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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 1129x503, AMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13238361 No.13238361 [Reply] [Original]


Dump your AMB bags while you can anons.

>> No.13238364

that fucking piece of shit

>> No.13238474

Do you stupid niggers understand what’s going on? Versetti said almost a year ago these tokens would be used to onboard clients. He also explained the process that these tokens would go onto exchanges and the clients would buy directly from the exchange. This is exactly what’s been happening as you can see the sell walls go up and immediately get bought.

If you actually trace the tokens back to the wallets, they come from the dev wallet... FOR ONBORDING CLIENTS.

Honestly people can’t be this stupid. Amb is doing exactly what they said and how they said they would onboard a year ago. If you actually knew what was going on, you would understand how absolutely bullish this is.

>> No.13238481

something about that onboarding process sounds strangely like it could be an elaborite ruse to actually just dump the coins after getting them into circulation in a way that sounded credible to some people

>> No.13238483

What does this mean for Chainlink? What are you trying to tell us OP?

>> No.13238502

So why didn’t you ask this questions a year ago, or during any of the other ama they held? Cause your a faggot that’s why. The team isn’t dumping shit. If they were dumping the tokens would not be getting eaten up immediately. Learn how to recognize patterns. This is why there was huge volume spikes.

Honestly, is your brain so slow it doesn’t comprehend what’s going on? Or are you fudding. It’s one or the other.

>> No.13238512

Why would they send them to an exchange instead of directly to the clients' wallets?

>> No.13238516

Read this, although I doubt your brain capacity of a 6 year old will understand it


>> No.13238521

Why would a client ever want to buy tokens from an exchange? If they are going to use a company's product, the company should be able to give them the collateral.

>> No.13238526


>> No.13238530

It’s you again. Your the samefag who made this thread yesterday.

Selling on exchanges makes it harder to figure out exactly how many companies are being onborded and what their exact stake is. If they otced you would see an exact number or huge transactions.

>> No.13238558

Lol bullshit, great damage controll

>> No.13238601
File: 25 KB, 511x512, 1549864814482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Option 3: I don't actually give a fuck about your italian supply chain shittoken that has no actual use case and only exists to me as an occasional meme on /biz/ whenever they showcase their latest tech which is usually chinese commodity grade hardware from 10 years ago cobbled together to presumably track goods on a blockchain.

>> No.13238605

Listen, I can’t argue with literal retards, or origintrail tg fags. Your one of the other. Don’t buy amb, sell amb if you hold and just fuck off. You’ll see what’s happening very soon

How stupid can you be to see 200k in volume, and 4million in volume a couple days after and not see exactly what’s going on. It’s happened exactly how versetti and team said it would.

The fact the supply jumped massively and the price has held is bullish

The fact that’s so many clients are being onborded is bullish

This shit will be 1usd per amb within a couple months.. CAP IT FAGGOT

>> No.13238623

>No use case
>signed one of the biggest deals with nds to TRACK EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF STEAK

Which one is it fukboi?

>> No.13238630
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 348734976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
just stop

>> No.13238649

Wow u didnt copy paste that part. Nice.

>> No.13238666

Once again, you guys get btfo with your bullshit and can no longer engage in a debate. It happens every time. It’s a cycle of retards. This must be how the special olympics feel like.

>> No.13238677

>so many clients being onboarded

>> No.13238698

French vanilla faggots
Hive honey (Eu deal)
Trek pharmaceutical
Powdered food faggots
Pita/break Krueg faggots

There are many more I’m forgetting.

>> No.13238710

None of those companies have said themselves they are using Amb

>> No.13238713

Where do you see that percentage of supply on exchange??

>> No.13238715

All signed deals for usage on amb.net mainnet.

>> No.13238727

Ok anon. So stupid you can’t even do fucking google search. The absolute state of /biz. Diagnosed mentally retarted neets. I’m not gonna spoon feed you.

>> No.13238736

>plebbit spacing
>muh google it
you got dabbed on by scamsetti like so many here but don't try to con other anons into buying your bags

>> No.13238798

You should be locked up for trying to con us into buying this scam.

