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File: 3 KB, 225x225, RLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13186682 No.13186682 [Reply] [Original]

Did I fuck up buying this?

The tokenomics are dreadful and it's purpose can alse be fulfilled just by ETH.

>> No.13186708


>> No.13186717
File: 216 KB, 800x800, iexec-pepe-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why buy then retard? Just sell your pajeet stack of 500 RLC. We don't need you.

>> No.13186758

I have 5000, not a lot, but not a pajeet stack.

I am just curious as to why this thing is supposedly a hidden gem.

>> No.13186789

> hidden
nope, there's like 100 threads a day
> gem
also nope, shit-tier tokenomics and hyped up partnerships. No adoption, lots of moonboys. And you are right, it can unironically be replaced by eth by doing a simple copy and paste on their github.

>> No.13186802

*meant find and replace

>> No.13186862

Yea, BTC can also be replaced simply by forking BTC. But it wont pajeeet.

Just wait for v3. RLC is gonna be big.

>> No.13186888
File: 200 KB, 375x523, 1549040315127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has stacking and is open to changes in the future.

>Hyped up partnerships.
First some insiders know about it. Then they post it here and everybody calls it fake and discord group P&D. Then news gets released on Intel, IBM and soon Alibaba Cloud and fudders call it "hyped" partnerships. Ok retards

>No adoption.
So? 100% of crypto has no adoption. This retard Probably owns some shitty overvalued +1b market cap with 99,99% volume on exchanges and not actually in usage and calls a 30m project "moonboys".

>Replaced by ETH
If it's so easy why don't you do it? You'd be a millionare in a few months.

So yeah, when FUD is that low, you know it's a good project.

>> No.13186922
File: 213 KB, 894x897, 1526496356125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC dumped hard on v2 release

>> No.13186959
File: 255 KB, 801x1080, 3mbz8mps5im21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Think you just answered your own question.

>> No.13186973
File: 112 KB, 1993x732, v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13187059

staking is only 30% of the job and only as long as the job is being run. will cause no shortage/demand for the token

>> No.13187140

WTF are you talking about? NOWHERE is said staking is 30% of job's task.

>> No.13187153
File: 176 KB, 620x824, fedaklown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be free market, workers decide how much they stake so they offer more security for the customer. Link me where does it say it has to be 30%? You're just another pajeet fudder. Can't beat me fag

>> No.13187163

>If it's so easy why don't you do it? You'd be a millionare in a few months.

Simple, I'll wait until this reaches some point of usability. Probably takes more than a year still, don't be fooled by V3, the same "gamechanging" promises were made for V2 and V1. Not sure how or why it would make me a millionaire if I replace it with eth, but hey why not.

Also, it's not fud if it's true retard. The other points you made were either false, or stupid.

>Hurrdurr some other tokens are also stupidly overvalued, therefore my shitcoin deserves to be a billion dollars

>> No.13187171
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 1551264447221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trips

>> No.13187180

Show us your portfolio so we can all laugh together

>> No.13187189

>he didn't even read the poco articles and thinks other people are fudding

KEK, btfo pagjeet.

>> No.13187268

Yeah I actually read the whitepaper and all their articles and NOWHERE is said a 30% of task price you worthless piece of shit. Post the actual link where it says so pajeet

>> No.13187286

enigma makes iexec obsolete

>> No.13187888

we are on the some boat, I have bought a lot of rlc last year at 1.80$, and went troutght the bear without touch them, at this point selling has no sense.

Let's see what's gonna happen (I won't buy more, just try to swing trade from now on)

There is an high chance we fell for the meme, and that in the end this is just a bad token becuse of tokenomic

Only youtube/normie's hype can save us

>> No.13187890

Good luck with PoCo consensus :)

>> No.13188654
File: 46 KB, 737x278, poco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>between 20 and 50

>> No.13188799

all it'll take is around one iexec token (40 cents) to return a business damaging false result while it'll take 25,000 ENG $15k

what a joke LMAO

>> No.13188880

Then do the fucking job correctly and you wont get a damaging result?

Seems like a good thing to me. Do bad? Get damaged. Do good? Everyone's happy.
Why are you including ENG into the conversation? It can't even do compute intensive task orders.

>> No.13189770

> It can't even do compute intensive task orders.

it will, just like iExec

>> No.13190235

you're fucking dreaming if you think eng will ever be able to do anything similar to rlc

>> No.13190534

>Running big data computations on the block chain

Go read up on what IExEc does and realize how stupid and uninformed this sounds.

>> No.13190591

>on the blockchain
>on it
you are retarded and have zero clue what you are talking about

>> No.13190620

>The tokenomics are dreadful and it's purpose can alse be fulfilled just by ETH.
Ah, I see you purchased a coin from biz's 2018 collection.

>> No.13191154

Crypto oldfag here, I've been trying to warn people about this one for ages. It's hardly even tech, it's just an app on Ethereum.

>> No.13191175

>it's just an app on ethereum
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.13191189

look goys im just trying to get in whichever coin that will moon first

>> No.13191234

I remember when I first got baited into buying this. Lost a lot and learned my lesson, never trust these faggots, especially RLC with their god-awful memes.

>> No.13191486 [DELETED] 

screencapped for 2020

>> No.13191556


>> No.13191749

Do I fomo or wait for a dip?

>> No.13191971



>> No.13192457

brainlet dreaming of big brain

>> No.13192476

Nowhere says is fixed to 30%. You can stake between 20% and 50% or 1000% if you want, work providers will fight for being the most secure => having the most stake

>> No.13192497

this. this piece of shit is the king of the bleeders

>> No.13192535

>+x2.5 since start of year

>> No.13192716

Always comfy
We are gonna make it boyz. EOY 2022

>> No.13193155

Is it too late to FOMO guys?

>> No.13193260

Wait for a possible dip
Be careful, V3 is coming

>> No.13193434

i just bought the dump.

>> No.13193467

No one will even use it
Just like every other crypto project that is finally released

>> No.13193485

So why are you in crypto ?

>> No.13194264

based factist