protesting in favor of sharia in the UK are terrorists? are you a bloody rascist lad?
>c'mom guys, you are only paying for a million new people, it's not like much will change, they even bring us culture, we never had any to begin with right? ;^)


>> No.1334775

bascially muh feels and memes argument

>> No.1334796

All leave supporters seem to have a fixation on Muslims.

Just admit that you're pro-brexit because you hate sandniggers, not because of any economic knowledge.

>> No.1334810
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You seem very angry. Are you euro politcan or something?

>> No.1334833
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who wouldn't hate sandniggers and muslims? they are fucking ruining france and uk. but the bigger gain for exit will be economic gain, you will see within a year how well they are doing

>> No.1334839

Pretty much this. Leave the /pol/ shit in /pol/. I come to /biz/ to talk money.

>> No.1334847

>Just admit that you're pro-brexit because you hate sandniggers

but i never denied that my good friend

And i don't see how having 1-2 million low skilled people pushing the wages down and cost of living up in the short term, to them become an unemployed, uneducated and raging mob that struggles with english that needs to be provided for in the "medium term" of 10 years isn't economic reason enough

>> No.1334922

>bawwwwwwww immigrants are coming and pushing my low-skill wages down
sucks to be a member of the white underclass then faggot.

>> No.1334929
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jokes on you, i'm not even british

>> No.1334932

Then why do you care so much about refugees?

>> No.1334934


wait, so you think Brexit is about deporting musloms or something? are you retarded?

>> No.1334936

>Da evil EU is bringing in da mooslimes!!!
I don't think it was the EU that brought all those Pakistanis to Britain.

>> No.1334945

>Caring about national sovereignty, controlling your own borders, and not getting cucked by EU overlords when you try to deport a convicted terrorist and 8 years later he is still there.
>Care so much about refugees

Pick one

>> No.1334950

None of that has anything to do with the EU.

>> No.1334953
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nope, i do believe they won't be accepting 300k a year anymore though, and not paying for them too. I also believe a country should be ruled by laws made by their people and for their people, not this bullshit one size fits all thing.

well, i actually like europe, and i would very much like to travel it again without being jumped or killed. My own "multicultural" country is more than enough of living in fear of walking at night and having reinforced houses with multiple layers of expensive security systems so you are not killed by niggers

Both of you are right that i have no economic reasons to back it now, aside from the whole paying for them forever thing, but i do believe there are some things worth more than money

>> No.1334961

they literally fined poland for not accepting refugees man

>> No.1334962

/pol/cucks are always obsessively going on and on about refugees, immigrants and muslims as if those are the only things that exist in the world

So yes, you do very much care about refugees.

>> No.1334968

That's because, as you said yourself, you don't understand economics. Why do you think every serious economist and business leader was anti-brexit? You just voted for an economic recession and political instability.

>> No.1334975
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>come to /biz/ to see if I made a mistake on my vote
>shitposting just like /pol/ and /int/

>> No.1334984

It's not about money dude, it's about economic stability. And frankly, this sets a bad precedent for other to leave the EU, creating more economic instability. What causes wars? Economic instability.

>> No.1334992

To be honest, serious economists do not know what happens next, either. Markets are down due to uncertainty/fear. Nobody knows what the long term effects will be.

>> No.1335008

>what causes wars? Jews.

>> No.1335014

>well, i actually like europe, and i would very much like to travel it again without being jumped or killed. My own "multicultural" country is more than enough of living in fear of walking at night and having reinforced houses with multiple layers of expensive security systems so you are not killed by niggers

so you're autistic?

>> No.1335017


>> No.1335024

>portfolio is down 6% (mostly us stocks with few british ones)
>wow its fucking nothing

I didnt think britain will vote out but I was wrong and thank g-d for that. I am confident that once massive remainer hysteria fades economy will come back with a boom and even reach new heights

>> No.1335026

don't get me wrong man, as much as i love war games, i agree with you that it's a bad thing, but i believe it won't even reach the same heights as the 2008 crisis.

