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File: 30 KB, 229x366, 1554229424057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13200059 No.13200059 [Reply] [Original]

Next.Exchange is a fucking scam. How do you go from this....

>> No.13200068
File: 74 KB, 1049x339, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....to this

>> No.13200123

Fake as fuck

>> No.13200132

Rakeesh why are you SO obsessed with FUDing NEXT that you had to create a whole separate thread about it? XBASE bags getting too heavy for you? This proves literally fucking nothing. Get better at this.

>> No.13200136

The first image is from the next.exchange team on their website.

The second is some random dude from :

>> No.13200137

SCAM HAHAA. U cunts shilling this, die in a fire

>> No.13200143

Makes sense after they spammed the board today to get people to buy in. Of course it's a scam

>> No.13200149

This gets better and better.
Starting to get serious Confido vibes about it.

>> No.13200165
File: 226 KB, 958x419, Screenshot from 2019-04-02 15-12-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rakesh is more likely to work for NEXT.

>> No.13200166

Stop samefagging you fucking faggot, this is too obvious. You are zeroing on a who exchange that has 2 million MC. Seriously, why do you obsess so much? Do you dream about it at night?

>> No.13200170
File: 194 KB, 500x243, 20190402_165724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't all crypto a scam?

>> No.13200173

What did JOOST say about it? Or did he refuse to answer?

>> No.13200176

Kek, literally stealing someone's bio. I have seen other projects using stock images for the dev team before..

>> No.13200195

How the fuck would I know, faggot? This is two people who have the same bio and you are trying to make it out as the whole exchange as a scam? One dev copy pasting a bio? Why are you so fucking obsessed? Come out of the woods xbasefaggot

>> No.13200198
File: 12 KB, 430x107, Screenshot from 2019-04-02 23-58-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13200207

>please stop exposing our scam or we will delete TG and dump everything we have on you

>> No.13200224

Same bio, word-for-word. It doesn't look good anon..

>> No.13200253
File: 931 KB, 640x640, 1541762473722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I love to see retarded pajeets burning.

>> No.13200260

This is a clear FUD campaign from XBASE. Painfully fucking obvious. Scared that your token might suffer from a superior exchange? Haven't seen this amount of faggotry in a while. All of this FUD literally amounts to nothing. A copy/paste bio? You're basing your whole campaign around that? P A T H E T I C.
Watch out for the timezone stamp, Igor.

>> No.13200273
File: 18 KB, 463x106, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek check out this dude

>> No.13200275

I have no idea what xbase is, this project seems scammy though.

>> No.13200283

Kek, the delusion is real.

>> No.13200291

Shut up faggot, you perfectly know what it is. Try faking it better.

>> No.13200297

Faking it like your 'lead developer'?

>> No.13200310

You either got no soul or you are a delusional bagholder. Go fuck your nonexistant mother

>> No.13200339

XBASE fags eternally BTFO. Your little group of fudding faggsters is literally the saddest thing. How much of a turbo autists do you need to be to search this fucking far down the internet just to find the tiniest speck of FUD.

>> No.13200356

I'm sorry your scam is unraveling before it even gets started

>> No.13200420

They are now deleting anyone asking about it on TG. It beings.

>> No.13200471


>> No.13200472

I tried joining the telegram the other day and got booted out and blocked straight away..something fishy going on here

>> No.13200482

As if I would actually join that group - thanks for bumping for awareness though!

>> No.13200489

Yea, Im for sure buming you, yeaaaaa

>> No.13200494

Are you losing the plot?

>> No.13200510
File: 7 KB, 179x281, brainlet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts screenshot from the price chat
>im not in the price chat

>> No.13200567

Lol, are you honestly that retarded? You can view TG groups without joining them. Holy shit no wonder you got scammed by this exchange

>> No.13200621
File: 638 KB, 249x237, reggie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine actually falling for this obvious scam LMAOOO

>> No.13200623

Block out? Again?

"In the meantime, Hoogendonk is considering legal action against Van Steenbergen. "But that is a bit tricky, because I don't know exactly where the man is."

Mail return
The alarm bells were not only ringed at Hoogendonk. The province of Noord-Brabant, which recently imposed an order subject to periodic penalty payments for three offenses in Nistelrode, was recently returned.

The house on the Kroonstraat in Eindhoven is currently occupied by other people. Various websites, including those from the BiQ Group and BiQ Energy, have been put on black. At least three telephone lines are off the air. He does not answer his cell phone."

>> No.13200636

read the entry message and you'd know you need to click the button which is to verify you're a human

any bot account gets kicked out. more legit of a room you cant find... better luck next time hehe

ive been in that room for over a year, ive been in personal messages with several members of the team, they're always open and helpful. had plenty of conversations going into their personal life also

this thread has no point to make honestly, just feels like creating fud for the fun of it. go do something productive with your life anons

>> No.13200654

and retards stop being so destructive for crypto by calling legit projects a scam, seriously gtfo and find a girlfriend

NEXT is no scam

>> No.13200656

the logic of this being a scam doesnt really hold up.