>> No.13238823
File: 96 KB, 1871x565, fa236523631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mrbearwolf prove this scamshit

>> No.13238852
File: 158 KB, 1705x744, 91A24C65-489B-44DE-9F7C-782D8F1F14FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13239063
File: 8 KB, 251x242, 1554317060067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13239636

dump on u at HIGH what more proof you need

>> No.13239685

>someone sold AMB for profit there AMB is a p&d coin
anon, I....
>the absolute fucking state
Jesus Christ

>> No.13239711

To dump on bagholder.
>C'mon you guys, lets eat those sell walls!

>> No.13239763

Lol you still don’t knoe AMB is a scam and a shitcoin after all this time
anon i....

>> No.13239848

brainlet detected
t. non-AMB bag holder

>> No.13239853

Dude this doesn't even make any fucking sense. If you are going to buy them from exchange at market rate anyway why even lock them up? You can't tell me it's a lockup then send shit to all the exchanges.

>> No.13239874


>> No.13239899

I know they weren't dumbshit it's rhetorical. I'm the guy that pointed this out to Amblets months ago, now they are all talking about the non-lockup in AMB threads.

>> No.13240193

Bruh. Just wait a couple months for the pink Wojack faces. None of the actual advisor or dev payment tokens have been moved yet. In June we Will see
>biz wtf you said it’s a scam
>biz, if I buy in at 1.25 am I gonna make it

>> No.13240223


>> No.13240247

That’s my meme faggot. Kys. Kek has spoken

>> No.13240314
File: 30 KB, 465x499, 1521135948121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, you made pic related too?

>> No.13240384
File: 3 KB, 448x357, 240642068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swaziland drought insurance

>> No.13240422

is 200k amb enough to make it or what

>> No.13240462

depends on bundle #s

>> No.13240551

true, my guess is +-200 bundles / day at rollout, and maybe a run up to around 25 cents.

>> No.13240694

The heartbeat bundles alone are 288. At launch we will see 5 figures.

>> No.13240770


So what the fuck is it doing on Binance? You think a reputable client company would want to introduce even more 3rd party risk when buying erc20 vaporware garbage? OTC deals are a thing.
You pathetic late adopter amblets deserve everything bad that happens to you. Truly insufferable.

>Nongshim barely use the network, if at all anymore.
>'French vanilla faggots' don't use amb net either.
>H!ve honey 'EU partnership' is much ado about nothing, no bundles from this.
>Trek Therapeutics doesn't use the network.
>The 'powdered food company' is fucking laughable.
>'Pita bread company' is a fucking Kickstarter. LOL.

Yes, they did loads of proof of concepts with big companies but its all came to nothing. The companies simply don't want to use Ambrosus. Angel has strung A LOT of people along - and screwed over plenty more - with lies and "NDA's" but he can't keep the facade up any longer. There are no partnerships, The 'innovative sensors' are not even made in house, or for that matter innovative. The bank accounts are empty, The main-net is empty, and Angel's dumped on Amblets to try scrape together funds.


Somehow, the main-net is fucking emptier than dumb amblet's brains'.

If you really are still holding this dumpster fire, I am delighted to be the one to inform you that you aren't 'smart money' by any long stretch of imagination, as much as your ego and cognitive dissonance wants you to believe. I can't wait to see you finally capitulate when you realise how rekt you are.

Now the real question, where did the 30 million from the ICO go?

That is the one question that no-one asks.

>> No.13240809

>they did loads of proof of concepts with big companies but its all came to nothing. The companies simply don't want to use Ambrosus.


>> No.13240971

Good fud man. Bravo

The money went to their sensors being manufactured by crayonic, their 1c stamp sensor development. There is still enough money in the ico pool for another 1.5 years with 0 profit.

You haven’t seen the mainnet so don’t act like you know what’s going on faggot. It’s either 100% exit scam or it’s the most legit project in crypto

Place your bets bitch ass niggas

>> No.13240983

Lets hear about your crypto portfolio anon, what are YOU holding? Also at what price did you sell your AMB? Be honest now, you put a lot of effort into this post.

>> No.13241023

He’s 100% link
>mainnet soon
>breadcrumb partners
>small team
>high marketcap with 0 working product

Amb is secretly the coin of biz. I and many others have fudded to accumulate. I’m all in. I got 6 figures. I’m fucking READY. Enjoy your link 10x in 2021 me and my ambros will be slanging our 10 dollar ambers eoy


>> No.13241031


This is based.