My case against the EU is exclusively that a nation can be subjected to the opinions of others and have it's soreveingnity usurped with complete disregard to it's culture and beliefs

i am sincerely hoping for a EU dissolution and the creation of a new economic block that, instead of trying to become a new superstate, actually stays focused on the economy, leaving the countrys and it's people to decide on their own futures

>> No.1335027

it's funny because you proved his point, re: economic instability in interwar germany

i can never tell who's legitimately /pol/tarded and who's just shitposting these days though, fucking poe's law

>> No.1335057

Good. War is cool. Maybe Europe can be great again.

>> No.1335067

Nah mate, it sounds like he's South African.

>> No.1335079

Buy what exactly? Tons of tea?

>> No.1335108
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>War is cool. Maybe Europe can be great again.

>> No.1335110


Economist here


>Less access to European markets, which are geographically proximate and currently represent the UK's main trade partners
>Less access to EU benefits for conducting scientific research
>Less labor mobility with European countries for UK nationals who may want to work or study in the continent (yes, migration works both ways and will have negative long term consequences for Whites)
>Uncertainty regarding the internal stability of the UK given the possibility of a Scottish secession
>High probability of a lower long run GDP growth rate

Short and medium term:

>Decrease in investment due to uncertainty regarding what happens next and on how will the exit process be carried out
>Recession because of the above

>> No.1335133

This is all fucking obvious mate, high school homework tier. Might as well have studied philosophy

>> No.1335147

the economy didn't put Germany in ww2. Churchhill did with his warmongering.
btw /pol/tarded and shitposting is the same thing.

>> No.1335159
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Kek, it is.

I can understand why some voted for Brexit (because muh fucking immigrants), but this was the dumbest way possible to deal with it

>> No.1335176
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>but this was the dumbest way possible to deal with it

>> No.1335239

Seriously? Anything that complies with EU standards. Chile, Argentina, Brazil, they all export fruits, vegetables, pork, meat... Britain only has to comply with it to sell them.

The thing is that they are no longer bound to the EU production limits, which can mean lower quality products for sell that wasn't available before or same quality but different trade partners outside EU. A mixture of both is also a possibility. At this stage is all speculation

>> No.1335294

Lost sleep, pound will never recover, UK will be a 3rd world island come 2 years from now.

They knew they wouldn't let us go unwounded.

>> No.1335336

Never heard of sovereignty or making your own laws? its not all about immigrants (although that didn't help the remain argument)
Freedoms not free and some people are willing to pay for it if needed. Not everyone uses GDP as the only measure of whether somethings worth doing.

>> No.1335347
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>tfw gold futures

>> No.1335355

I agree with this anon. The EU as a trading union is fine, its all the bullshit political integration and diktats from Brussels that needs chucking under the bus. As for the Euro a common currency for countries with such different economies was never a good idea theres a reason countries should be able to change their rates depending on their needs. One size fits all doesn't work.

>> No.1335466

fuck man, me too. I wanted to know what could be some real economic predictions but all the threads are hijacked by fucking /pol/ retards. What the fuck man?

>> No.1335492


Honestly, the EU limits to British sovereignty are rather... Low.

If anything, I can see the UK (or England and Wales, if Scotland and NI leave the UK) going back to the EU in 15 years or so. After all, young people tended to support remain on polls, and are the ones who stand more to gain.

I can also see the EU being profoundly reformed after this. It is, indeed, a mess after all.

>> No.1335498

claims to be an economist

offers nothing of value


>> No.1335499

The political bullshit is because of the trading m8. Seperating the two is nonsense.

>> No.1335525


>Implying the economic effects aren't straightforward
>Implying other economists haven't been saying the same

>> No.1335531

Hurr durr EU doesn't trade with anyone outside EU, USA doesn't trade with anyone outside USA. Theres absolutely no need for a political union for trading. (And we're crashing this union with no survivors)

>> No.1335574

More like 20+

Current elders need to die first, but it depends on what Cameron, if he stays in office, negotiates with EU in the next 2 years and what Britain manages to do about its own industry

But if Cameron is a fox he could establish some workaround to get back without fuss, which doesn't seems likely due to inherent instability (getting in and out periodically is retarded)

>> No.1335587

That's because the union was not for trading, but Integration.