The ceo got 3 million dollars from the ico, see here


enough to retire on.So what does he do?he spends it on launching an exchnage, gets a team together, works for a year.Launches he exchange,( you can trade on it now) also you hold your own walles, so they cant get your coins.So where is the angle?Just seems like a head dev who wants to keep anonymous n case the project doesnt work out in the long run, as many do.The team are one of the most active ive seen on twitter, reddit.The testnet clearly has people using it.

>> No.13200675

The most obvious samefagging I've seen in a long time

>> No.13200684

Lmao looks like the NEXT team are here to try to smooth things over

>> No.13200687

FUD is legit and XBASEd.

>> No.13200696
File: 2.11 MB, 480x270, 3534566456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13200703

Im not that guy, who looks like he is a team member of some capacity.But the scam angle just doesnt hold any water.Scams run with the 3 milion a year ago, not use ot to start an exchnage, add coins, get regulated, make the exchange so you control your own wallets.Its too much work and they are too on the ball, and there is no motive.

>> No.13200717

Why exit with 3 million when you can milk it as you go?

>> No.13200728

Turns out the only scam here is OP was a faggot

>> No.13200731

Exactly. It's funny how emotionally invested in this some anons seem to be...

>> No.13200735

Milk it how?Tell me how they would milk anything.The whole point of the exchange is that the user controls all his own wallets, like a dex.Where is the milking angle?Only way they make money here is by making it a success.

>> No.13200740


lol, not really honestly but whatever you want to believe. lots of delusional people in this thread so its all good my dearest

>> No.13200751


not a member but i do have contact with them yes

>> No.13200775
File: 1.05 MB, 1242x1967, E3ACDF7F-2942-43CE-A65B-A25D50BEE1BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now they are removing these fake developers from their own website. You couldn’t make this shit up

>> No.13200782

They probably didn't liquidate thair ETH in time before the drop.

>> No.13200800
File: 814 KB, 1242x1852, BC78D7CA-9189-4669-8EC4-7AE07EAD61EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team have all been deleted including the fake devs. This scam is moving quickly

>> No.13200804

found the CEO of NEXT. How does it feel knowing you're going to prison in a year or two for scamming people?

>> No.13200824

To protect them from what? How the developers feel threatened? This is absolute BS. Even NEXTards should realize that at this point. Every serious project has all its devs listed along with their githubs and linkedin profiles.

>> No.13200837

hey hey hey wassup wassup wassup

>> No.13200840

Obvious scam aside, those grammar and spelling errors don't bode well for confidence that you aren't a pajeet scammer

>> No.13200854

lol!!! exactly when i mentioned delusional, thanks for confirming

>> No.13200856

this actually fud, all the team are still there.


Again there is no motive here to spend a load of money and do the work they do unless they are a legit business.SIt back and actually think about it.

>> No.13200882


>> No.13200894

it's literally there

>> No.13200909


which set-up of scammers would expose their real name and identity online. the fud is so retarded here

and in just a few minutes time i went from community member to team member to ceo, hahahaha love it

>> No.13200937

>that shit tier english
I take it all back, this is TOTALLY not a scam guys

>> No.13200953

>trying this hard to convince people you're not
>using reddit lingo
>shit grammar of pajeet
no one gives a fuck who you are anon but we can all agree this is a scam. sounds like you're in on it.

>> No.13200954

exactly.Every other team member is on linkedin,with next.exchange in their profile , and would literally be ruined professionally if this was a scam.

"hey guys, lets use the 3 million from the ico to work for a year, launch an actual exchange, spend all our waking hours on reddit, twitter, telegram, make a testnet, put our real names out there on linkedin, add next.exchange on there, then exit with no money made or taken from anywhere because its not possible"

I mean even someone with a 30iq wouldnt do that.

>> No.13200965

Fuck off ranjeesh. Look in the mirror you curry faggot

>> No.13200974

Fuck off rajnish. I don’t own any of this garbage but this for sure has shit all over it.

>> No.13200998



>> No.13201020

Nice double posting faggot, turn on the VPN next time

>> No.13201030

btw, search my id, i defended the next team here, and you muted then kicked me from the telegram for simply trying to find the truth., name started with a g.Learn who your friends are.Wanting info isnt the same as fudding.

>> No.13201066

google translate the last two paragraphs from this article about Christian van Steenbergen


The businessman denies signs that he is staying in Bosnia. "I live in Switzerland," he says. He later corrects this by saying that he still lives in the Netherlands. However, he does not reveal his address.

