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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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131461 No.131461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no matter how much we try 99% of us will never know what is like to be rich

Whats the point of even trying for those of us who have no connections?

>> No.131469

some of us are in the top 10% trying to make it into the 1%.

>> No.131512

Rich is relative. Most people in the US who are above the poverty line live better than billions of people in the world, and better than anyone did 100 years ago.

>> No.131530

this. Raised in an upper-middle class family, want to be the first one in my family to get into the 1% (Although my great great grandfather was a pretty wealthy (not crazy wealthy) business owner)

Maybe one day the medical field will take me there...

>> No.131541

richfags making irrelevant posts, pls go

>> No.131544

>Medical field

Highly unlikely you'll make it to the 1% unless you own a few hospitals. There's no more money in healthcare

>> No.131616


>ageing population

>no money in healthcare

Pick one.

>> No.131623

Wealth should not be a goal. Wealth should be a side-effect. If wealth is your goal, then you will lead a miserable life.

>> No.131636

Cool, don't try then. More room for motivated people. Better yet just kill yourself now and save anyone the bother of actually having to interact with you ever again.

>> No.131646

Please go, Communist.

>> No.131652


I already have a miserable life. I don't think it can get worse by having money.

>> No.131667

i would normally say stop being such a negative nancy
but connections is everything

>> No.131672

I'm middle class too and I dont consider myself in the 10%

>> No.131680

Connections are not everything. That's just a scapegoat for poor performers.

>> No.131681

oh shut up


>> No.131691
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>top 10%
>upper middle

>> No.131688

I plan on going for a high paying programming job while doing stock investments. I might get to the 1% if I work hard

>> No.131700

I'd be happy just to be in the top 25%.

Hell, I'd be happy to make 80k a year with a 40 hour work week. Currently only at 30 right now with only 50k to my name at 24 years old...

>> No.131715

must be tough

>> No.131717
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>tfw born into wealth and have strong connections before I even head off to college

>> No.131731

Same here.

I work for IBM. At about $85k a year right now, counting bonuses. Currently a database developer for a business intelligence unit.

Hoping to hit senior developer by end of year, which is about $100-120k, then Associate Vice President, $140-180k. Then Director $200-250k. Then Vice President, $250-500k.

Then small business owner/consultant and tap into a clean $1 million or more.

I know I can do this. I'm sure of it. Probably take about 15 years but I can do it.

>> No.131762

I don't plan to be rich, seems like an unfulfilling life to me.

I don't have the motivation to go through years of school, kiss people's asses, pay college loans, get dressed up, social engineer my way through life.

>worked in service industry, became a plumber, making bank
Couldn't ask for a different scenario

>> No.131768
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This. It's a fight to the top.
>tfw you have a shot due to connections and ongoing ventures
>tfw I'm going to have to work hard on it

The wonderful thing about American capitalist society is that you have a shot at the top even if you're in the 99%. What is unsaid (and this the real reason why Occupy movements happen) is that you actually have to be fucking smart/clever/charismatic/social/etc in order to actually work your way up there.

>> No.131777
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Impressive, besides all the money and bonuses. How happy are you with your job? If it is t your dream job would you rather keep your job than your dream job if it was a guarantee to get it.

This is for anyone in general. Most of the joys in life I matter who you are is money but would you trade it if you didnt enjoy life as much?

>> No.131816

>tfw family is only top 14%ish
Can I make it /biz/? I have several good connections in the government and federal bureaucracy, but nothing worth mentioning in the private sector.

>> No.131835

>tfw no matter how much we try 99% of us will never know what it's like to be leisurely rich

man sometimes i wish i was a gril

>> No.131853

too bad you'd still be ugly

>> No.131879

marrying a rich person who uses you for your looks and then gets a mistress once you become boring sounds great

>> No.131899

>Whats the point of even trying for those of us who have no connections?


>> No.131915

>is that you actually have to be fucking smart/clever/charismatic/social/etc
It's interesting how people can convince themselves they're in a competitive, meritocratic system when they're so offended by the fact that certain people have certain skills others don't have.

All this "equality" and SJW bullshit has no place in capitalism.

