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13238805 No.13238805 [Reply] [Original]

Is 100,000 FTM enough to make it? Will it ever be $1 million?

>> No.13238999


>> No.13239047

$400k at least

>> No.13239096

0.3-4$ ive heard. no idea tho. just keep an eye of

>> No.13239737

Literal scam

>> No.13239760

Buy NKN instead. Same market cap, and while it doesn't have as strong a wave of pajeetry as FTM right now, it's s much more promising long term hold. I feel FTM going the same way as LTO/QNT and all those other forgotten shills

>> No.13239896


Lto did a 10x before it dumped into oblivion, fantom hasn’t done shit yet.

>> No.13239919

Ftm still gearing up

>> No.13239929

Pnd is over. stop trying to shill this faggot.

>> No.13240431


Imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.13240465

Its funny seeing Rakeesh on his computer in India using textbook replies in these kind of threads. If someone calls FTM as a scam, the automatic reply is always along the line of "cuck", "brainlet", "you hate money" or "based andre cronje". I've also noticed that they stop replying to the threads they create if enough FUD pops up in them, while they just wait to create new ones to bait in newfags. They have a select few memes that they cycle through, probably made by a poor schmuck who got paid 10 dollars for them. This truly disgusts me and I hope whoever shills this and whoever pays them to shill this ends in the gutter.

>> No.13240846


>> No.13240901

The chart looks prime boys. Get in now before the next moon landing. So much support at these levels

>> No.13240939

So much accumulation has been going on. Massive vol for idex and kucoin. This is early stage where the supply is sold by the short term ignorant and then it fucking explodes into an orgasm of fomo as those who thought they were so smart to swing trade rush to enter.

My guess is the blockchain brad interview will trigger a run.

>> No.13240999


You do hate money huh brainlet

>> No.13241346

fucking brainlet, ftm will be the next 10x alt

>> No.13241376

Everyone look at this brainlet cuck

>> No.13241624

Last time to load up, here we go

>> No.13242460

NKN was the forgotten pajeetry of 2018. KYS faggot.

>> No.13242716
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 37ps00015919464qp676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you could find a project without chinks Blockchain 7.0 bullshit.
With 1.9M marketcap and almost in the top #700.
NEVER mooned, price stable since November.
ONLY on IDEX and Ethfinex.
Working service. Revenue from stacking. Active repo.


>> No.13242837

250,000 FTM at 1 ftm = $4 (12.7bn marketcap) = $1,000,000 usd + profits from staking rewards

you only have 100,000 ftm... so fantoms marketcap needs to go to aboiut $30bn.... it's possible at the top of next bull run.. cardano got to $30bn... bitcoin cash got to $30bn.. ftm has the tech, team, partnerships and community to do it. $12.7bn is a sure thing though... there was about 20 cryptos at around 10bn last bull run. try to get 150k more

>> No.13242850


>> No.13242871
File: 250 KB, 485x512, ftm seoul digital summit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this goes into price discovery in a few days, remember this thread, and all the money that you didn't make.

>> No.13243139



Dag, fast, scalable, with Byzantium security, dapps can be built upon it. The holy grail of Platforms. Andre Cronje the most sincere coder in crypto is central to its development. He is the main reiewer on Cryptobriefing. Its a Korea project that will get Korean exchanges. Thats just for starters.

also will have 70% supply staked. Perfect model for moon you can have. Currently barely in the top 200 CMC. It doesn't come easier than this.

Low tier paneer comments like scam are just another sure sign whales are accumulating.

>> No.13243180

who gives a fuck what it is. The pnd is still over

>> No.13243265


>> No.13243352


looks like i touched a nerve. u mad u missed the bottom, you little bitch?

>> No.13243394

the next pump (and it will be son) will break through the top resistance.. and then go into price discovery mode. dont be surprised to see $100m marketcap soon

>> No.13243582

the volume is drying up. REEEEEEEEE

>> No.13243607
File: 64 KB, 968x509, Screenshot 2019-04-06 at 19.45.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>drying up.

>> No.13243612

volume is evidently increasing

>> No.13243655

isn't price discovery around $0.04 ????

>> No.13243673
File: 58 KB, 508x988, Screenshot 2019-04-06 at 13.04.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not on cuckcoin.

>> No.13243677

In a few months we will laugh all the way to the bank. This is a once in a crypto-time opportunity

>> No.13243685

>Trusting Korean shitcoins

Lmao you guys haven't learned a thing

>> No.13243687

Andre Cronje's contract renewal made me investor more

>> No.13243700

this guy is a fucking nobody fren, i checked him on linkedin and was EVERYTHING but impressed desu. seems like he worked in tech support and just got into crypto stuff by accident?? not sure why you faggots love cronje so much just because he wrote a few cryptocurrencies reviews in exchange for money.....

>> No.13243702

even if it drops by 50% im gonna double down ez as that faggot

>> No.13243704

what i am saying.... wait for the inevitable dump and buy if its cheap again. i bought the last FTM 4 weeks ago kek... chad is still up 2-3x of course he will dump on you if you buy now

>> No.13244006
File: 86 KB, 640x460, 221124324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>75k volume

>> No.13245050

Still accumulating. No worries pajeets