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13299101 No.13299101 [Reply] [Original]

>March 2019
WikiLeaks puts out muh faketoshi story
>April 2019
Julian Assange WikiLeaks founder arrested in London

Yup there is nothing but more pain to come for those that oppose satoshi

>> No.13299114

You'd have to be a retard to think craig had anything to do with assangle

>> No.13299204

Well actually it might be something there. It is well known that the two hate eachother and has since the 90's. Craig is one of the top IT forensic guy in the world with severeal books and published papers, and THE bitcoin expert. He has helped severeal gouvernements around the world to track hackers, pedos, druggies etc. I wouldn't dismiss that he is somehow involved with the Assange case.

>> No.13299284

Literally how?
The public and the government has
Known exactly where assange was this whole time. Literally with guards outside his door waiting for him to walk out or be given the go ahead from the government to apprehend him.
There is nothing craig could have done with his "skills" that would have in turn had assange arrested.

Craig the clown quite literally has no "skills" and lying dosent classify as a skill nor is he even remotely good at it.
Even shit that calvin posts on Craig's behalf has holes that contradicts what both of them have said in the past.

>> No.13299357

I never implied Craig himself did it. I meant that all those who oppose satoshi will be cursed by the greater unknown forces working in the background of our universe.

>> No.13299361

I said he might be involved in the case, not involved in "finding" him. Are you seriously this retarded? If this is the mental level of Craig haters, I am not at all surprised your only argument is "hurr durr muh faketoshi".

>> No.13299422
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>Bad Aussie man literally has no skills
This what insanity induced by oversocialization looks like. Uncanny how closely the CSW haters have tracked the "not my president" brainlet in this regard.

>> No.13299606

I gotcha.
Craig had nothing to bring to the table when it comes to implicating assange on alleged rape or proving he hacked any company years ago.

Have you literally seen any of his code or actually read his papers?
His papers quite literally quote other people and what they do. All his garbage does is congregate what other people have done into a methodical system to use it for whatever reason it's needed.
He didn't make anything from scratch.
Just take a+b+c combined and you'll find D
Bro that's not even a word, let alone a "condition"
Read another book er two, makes ya real smart there ding dong.