>> No.131925


i don't know man... the few "aspiring housewives" in my generation are having it great, spending all day either at yoga or on pinterest rather than being overworked and indebted

>> No.131953

99% of 4chan is younger than 24

considering a lot of them are white people who grew up in middle class enviroments, a big handful of them will become rich two decades from now.

isn't it odd, knowing you will live another two decades?

>> No.131976

>Money can't buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.

>> No.131998

>herp derp derp white privilege
maybe a slightly higher proportion of us will obtain shekels because we are all impulsive risk taking types, but most of us are just going to end up as blue/white collar plebs

>> No.132039

Precisely. At it's heart, modern liberalism is anti-capitalist because it's main ideological basis (equality for all) is against the basic principles of capitalism: there must be winners and losers. They're still trying to find a way to reconcile them, but they never will.

If read between the line at Occupy, much of it was "We're losers, we got taken for a ride, we know it, we hate it, and we really don't know what to do about it".

>> No.132085
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>tfw 1% of us will never know what it's like to be poor

>> No.132122

I'm really happy.

I like working with big data for one thing. I have room to be creative. And IBM is on board with telecommuting which is really important to me. I'm married with kids and being able to work at home .. to help my wife with emergencies, to sleep in a bit, to not miss out on my kids' milestones, thats a huge bonus in and of itself.

If/when I hit director or VP level, I'll probably have to sacrifice that. But by then the kids should be in middle school or high school.

>> No.132162


Definitely watch over your kids closely until at least Sophomore year. Even if they have good habits and are on the right track all throughout elementary and middle school, they can falter in 9th grade quite drastically and set bad precedents for the rest of their high school and college career. It's really as simple as just checkin' their homework every now and then, going to see the teachers every quarter, and just asking them how their day went.

>Source: myself

>> No.132183

Threads like these make me thankful I'm well into the 1%

>> No.132194

>implying my dad doesn't make 300k a year
pls go

>> No.132591

Man, it just never seems like it is enough. I am 27 making $100k/yr in TX, but I feel like I am falling behind. I look at what I want, and it is SO CLOSE. It would certainly be obtainable with another income but, >tfw no girlfriend.

>> No.132632


You know how the jews got rich, even though all of europe was against them, they still got fucking loaded.

Be like jew.

Become the jew.

>> No.132661

>medical field will take me there...
you can only work so many hours a week.

>> No.132674

>tfw not a cent to my name
>tfw want to freelance
>tfw no capital

>> No.132689
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>you will never be jewish
>you will never be the .01%

Plebs4life assemble

>> No.132732

anon, some men are born with connections, but a real man makes his own connections

I'm an introvert too that gets tired from too much socialization, you just have to force yourself to do it, and it gets better with practice. In the long term, it might even be better for us introverts because we are more straightforward and thus more trustworthy than extroverts who sell through smooze.

>> No.132745

>tfw parents are both high achieving physicians
>accustomed to 1% lifestyle
>overcome with fear that I won't match their level of success and have to live on less when I'm an adult

>> No.132796
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>tfw working class parents and no connections
>tfw I have 45k and am the richest person I know

>> No.132848


I am jewish and broke. What does it mean?

>> No.132880

To expand on this, it only takes 1 meeting face-to-face to make a connection. Nut up a couple times and you may find yourself with a handful of connections. Couple more times and you might find yourself with better connections. Keep going and who knows.

>> No.132889

You are adopted

>> No.132923
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> mdw I dont really care about being "rich" but really just think that economics and finance are interesting as social/behavioral/game theory study

I dont understand you people who want to be rich and go into finance. if desire alone was enough every nigger would be in the 1% ( whatever the hell that means). you need talent and desire and luck. if you are majoring in something and you arnt inherently good at it I dont know why you would persue it, well, other than vanity.

threads like these are like virgins talking about sex

>> No.133062
File: 181 KB, 719x458, feel money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never know what it feels like to own a dozen european palaces and have a swimming pool full of money

>> No.133190

IBM guy again.
Part of the trick is to reduce expenses. Earlier I said I make $85k with a goal for $100k by the end of the year. But if I lived in the Bay Area, that wouldn't mean diddly.

I used to live in Portland Oregon. My rent for a 2 bedroom duplex was $1200/month. And electric was as low as $100-$120 in the spring, up to $4-500 in winter time. Plus state taxes, intermittent county taxes, gas taxes, etc.