The trading partners stage was a step before the union. If anything, EU itself fucked hard since they didn't expect for a country to actually invoke article 50 and GTFO.

>> No.1335650

uncertainity affects investor money and thats something to be afraid of

>> No.1335685

can you elaborate on first effect i.e less access to european markets? many people think trade will be still the same after renegotiations of contracts but there are no proves as well

btw thanks for nice response

>> No.1335686

Is now a good time to buy stocks? The vote has markets "tumbling" so things should be cheap now and the markets will eventually recover, making a profit. Have I got the basics of stocks?

I'm obviously not going to buy stocks, just want to know if this is the sort of situation that those people in the city take advantage of in their get-rich-quick schemes.

>> No.1335704

every other country which trade with eu pays more tariffs than member of eu

>> No.1335715

the whole art is to know when it is bottom and it isnt now for sure

>> No.1335731

Meh, I don't think it will be as bad as people think. This is going t take years to sort out, in the mean time we are still in the EU and the markets will eventually get bored with panicking.

>> No.1335765



Parts of the perks that come along with EU membership is that all members enter into a customs union with each other (think about it like a FTA + all countries negotiate new trade agreements as a bloc). Once the UK tells the other EU members it will GTFO, it will have to negotiate with the rest of the bloc if it can remain in the customs union, which is itself far from clear - there is a real possibility that Germany and France tell them to fuck off as punishment for leaving, and to deter other countries from doing so.

If the UK leaves the customs union, then their trade would be regulated by WTO regulations and it would have no preferential access to European markets in the way it does now. As such, the EU could for instance set tariffs on imports from the UK.

>> No.1335919

but investors opinion on england will be painful ,standard and poor have already said that they can forget about aaa rating. which will have other consequences .UK cant grow without investors

>> No.1335926

This whole thread
>what is the EFTA
>what are EU regulations
If Britain can come out of speculation on the pound without hyperinflation, it should come out in much better shape than it came in

>> No.1336014

but england can forget about efta as minister schlaube said there will be no single market for england because brexit meant leaving europe at all
of course tariffs arent the only problem for england rn

>> No.1336026
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faggots woke into reality today and panicked when they voted for #Brexit the day before

what a load of plebs

>> No.1336063

>the US now outweighs the entire EU in nominal GDP
laughing my ass off here m80s

>> No.1336076

> le economy babbies
> thinking brexit is about economy
It's about sovereignty. Freedom ain't free.

>> No.1336096

what you are describing is the beginnings of a trade war and one that Briton can probably weather better than the EU with the exports decreasing towards the EU while imports makeing up more. And given how France has no bone to pick and Germany stands to lose money for pride, I doubt it would happen.

>> No.1336251


they will have to pay tariffs and i am not pretty sure but eu members wont

>> No.1336259

unlikely. Juden is very invested in making exit undesirable for the rest of EU. They will do what they can to keep UK's economy down for as long as necessary.

>> No.1336268
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What of the opinions of the working class who most directly feels the effect of a restricted economy?

The entire post-victory rhetoric from the salty losers consists of champaign socialists showing their true colors: utter disdain for the "uneducated" working class they ostensibly fight for.

The orthodox economists controlling public policy have been a tool towards the state's welfare - not the economy's - since Keynes. Stop watching pop "intellectuals" on the TV and try reading actual texts.

>> No.1336269


Indeed, though it would be limited in the sense that WTO regulations help to curb them - neither the EU nor the UK will leave the WTO over their feud, if it comes to that.

Either way it is bad news... I agree that, ultimately, this is not about a narrow economic issue but about national identity (though it should be noted that national identity and everything that goes along with it could be considered to be a public good, if analyzed economically). Yet, it will certainly have economic consequences, and it is also hard to believe the same would have happened if the EU economy was working well (delivering on its promises for growth and prosperity).