However, on Facebook and LinkedIn, Van Steenbergen reports that he lives in Las Vegas and New York respectively. Van Steenbergen: "Oh, sir, who takes Facebook seriously?" He also changed the data on both networks after a conversation with this newspaper.

>> No.13201073

I saw them delete your perfectly normal questions - another red flag, sorry anon

>> No.13201088

There is a bot that asks you if you are a human and you need to answer or you will get booted. Also this bot fucks with using Bettergram because I had same exact issue and the COO helped me get into the chat again

>> No.13201208

Finally, a voice of reason. One should also note that someone FUDing in other post about a court settlement regarding their associated bank partner, Bunq. The irony is if you read the court document it talks about what Next.exchange is while discussing the fact they sued Bunq because after depositing funds into the account Bunq changed terms of their partnership or something to that effect. Anyways Next.exchange lost the decision. Again...why would a scammer even try to partner with a bank if the intent was to scam everyone? Why sue? Why partner with bank? Why give them money at all of the aim is to scam? On another note, the document ironically verifies Next.exchange’s authenticity if you really think about it so thanks for posting that whoever you are. Just use logic people. Why would a scammer do any of this at all. A lot of work for what would be far less than 3 million after paying employees and other various costs of apparently “pretending” to be building the exchange. Why steal a fish when you could create a river and let fish flow through it and charge that fucking fish a pound of flesh to swim down the river?! Yea. That analogy just happened. Fuck you FUDDERs

>> No.13201217

Lucky for me i sold 2 days ago.

>> No.13201262

Then why all the lies? The fake developers? The censorship?

>> No.13201303

How can you short a crypo? This might be the first time I badly want to short something.

>> No.13201348

The faggotry in this thread is impressive, I'll give you that much

>> No.13201355

the fuck? anyone can make a linkedin profile. in fact it's standard scammer MO to make a linkedin profile and link with dozens of other fake accounts, because boomers and retards look at it as some verified badge

>> No.13201438

I responded once to your garbage then saw More garbage so I responded again with literally the same type of speech. Wasn’t trying to hide that lmao you’re a fucking joke

>> No.13201467


just look at the reddit page for them , its more active than 99% of big long term projects in crypto


look at all the coins added, you can verify this by going to their site.


now look at their twitter


again more active than 99% of projects.

why do all this work unless you actually want to make a SUCCESSFUL exchange?Can you find another motive?If so what is it?id sure like to hear.

>> No.13201516

Get the fuck outta here you street shitter

>> No.13201517

Please answer

>> No.13201573

Chris, the XBASE fudders in this thread are RIDICULOUS. Poor fucking Massman lol.

The exchange has been working okay and is due a big update.

Check this out:



Why the FUCK would they be doing this if it were a scam? Fucking seriously?

Thank you Anon, this makes a lot of sense. No idea why the fuck they would stick their necks out and sue.

Literally just a based CEO.

Look at the fucking linkedins that were shared in the chat. They are all fucking legitimate.

It would have been easier to book it with the 3 mill and launch a new hypie ICO.

>> No.13201580

What lies?Its one russian dev, who isnt even a lead.Most likely web devs didnt have his full info when making the site and got a little creative.Everyone else on the team page has lengthy linkedin profiles.The guy clearly prefers not to be plastered ll over the web,

>> No.13201586


>> No.13201609

I’m going to be honest I have no idea but I’ll be honest even further when I tell you none of this will get me to sell my 25k NEXT bag so I guess we can all agree to disagree. Don’t worry its my money I will lose if it turns out to be a scam. Not sure where any of your guys were when this was being originally shilled but thanks for coming out of the wood works now. It’s like NEXT having their own #metoo movement over here. Please don’t act like you guys are letting everyone know out of the kindness of your hearts. This place cracks me up. The funniest part about this place is most of you come here to play pretend because you can’t be yourselves in public. I am the exact same person I am on here as I am in person but I think there’s a lot of two faced money hungry fucking losers on this site who have nothing better to do than to sit and create the silliest threads concerning various coins and how they are scams or how someone should buy a coin but it is so incredibly disingenuous that you’d have to be pretty thick to believe a lot of the shit you see here. Come to your own conclusions

>> No.13201654

Here's my own conclusion: you're a fucking idiot

>> No.13201664

God damn, little rage kiddo.
Here, you should become a NEXT Ambassador, https://medium.com/nextexchange/next-ambassador-program-898a202c4e43

>> No.13201717

Thanks anon. I might just have to

>> No.13201735

Right back at ya sweetheart

>> No.13201739

You're welcome.
I will be a part of it, but didn't get approved yet, im not really active anywhere besides here. Fuck Twitter.

>> No.13201750

Unbelievable, this fucking thread is at 100 replies.