Oregon charges awful taxes and has shit to show for it. Schools are ranked 43rd in the nation, roads are shit, non-tech jobs are mostly just service sector unless you can get into Weyerhaeuser (which is really just a great way to make no more than $20/hour base pay before getting killed on the job).

Everyone in Portland makes fun of Vancouver Washington .. its the suburb in Washington just across the Columbia river, just north of Portland. They call it "Vantucky" because there's a lot of blue collar work.

But Washington schools are 9th in the nation. Theres no income tax. I dont smoke weed but if I ever wanted to, its completely legal. The average home price for a 3 bedroom 2 bath house in Portland is about $350k ... closer to $500k if you want to live in northwest Portland. In Vancouver you can find 3 bed 2 bath, with more square feet, and a bigger yard, for $200k. And way less taxes.

Plus, crime is lower. Which means auto insurance is lower.

Better schools, cheaper rent, cheaper homes, less taxes, lower insurance ... and with all the farmers in and around "Vantucky", I have access to delicious and cheap produce from farmers markets ... and I can shop farmers markets without having to hang out with a bunch of stinky hippies.

So my income grew 20% from the time I moved from Portland to Vancouver, because I transferred from contractor to FTE. But. My expenditures *dropped* 15-20% or more. My rents $1015, my power is never over $200 and usually under $100, my insurance is cheaper, gas is cheaper, foods cheaper, and I pay less taxes.

>> No.133210

Texas is fuckin big and relatively good in terms of taxes. But if you move somewhere less "cool" .. move to a suburb .. you're gonna significantly reduce rent, insurance, possibly food.

That alone can save you $500 a month.

>> No.133301

I couldn't care less about being happy. I don't really live my life for myself, I want to give my family a good life because they've struggled for so long. That's my motivation. If someone made a deal to take my life for a billion dollars for my family, I'd take it.

>> No.133320

I don't think connections have anything to do with it, I just don't see opportunity.

>> No.133759

If you work, you can make connections, no excuse, i started at fucking subway and am now a senior developer (90k).

Getting your first big break (into an industry lets say) is hardest and most key, you will fail many times, do not give up (unless you have a better alternative).

getting your second big break to show progress is next hardest, then your pretty stable.

In any venture, you will fail 9/10, its that one chance of success that your hoping for.

If your young, be very wary of young women in the workplace, they are far more cancerous and backstabbing then anyone else.

By default everyone in the workplace are backstabbers, if you genuinely find someone that will put the time to look out for you, they are gold.

This isn't so bad if you have a good reputation, as due to self-interest, they will want you.

>> No.133769

If you are in finance/investing then wealth should be your goal.

>> No.133823

Just read How To Make Friends and Influence People and stop being a social failure

Jesus Christ

It really is who you know, but getting to know people is pretty simple. You probably accidentally meet 3 people a week who could give you a break, and if you suck at making friends you're going to fucking blow it.

>> No.133832

1200 a month would be pretty nice for me. I'll be working in Calgary, AB with a large oil company in IT fresh out of school, and I just grabbed a pretty large 2bed for 1500 a month. The location and apartment are beautiful but the number still bothers me, despite a very decent salary for my age.

>> No.133969

All i want is a house with a big garden and tranquility. I don't want to live in a small box with 20 neighbours that you can hear snoring/watching tv every day.

>> No.135240

"Not a dollar sign on a peace of mind, and this I've come to know."

Once you get some age on you, you will realize life isn't what you earn, it's what you make of what you get. I went to college for the same reason all of you are, to get a degree that you think will pay six figures. I graduated with a MS in Computer Engineering back in 2002. I worked for a government agency for 5 years, then worked for a government contractor. I made money and I made connections. But you have to realize money is earned. Your fantasy of driving to the club in a luxury Mercedes will never happen, because you will be working. Making money = 80+ hours a week no matter who you are. Ask a doctor. Ask an investment banker. Ask a business owner. Money consumes your life. I've since gone back to school for nursing. I don't make even a quarter of what I used to make but I'm much much much more happy with the lifestyle. I work 3 days a week taking care of people who appreciate me and thank me again and again. I get 4 days a week spending time with family and doing what I want. I no longer have the burden on my shoulders everyday of impossible deadlines, getting shit on by corporate pigs, etc.