>> No.1336298

The UK main source of income comes from Scotland which will vote to leave the UK. England and Wales don't produce shit and it main industry is financial services. Which is in talks of moving to Dublin or Amsterdam. The UK won't have the upper deal in trade deals. They will have to follow the needs of the other trade partner. China is very happy because they get to have a discount in trade deals from now on. The UK citizen income will drop significantly. You've made the Americans look smart, which is a feat in of itself.

>> No.1336453


>GBP stabilizes a bit less than before
>Stock markets in the UK aren't awful but continental European Markets are gassing themselves
>UK will have the shitstick in upcoming trade negotiations
>UK can't alter anything the EU drafts since no more MEPs

Sovereignty = Regained
Finances = Mixed Bag; looks bleak but not armageddon tier
Socially = No More Poles

I voted Leave btw. Country before Money.

>> No.1336455


>> No.1336457

guess u have never seen a muslim irl

they are worse than cancer

>> No.1336461

Any thoughts on how long it will take for the GBP might bounce back?

>> No.1336477

What do you mean 'Bounce back'? It's at February rates atm. It's hardy fucking worthless still pretty fucking strong.

>> No.1336485

>anti /pol/ rhetoric
>on /biz/

wtf is happening? fucking jews on this board everywhere

>> No.1336486

It's good for industries that other EU countries had a stronghold on. It's bad for banking, but fuck banking.

>> No.1336489

I mean compared to the Australian dollar. £1 currently = roughly $1.83 AUD, It was around $2 around February

>> No.1336497

but UK isn't (well, wasn't) in the eurozone...? In the EU, yes, but they didn't participate in the single-currency European market in that way

>> No.1336536

>On shekel based board
Yonder why

>> No.1336570

What have you offered, you fuck?

>> No.1336577

kys Merkel

enjoy running your globalist superstate without us

>> No.1336585


Actualy if they manage to renegotiate trade deals comparable to the Norway model it will cost more.
Norway is already paying almost the same amount a full EU membership would have cost to get access to the market. If the UK would pay the same percentage wise while also losing the rebate it currently enjoys it would mean it would actually pay alot more than the current combined fee.

>> No.1336604

The campaign itself wasn't exactly based in fact, but nor was remain. They dumb it down for the voters. The background behind it is logical however - a renewed national sovereignty, control over their own immigration and trade, no more payouts to the EU for their failing members defaulting on loans and debts, and perhaps no more need to consider the effect on the Euro of any central bank activity relating to the pound.

Scotland might attempt to vote itself out of the UK but since oil prices are so low it would immediately go bankrupt if it attempted to do so, once they realise that and once the UK renegotiates trade deals with both the EU and the rest of the word, stability will return and the UK will be much better off. It may remain part of the EEA. Switzerland and Norway function perfectly fine outside of the EU, if not better than their neighbours, so to act as if the EU hasn't been failing in practice for a while is unwise.

>> No.1336606

It might not be free but that doesn't make it any less of a stupid ideology. A fucking ludicrous one too, considering the Queen is head of state of multiple le other states. And considering she (an unelected official) has to approve the next PM

You forget that Britain doesn't export anything tangible anymore. If banking leaves London it's game over
>hope it moves to Dublin

They don't fight for the working class, they try to keep them in check. Someone has to.

He knows. Also the north sea is on the cusp of a technological revolution - soon as the price rises they will be making a fortune there

the Empire is dead. Long live the Empire.

Ha. Suckers.

It's not like it was even a landslide victory. 38%voted leave, 34% voted stay and 28% were lazy Smucks. I reckon that's 38% who will be vilified for the next 10 years (and who weren't doing themselves any favours up until now, bunch of Fuckin Daily Mail reading knuckledraggers)

>> No.1336609

As probably stated, if the UK chooses to stay in the EEA (which is likely) it may still have to have some degree of immigration agreement with the EU.

>> No.1336618

what grade did you get in real analysis?