>> No.13201765


I mean, that is pretty bad tho.

>> No.13201778


Why the fuck would Bitconnect hold huge expensive conferences if they were a scam.

Oh wait... to maintain an illusion until they exit scam.

>> No.13201808

Bitconnect did not have anything sound technically.
These people have a fucking testnet in place with active users.

>> No.13201860

Very true but giving people their own private keys and individual wallets isn’t a very good start to stealing users funds

>> No.13201866

you know the story on here, the more something is fudded, the more you should buy it, story as old as time.All the people at the top of the chain here are known, have linkedin profiles, they are the ones who would have the hammer come down on them, not some russian mid level dev.Why go to all the effort of making him up when it doesnt fucking matter anyway.Occams Razor here ,the simplest explanation is the most likely.

>> No.13201881

If anyone else has any questions concerning the legitimacy of a project, and are having a hard time applying sheer logic today, I will be here for a couple more hours and would be happy to help unconfuse the commonfolk on this board.

>> No.13201887

This is how we're gonna rob that bank...
We're gonna go there every day and just lay low, change the trash, clean the windows, shit like that...
We're gonna slowly take a little bit of money every week, for like 30-40 years...
Then after that. We're just gonna walk right out the front door like nothing happened.

>> No.13201894

lol exactly, this would be the worst scam ever. "lets give the users their own wallets and keys and lets get regulated so we can easily be prosecuted.Lets also do lots of real hard work on making the site, launching it, making masternodes, very active on twitter, reddit, telegram.Lets also partner in with a bank!"

>> No.13201916


Poor analogy, I'll admit.

But why did they copy some other projects team bio? Is it just the copywriters fault?

>> No.13201943

Ok, what was up with the article fud that was going around?

Is the project being deliberately fudded?

Why do you think NEXT has a clear shot of being a winner?

>> No.13201954

Probably, they could have just asked the dev to send a bio. Would a copywriter write bios so short as this? Not even sure they have a copywriter, seems like they do everything in house.

>> No.13201980

10/10 shitpost. Would read again

>> No.13202014

What you need to take from this thread, is that someone or some GROUP are very scared of the next exchange and what they can accomplish.It really isnt hard to read between the lines.

>> No.13202033

Have you seen next's "technically sound" UI? It's so broken. The email verification is also broken. It's created by $2/hr street shitters.

>> No.13202055

I have, retard, do you dyor or want mommy to enema it into your ass? https://www.reddit.com/r/NEXTexchange/comments/b440h6/commonly_asked_questions_exchange_blockchain_other/

>> No.13202077

Clearly there’s a deliberate level of FUD going on which honestly the whole idea of FUD has always seemed pretty retarded to me until you realize how much people trade with their feeling and emotions and not a level head. Clearly people know this and spend time to manipulate and deceive any which way they can. I can’t really speak as to what is up with the copy paste shit(again being honest here) but the articles that have been brought up including the court document bring more validity to the situation than anything. Clearly Next.exchange is legitimate enough to be named and described in a court case where THEY sued someone and not the other way around. People need to realize this is how adults settle disputes; they take one another to court if they can’t agree on something and it’s a big enough issue. As far as the other articles go about failed business ventures etc, that does not define someone as a scammer. I have started up business on several occasions and only one of them is functioning. Does that mean I am a scammer? No. It means I failed several times before getting it right. That’s what being successful is about. Realize most of you will not find success inside of a box placed on your doorstep. Instead, you will have to fight for your own success and sometimes it gets messy and its not a perfect process but success is success no matter how ugly(and I’m pretty ugly)

>> No.13202103

Valid points.
Exactly, why the hell would they be the ones doing the suing.
Price expectations?

>> No.13202119

A bunch of words. That doesn't make the exchange useable and their blockchain something more than a simple fork.

>> No.13202158

Great, and they are updating 1.1 to do what? Improve the exchange.
Blockchain fork... Thats interesting, so they forked BTC, DASH, and SYS... Much criminal. Guessing they should have built a whole new chain from the ground up right? Like Litecoin? Right anon?

>> No.13202180

It said something about them depositing required balance in the account and the Bunq changing terms of agreement for the account(or something along the mode lines) to which they lost the settlement and had to pay the court fees for Bunq. Surely we only know a small portion of how it all actually played out but it’s just not enough substance to consider NEXT a scam. Clearly they’ve had some turbulence in certain areas of development but again you can’t cite that and equate it to a scam

>> No.13202270

Yeah, too bad about the turbulence, price would be waaaaay better. But I expect that to be fixed soon.

>> No.13202406

With which dlc does this character come?

>> No.13202620

Morrowind Joostbunal

>> No.13202887

This. On a phone, only decent app is Binance and Bitmex has better UI without an app then many exchanges apps.