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File: 50 KB, 600x600, bogdanov_icone_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13322853 No.13322853 [Reply] [Original]

I don't buy it unfortunately. They just seem like 2 French dudes who got way ahead of themselves in the plastic surgery department. I was even on vacation in france once and put the cable tv on in a hotel room and these 2 guys were on a reality tv game show similar to deal or no deal but the French version. They were celebrity guests and played this reality show game, why would dudes this important do trivial shit like that? Though, their French is so good I can understand what their saying even tho I only have a basic understanding of French.After I saw them on cable tv in that hotel in the alps, I searched em up because they were alot older than in pic related, and way more messed up looking. That's before they got all this plastic surgery, even if they deny it, or whatever 'advanced tech' kek. There was some shit about how they actually have PhDs in theoretical physics and the other bro in math I believe, like actually they'd be Dr. Bogdanoff no? So that intrigued me in all this other stuff around them, but I saw some articles when I was digging that they both faked or plagiarized their thesis? Or they plagiarized big stuff for their doctorates so then I was thinking maybe Idk if buy the bog pill or whatever I think its prob just an ironic meme

>> No.13322917


Delete This. You don't know what you're getting into here kid

>> No.13322940

It was nice knowing you OP

>> No.13322962

The Bogdanoffs in the way they are thought of here are a bullshit conspiracy theory you gotta be high off your ass to unironically believe in

>> No.13322967

You've done fucked up OP. Fucked up real fucking good.

>> No.13322972

This. Tread lightly, anon.
Delete this

>> No.13322988

Clearly this anon is deflecting the truth...
they are superior being in every way

>> No.13323040
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>he doesn't know

>> No.13323060
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I agree, the Bogdanoffs are regular humans like us except very successful and popular. They're just a great entertainer duo with a lot of charisma. There is nothing that special about them. They are not ancient, supernatural beings with a variety of powers that greatly surpass human understanding and unknown motives. I think clearing up this misconception is very important for all of us.

>> No.13323078

Them getting their PHD's is called the Bogdanoff incident. Basically, they BS'd their way into a doctoral in astrophysics or whatever. Many, many people called their thesis nonsensical horseshit. but add a layer of mystique with the plastic surgery making them look like ayys, and 4chan's collective imagination does the rest. They are just two TV host douchebags with swollen egos and too much plastic in their face.

>> No.13323210

This is what I'm saying, it's pure bs. I doubt they can make one phone call and crash the price of your cryptocoin

>> No.13323306

fuck, i hope you're long. I need some green in my shorts.

>> No.13323586

U Gonzalez git bogged OP

>> No.13323652
File: 166 KB, 640x640, 1515369026544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like OP has never even had a quick rundown.

>> No.13323674

It's too late for you OP. They've already called in Alpha Team Zero; you and your family are toast.

>> No.13323683

My theory is they got it because of face scanners and new age cameras or something.

>> No.13323707

Keep seeing these guys all the time, can someone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.13324451


Kill him and find another.

>> No.13324502
File: 80 KB, 300x300, 1549088737488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13324644

Guys this is not a joke, I need your complete attention. This is 100% not a LARP, I swear.

I've been working for the past 6 months as an intern at the Tavistock institute in London as a lab assistant for a large project involving blockchains and network economics. I mostly just check equations from the higher-ups and run simulations. Nothing big. I'm not granted knowledge on the actual project...for the most part.

Only my curiosity got the better of me today. I decided to look into the aims of the project using my bosses' password. I wish I never fucking looked.

I know this is going to sound stupid and you're going to dismiss me or whatever, but I don't care: they believe meme magic is real. They're building a decentralised network in combination with botnets to create a mesh similar to 4chan in order to influence reality. There were DIRECT references to 4chan in those papers. I didn't have time to read anything but I checked the funding schedule and you won't believe who the main donors are.

It was the Bogdanoff brothers. I checked the address and everything. I thought this was just a shitty fucking meme but it's real, they're actually pulling the strings here.

HLI mentioned something about memes being real, it appears that at least Tavistock is aware of this.

The memetic energy must have leaked onto other platforms. That's why the Bogdanoff brothers started appearing as a jokey meme thing. The project itself must already be up and running, and the Bogfanoffs might be using it for their own self-interested gains, probably trying to get back on TV or some stupid shit.

Fuck. I don't have time to leave the country, I don't know whether it's too late for me. I'm going innawoods til this blows over.

Keep digging into the Bogdanoffs, this is not a meme, this is not a joke.

>> No.13324693

You've opened a door with the only exit is now death. You fucked up OP. The Bogs are real and they are unironically pulling all the strings. CRAB-17 will not be over until every last one of us is dead or has sold. Rothschild is even under DIRECT orders from the Bogs.

>> No.13324699
File: 8 KB, 197x256, 1554891073319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you doing? You think you're so smart huh? Are you some kind of bear fag who wants to crash the market? Careful what you wish for kiddo

>> No.13324704

What'll really freak you out OP is when you finally realise,
"there is no Bogdanoff"

>> No.13324718
File: 41 KB, 579x579, Wwg3ViQT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Yeah, it's biz again. Take care of it.

>> No.13325116

Expect a call soon.

>> No.13325141

They didnt plagiarize it. Their thesis was so complicated that they were accused of just making up jibberish, knowing that nobody would read it. The jury is still out on whether or not they are so advanced we just cant understand it and it sounds like nonsense, or if it actually is nonsense.

>> No.13325180

you are gonna see that you made the biggest mistake of your life buddo

>> No.13325186