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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13275273 No.13275273 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Link is dead, is this the new face of /biz?

>> No.13275278

yes. no.

>> No.13275351



Dag, fast, scalable, with Byzantium security, dapps can be built upon it. The holy grail of Platforms. Andre Cronje the most sincere coder in crypto is central to its development. He is the main reiewer on Cryptobriefing. Its a Korea project that will get Korean exchanges. Thats just for starters.

also will have 70% supply staked. Perfect model for moon you can have. Currently barely in the top 200 CMC. It doesn't come easier than this.

Low tier paneer comments like scam are just another sure sign whales are accumulating.

>> No.13275360
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pic related will be soon

>> No.13275364
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Honk honk


>> No.13275371

Yes, if the world is the chaotic opera, we are the Fantom.

>> No.13275373

>Byzantium security

>> No.13275374
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>mfw there are anons who still think this was a PnD shitcoin of the month

>> No.13275384

Sure it is, Manvinder.

>> No.13275401

more like the face of crypto twitter

>> No.13275436

This is the new biz coin. Easy push from here to the top 20

>> No.13275468
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> Andre Cronje

I just bought some of this based on research I did back in Summer 2018. I forgot about this coming out and thanks Biz for reminding me. I made $100K off Nano and I'll be happy making a fraction of that off this.

But BIZ is overstating this faggot Cronje. He barely holds a job longer than 1 year and every company he works for is some shit company. I am in development and security and I have a much more impressive resume than this faggot. And I know nothing.

So I have making Nano, Raven and Fantom my dark horses for this bull run while holding the vast majority in BTC and ETH with some XMR.

>> No.13275568

That was last week.

>> No.13275576

i want to get a bag, is it going to bleed down more or fucking pump 10% out of nowhere again?

>> No.13275585

>lost everyone's ID details during ICO
>dumped like a rock after ICO
>next x100

>> No.13275633

>doesn't hold link
Honestly WTF lmao

>> No.13275651


Yes. Link is a comedy coin. No one here really owns a bag. It's about time biz had a serious moon mission as its face.

>> No.13275655
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Then yes

>> No.13275683

There have been a lot of rumours going around claiming that FANTOM’s AML and KYC details have been compromised (such as dates of birth, selfies and passports).
Collected user data has not been compromised from FANTOM’s systems


Gonna have to try harder, anon.

>> No.13275733


> Collected user data has not been compromised from FANTOM’s systems.

>> No.13275756


cool story bro

>> No.13275795

this is biz's last hope. all in or nothing.

>> No.13275831
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This is now a unibright thread.

>> No.13275856

And those two are mutually exclusive why?

>> No.13275881


>> No.13276050


The guy is a no nonsense leader.

>> No.13276205

can't wait until we moon and your cognitive dissonance kicks in and you buy the top

>> No.13276244


He probably has a bag bigger than yours

>> No.13276334

yeah link is dead. it was revealed by kleros yesterday that link doesn't have a decentralized oracle. it's dead.

fantom really will 100x+ from here

>> No.13276354

Maybe long term. We're looking at a 4X Eom for mainnet hype and binance launch, all you idiots in scam coins don't have a reason for them to pump, ftm actually has reasons to pump and pump very soon

>> No.13276378

it has been holding steady + increasing in volume check cmc.

>> No.13276420

Nu/biz/ is so pathetic. Bunch of poorfag teenagers that showed up a full year after the golden bull ended trying to convince each other that some shitty dag coin is "the next ETH" kek pathetic

>> No.13276467


Are you too stupid to realize that there will be another bull run even larger than 2017? Or are you just larping?

>> No.13276534

Yes. Ftm will be the next top 50 coin coming from a low/med cap

>> No.13276692

There absolutely will not. Everyone on this board that thinks there will be another run like that is coping. Every normie on earth knows that crypto is a scam including regulators that are clamping down harder every day to ensure that doesn't happen again. The sooner you can admit you missed the bubble and move on with your sad life the better you pathetic virgin faggot.

>> No.13276733

There will be a retest of ATH. We never had a blowout yet. Crypto will be next forex. Once tech figures out for regular people to use. Samsung integrating wallet is a good start.

>> No.13276999


>> No.13277018
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Samsung + FTM? i just nutted

>> No.13277043

FTM. We gonna flyyyy baby!

>> No.13277120

>trying to pajeet shill on /biz/
fucking hell it's pathetic. go crawl back to your discord or telegram or whatever shithole you came from

>> No.13277162

Ok, let's switch from a shitcoin to another shitcoin, great.

>> No.13277201

Definition of denial

>> No.13277211

no fantom confirmed, but both are korean companies so wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.13277222

stfu my kyc was leaked on the darknet.
Hope you chink scammers get arrested when your ponzi fails.

>> No.13277351

About time you plebs got your head around the might of Fantom. A lot of peeps still sleeping hard.

>> No.13277594

LMAO the truejeet speaketh. now that the LINK is broken, the FANTOM shall appear!

>> No.13277598

its byzantine you retard.

>> No.13277620

>stfu my kyc was leaked on the darknet.
>Hope you chink scammers get arrested when your ponzi fails.
i made this fud.. because i didnt get into the ico

>> No.13277744
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Fantom is it frens

If you think there won't be another bull run you are cucked and stupid

The same fuckers who said dgb and since will never reach one cent.

The same fucks who said xrp will never be more than 1 cent because much centralized

Fuck you in the ass. You don't even realize the potential ahead

Buy Enigma and fantom or be poor daggers

>> No.13277837


>> No.13278313
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Chad Sergey will make us rich

>> No.13278362
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Literally a pump and dump scam. ICO investors finally broke even and are getting out. Volume and price are both evaporating

>> No.13278703


The ICO price was $0.04 USD you retard. Nobody broke even if they bought in then

>> No.13278771

Cope harder late adopter faggots hahahahaha god damn this thread is both funny and sad at the same time

>> No.13279346

My account keeps shrinking make it stop!

>> No.13280021
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those kids that calls this for a pump and dump scam are salty plebs that already missed the FTM train.

>> No.13280447

This, just a bunch of fags who are probably trying to make it big on crypto twitter who sold way too early

>> No.13280680

Fortunately I'm not rich enough to loose a lot of money on this shit but damn, it keeps going down

>> No.13280708


Fuck off Rimesh. Go cry over your rupees in the shitting river.

>> No.13280887

Comfy as hell

>> No.13281037

wait, you haven't sold already? idiot

>> No.13281633


It keeps going back up too.

>> No.13281758

Go suck Andre's dick faggot

>> No.13281981
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Honk honk

>> No.13282372

why won't it dip