>> No.135292

>80+ hours a werk
you're doing it wrong. Source: my father, he is merchant

>> No.135302


>my father doesn't so that is irrelevant

What are you 12?

>> No.135309

Be nice.

>> No.135346

fuck that noise
.1% us where it's at

>> No.135349

Maybe /biz/ should be 4chan's place to get connections; like kickstarter, but with people that you have to talk to for months before they would invest a single fucking dollar in your "perfect" idea.

Imagine a company that openly admits it exists because of 4chan.

>> No.135527

all i want is to work in an investment bank
is that so much to ask for

if I'm being idealistic, a hedge fund, insurance agency as an actuary, or in private equity

why do i have to be an admin assistant/customer service rep -_-

>> No.135615

because you don't have the degrees and intelligence to work where you want to ?

>> No.135637

This. The trick is to deliberately choose a goal that will pay well, and then put so much effort and passion into it that you fall in love with the thought of its completion and forget why you chose it in the first place.

>> No.135645

on topic question: How much wealth do you have to accumulate to actually be in the top 1% in America?

>> No.135653

earning a comfortable income that you can support a family on, and then retire in another country doing fuck all until you die, leaving all of your money to your children so they can have a better start than you did.

>> No.135664

You don't need either of those if you're seeking a specific position at a certain company. They're really only good for broadcasting (in the farming sense) your applications

>> No.135661

That's what I thought this board would gravitate towards originally. I still think it will eventually evolve into that somewhat.

>> No.135665

money earned, or money earning?

>> No.135670

it's slowly becoming that, Wipe said he would be open to partnering up with business people in Dallas and in a thread the other day this guy seemed really happy to give me tips on how to get into his private gentleman's club. If you actually bother talking to the more successful people on here there does seem to be a great deal of networking potential.

>> No.135677

earned, I'm assuming that's the same as net value? That is what I want to know.

>> No.135688



>> No.135697

though matter what you may think of his investment advice the man has money, you can't deny that.

>> No.135709

I have only $5k to my name at 24, because I live in eastern Europe.

Check your fucking privelege.

>> No.135714

Tried a thread. Faggots showed up.

This board is still full of /b/tards.

>> No.135721

His mudperson wife has oil stipend money and he's exactly the kind of bloodsucking narcissist you should steer clear from if you ever want to make your own money. He has no spine, no dignity, and is better suited for politics.

>> No.135725

what thread was this? I remember the secret society one I was in got ruined by edgy communists towards the end. I honestly think there should be a diligent mod team that bans commies and NEETs on site, would help this board massively.

>> No.135723

Connections are everything who the fuck are you trying to kid

>> No.135733

It's a shit thread. You're supposed to present your idea, not beg for others'.

>implying I'm going to share my ideas with strangers on the internet

>> No.135756

20 years old, about $20 in my pocket, $20 in the bank, half a tank of gas, late on $200 of car insurance, owe a bullshit $500 electric bill that I shouldn't have been given, and hold about $1500 in medical debt. If I miss another day of work, I'm fired and have no idea where to go with a $600 biweekly paycheck I have coming next week.

But god dammit, I will own and manage this podunk shithole town's economy before I'm 30.

Kentucky sucks when your parents are assholes.

>> No.135768

About 45 minutes ago.

"Entremanure Thread"

I may have worded it too loosely.

>> No.135784

The idea was to bounce ideas off other anons, fucktard. I couldn't give a fuck less about your ideas.

>> No.135787


>Wahh! /biz/ won't start a business for my poor hillbilly ass!

>> No.135801

You obviously don't have any ideas, why do you expect others to have some, let alone share them with broke 20 year-old stranger from Kentucky?

>> No.135813

that wasn't a networking thread though, it was just a business ideas thread. And obviously if people have a decent idea they're going to be reluctant to share it. Nobody wants competition.

>> No.135832
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I'd like to think if I keep painting someone will like my work enough to buy it, then there will be a slight boost in popularity and I'll be able to make a living off it.

It'll never happen, but I can hope and dream.

>> No.135894

>implying Kentucky isn't above the Mason-Dixon Line.

>> No.135904

>Implying people high up financially have spines
Learned it the hard way, not even your partners aren't to be trusted at a certain point.

>> No.135924

>implying I don't have connections to people with Bachelors' Degrees and rich parents, and a fuckassdickshitload of ideas for firearms.