>> No.1336625

Yeah well you cunts should probably give more of a shit about the white underclass before the white underclass actually physically hurts you and not your wallet one day
This was that wake up call. You can choose to bury your head in the sand if you wish

>> No.1336628

>north sea
You mean the future Arctic shipping routes and resource extractions? If so, Scotland will become new Norway. Ireland might increase it GDP with financial companies looking to headquarter their European divisions.

>> No.1336668



Bro, you don't need to believe the EU works perfectly and needs no changes whatsoever to realize this is a decision most of the British population will come to regret.


>Le RA meme

Oh, a fellow econbro, I guess.

I didn't do RA, I don't have a PhD. I did learn the topology one needs to know for PhD micro in my MSc math camp (which was basically the first two years of a PhD), though. I'm not in academia and don't think I'll go that way anytime soon.

>> No.1336694
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>every left wing shill in the world has suddenly become an economists with expert tier knowledge

>> No.1337053


I heard btw that Britain has now gained the opportunity to larger trading options in the Commonwealth trade market but that could be a double edged sword as well. And also Europe has secured deals with the Commonwealth of their own. As I stated before I don't really have a fair amount of modern economic knowledge, but as a historian I do tend to think of developments in the long run, this Brexit doesn't feel like a good choice desu. People in the UK were definitely manipulated.


>> No.1337062

I'm still highly skeptical that the UK will leave the EU, the next few months are critical and I'll believe it when I see it, what most people outside of the UK don't realise is it wasn't even just about the EU, it was a large portion of the population being constantly ignored by our own politicians and making a point of it

>> No.1337067

>pretending like we haven't been called /biz/raeli since the dawn of time
hi /pol/

>> No.1337103
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Good for Britain. The EU is scum.

>> No.1337106

>Scots planning to leave UK
I wonder what this means to RBS. The poll would probably go for the favor of leavers too.

What do you think happens to Royal bank of scotland?

>> No.1337108

They go bankrupt and have nothing to offer for real trade. Spain and Belgium and shit veto No when they try to get in the EU. Britain makes them dance while shooting at their feet to get back in.

>> No.1337116


The leave campaign would get btfo now with oil prices what they are, even with the butthurt about the EU I can't see them leaving, it would be a major political battle too as Scotland doesn't have the right to secede from the UK without the UK government approval

>> No.1337121


>> No.1337295

Can someone exactly explain how the EU works economy wise? What do the brits lose exactly? How many trade agreements and economic policies within the EU will be now terminated?

>> No.1337915


Check here, Mr anon


>> No.1338084



>> No.1338349
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>They don't fight for the working class,
Uh huh. They just call themselves Labor as a joke.

>> No.1338538

> Burger King isn't the king of burgers
they just call themselves that as a joke.

>> No.1338540
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>> No.1338837

- European HQ branches of companies moves to Ireland from UK. Ireland is part of EU and they speak English.
- UK has to pay fee to get a access to the EU market and they have to accepted EU terms and regulations. This is why Swiss gets cucked so much by Germany.
- UK has no leverage against bigger and stronger economical countries,example: they have to accepted American TTIP to get access to the US market.
- London losses financial market, they will likley move to Frankfurt. Frankfurt, Paris gains more importance in the financial sector.

>> No.1338838

Ftse 250 lost 7,5%. Ftse250 is tight to the European market.

>> No.1339218

I want to see when those low skilled people are replaced by the british, and they start bitching about low wages.The wages go up, the money has less value, and you come cry about why monies worth nothin

>> No.1339265

>A fucking ludicrous one too, considering the Queen is head of state of multiple le other states. And considering she (an unelected official) has to approve the next PM
It's sort of different though since England conquered or created those other countries, and she all her powers are basically symbolic now anyway.

>> No.1340048


The White Dominions are already owned by America.

This leaves only Sub-Saharan Shitskins and Desis.

>> No.1340083

I have no response

>> No.1340094

/pol/ hijacking this thread again with their ignorance. GTFO this board, this is real talk, not about immigration or any other fantasies.

We talk money here.