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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13225766 No.13225766 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13225770

you did lol

>> No.13225786

and we're going to be rich, my friend =)
only dumb people dump. steel hands will be rewarded.

>> No.13225792

I've never bought anything I honestly just come here to shit post and pump coins I've never even heard about and have no intention to buy. I just like making other people lose money because all these coins are complete dogshit.

>> No.13225800

you bought memory disk space on millions of computers worldwide for as long as we humans survive.

>> No.13225810
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>> No.13225811

I think the coins are already to blow up at the slightest hint of being an ETF tho fo real boi. Back when my nigga winklevi were making that etf it was steady movin up. On dis april fools play it was steady movin up. Shiet homie Dump eet pump eet.

>> No.13225829
File: 301 KB, 371x383, POOOOMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relax babe-o.
what you did is pretty much like investing in oil stocks/bonds 70 years ago, and never selling.
you'll be aiight. just hodl on.
it. a long way. DOWN.
DOOOMp eat!



you tink. you really tink. the most elite gentile MAN's club would allow any weak wristed faggot hodl the power of the future and let it slip from between their flaccid foopa fingers?

abbolutely not.

the weight of the world will be on your shoulders. atlas.

we must know you are strong enough to hodl such great responsibility.

you do know how to clean your room? yes?

>> No.13225847


>> No.13225863

>My bank doesn’t have enough gold to back al accounts

>> No.13225901
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 8748E51E-C3B9-4FF3-921A-8D10A197878C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our grandfathers fought and died in wars
>traveled the unknown world in search riches
>started businesses from scratch
>all in the hopes of bettering their lives

>we invested in funny internet money from the comfort of our homes and will retire before we are 30

Do you think our ancestors look down on us or envy us?

>> No.13225913

i did buy part of fantastic technology

>> No.13225922

Most white Americans are descended from Italians and Irish. Your ancestore were retarded pasta or potato farmers and wonder why you are staring into a box with red and green lines going up and down on it.

>> No.13225933

>before we are 30
Probably not but I’ll take 31 or 32 too

>> No.13225938


Ltc is a good place to start if you do decide to join the escapees

>> No.13225957

Bitcoin is he most authentic asset on the planet.

>> No.13225964

>t. shitskin

>> No.13225977
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Internet money is the beginning of the white mans return. We'll use our profits and the ground laid to build a new economy and crypto-countries to exert our power on the world again. Jews messed up, so many pol NEETS are about to declare WW3 when we make it, money literally means NOTHING to us anymore.

>> No.13225988

>Most white Americans are descended from Italians and Irish.

Not me, nigguh.

>> No.13226030

level of shit is always the same.
you shouldnt forget there were plenty of ancesters who didnt make it or followed down bullshit paths that bankrupted them. there's lik 1 winner and 99 losers (out of that 99 losers 20 are not so bad off but their success is in no contrast to that one winner).

>> No.13226485

No, probably not. Imagine all of the life experiences and friends they made throughout all of those years of toil. They wouldn't exchange it for anything else.

>> No.13226678

they're fucking dead, who cares

>> No.13226716

Are you me?

I used to contribute back in 14 and 15 when there were real business threads, now I just encourage retards to throw their pennies at shit coins for lulz. They're gonna do it anyways, so I don't feel evil about helping them stay poor.