Almost makes me want to get some AMB.
AMBros seem chill

>> No.13241054

Basted and millionaire pilled

>> No.13241080

>It’s either 100% exit scam or it’s the most legit project in crypto

Third option, It would have stood half a chance if it wasn't ran by the most incompetent and unsuitable management team in crypto.

>what are YOU holding?
Long term holding alts is for retards.

>what price did you sell your AMB?
A lot higher than you will ever get the chance to.

>> No.13241108

Versetti is an immature fag. Your right about that

Vlad t is a literal genius. The sensor tech team are all highly educated award winning euro fags. Their pr team are genius with viral marketing
>this vechain + amb shit this week was 100% orchestrated. The plebbit post has over 180 replies
>mrbearwolf is also ambrosus viral marketing

Stay poor. Keep fudding. I might keep buying more if it stays under 10c. You will be drinking bleach wishing you bought at 5c. My dca is 11 cents.


>> No.13241117


>> No.13241126

Post sell order bitch ass nigga. Bet u won’t do it

>> No.13241226

desu this arguing about AMB is a bullish sign

fudders trying to accumulate, holders trying to substantiate

nobody would even talk about amb if it didn't have potential

>> No.13241245

280 ranked shitcoin my dude.

>> No.13241272


>Their pr team are genius with viral marketing
>this vechain + amb shit this week was 100% orchestrated. The plebbit post has over 180 replies
You've either got a gold medal in mental gymnastics or simply lack mental faculties to think that pathetic stunt was a good idea.

>You will be drinking bleach wishing you bought at 5c.
To be brutally honest, I couldn't give a fuck. As long as the market is volatile I will find a trade. I'll leave the emotional 'investing' to clueless baggies like you.

>> No.13241347

$10 million marketcap coin on Binance at the bottom of its price. It would be silly not to buy some right now for the inevitable pump.

>> No.13241874

You will all be sorry when the public main net arrives and this is shown to be the most lucrative investment in all of crypto.

>> No.13242682

Biz morons STILL haven't put the dots together. And it's getting embarrassing.

Do you honestly think Angel didn't pick their mainnet date to be the same as VeChains shitty ass conference?

When main net rolls out and all the partners are revealed, their PR will bombard every crevasse of the internet, there will no where to hide from the fact that ANYONE who buys this low will make a shit ton of money.

AMB is run by the literal 1% of the 1% of EU geniuses, who have actual decades of experience in the IoT space. Compare that to some random Chinese CEO who used to sell fucking handbags at a mall.

>> No.13242804

Don't fall for the FUD anon

>Ambrosus has always stated they would sell the tokens, that partners would require to utilize the AMB-NET, would be sold on exchanges to partners. Every time huge sell walls appeared on Binance they were bought in to.
>Fact is, someone bought most if not all of these tokens. If Ambrosus would exit scam, selling 108 million tokens would destroy price when market dumped. Plus, why would they exit scam if team funds are still locked?
>On top of that, the panic led to FUD about an exit scam but everyone dumping dumped in to buy walls. If everyone freaked out about nothing, this thing has a very dry sell side left.

So, why do the price remain stable despite the massive sell in the past weeks from the team moving their dev funds to Binance hot wallet?

>> No.13242816

>So what the fuck is it doing on Binance? You think a reputable client company would want to introduce even more 3rd party risk when buying erc20 vaporware garbage?
What's the problem if they buy from Binance? Angel already said that partners will buy AMB from the market. Biggest AMB market is in Binance.
The fact is even after millions of sell walls and dumps the AMB price remains very stable, which is circumstantial evidence of partners buying into the dumps and sell walls.
Please stop this baseless FUD, it's already debunked time and time again.

>> No.13242832

Why bother with the exchange fees? They must be trying to get around some legal barriers.

>> No.13242892

Exchange fees on Binance is only 0.1% it's negligible for the big companies. We're talking about billion dollar revenue companies here, they won't be bothered with 0.1% trading fee from Binance.

>> No.13243734


>> No.13243769

I feel sorry for the delusional bagholders. It's so easy to see but still they defend it to the death.. Well it's darwinism but im crypto

>> No.13243856

>defending the team for doing exactly what they said a year ago
Ya anon, we’re idiots. We have actually kept up unlike 99% of easally influence moonboys

10usd per amb eoy.