>> No.135967


>tfw no matter how much we try 99% of us will never know what is like to be rich

Western arrogance at it's finest. If you look at the global economy, you are very much part of the 1%. At worst the 10%. You have clean water, other infrastructure, food, a refrigerator and so on.

A very high percentage of the world lives a few dollars a day, and you make that in most likely less than a half hour. grow the fuck up

>> No.136061

poor in rich nation =/= rich in poor nation

>> No.136074

You don't need to be at the very top to be happy.

>> No.136105

IB and the deal space are overrated IMO
not because the work can't be interesting, challenging, or lucrative. But because everybody and their fucking mom wants to do it.

If you want to work in IB then learn all of the necesassary skills + some additional ones, reach out to people who currently work in that industry and get to know them on a professional and personal basis. Apply and reach out to head hunters like a mad man. Attend industry events, seminars, and career fairs. Aim for smaller boutiques and try to get your foot in the door. Once in, work your ass off like crazy. Become the best fucking analyst or junior banker that you can be. then network your way into a larger firm (middle market or bb) work your ass off until you are reknown amongst your group and senior bankers. Go to B school and come back as an associate rinse and repeat the hard work and networking addiction. Be seen as permanent valuable asset to your team and considere on a track for a senior banker position. Go above and beyond the call of duty for your firm for the next decade. Then in the meantime hope your firm doesn't crash and burn. Eventually beomce an MD when you are in your late 30's to early 40's. Make guap, close deals, and enjoy life. DO this for the next 20 years. And then retire as a senior md who makes 7 figures for just showing up to the office, calling some 'friends', getting on deals, giving all of your work to your minions, go on vacations and to dinners with clients. and die a 'free' man

>> No.136155

>there must be winners and losers
That was probably the most awfully, helplessly, ridiculously American statement I've read on this website.

>> No.136190

but the world has always had winners and losers? I don't see how this is an exclusively American stance to take.

Also, apparently to be in the top 1% you only need a net worth of $8.4 million, I expected it to be much higher than that. Feeling pretty positive now.

>> No.136211
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mfw I personally know at LEAST a 2% guy.

>> No.136288

IBM guy again.

I grew up in a town of 2,020 people. The unemployment rate in my home town, using current figures not even U-6 figures, is about 14%.

When I was in college, I often smoked cigarettes to subdue hunger pangs. Other put on the freshman 15. I actually lost about 10.

Immediately after graduating, I have vivid and humbling memories of standing in line to get food boxes. Getting up 2 hours before work and walking 3 and a half miles to a Connery because I couldn't even afford a bus pass let alone gas. Donating plasma because I couldn't afford diapers for my first born.

You can rise up above this shit you're in. You *HAVE* to keep your chin up and stay confident in your capabilities. You can't give in to temptations to be ruthless or to chase the quick illegal bucks. But you can do this. The really great thing about my story is that it isn't even all that exceptional. Many others have overcome worse to achieve even better.

>> No.136301


Not Connery.
silly android spellchecker

>> No.136332

But the real 1% os either jewish or worked their life away for that position. 50 year old man with a billion health problems and a billion dollars doesn't sound very attractive to me, you can't buy time back.
The ones i'm really jealous of are people like fuckerturd who made a lot of money for relatively nothing and can just pursue whatever they want in life because money isn't a problem.

>> No.136339
File: 245 KB, 900x582, 1347509709515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how pathetic the first /biz/ meetup will be
>/v/ meet-up
>bunch of skinny teenagers in metal t-shirts some with fedoras
>/fit/ meet-up
>bunch of skinnyfat college guys without shirts save one old dude wearing a fedora
>/biz/ meetup
>bunch of divorced losers trying to fool each other with rented suits and luxury cars

>> No.136353

I went to a little place called Foothills Academy a few years ago. It allowed me to go from failing junior year in March to graduating high school in September. They said I'd gain about 30 pounds. I lost 10, gained muscle, and inspired a fat ginger to drop about 80.

I have a knack for lighting fires under asses.

>> No.136377

>not a handful of 20-somethings ranging from salty bastard noobs full of piss and vinegar to neckbeards full of excuses and some 30-somethings who made it kinda big and look back on their days of ramen with dem good feels and tears in their eyes.

>> No.136401

>tfw global 1% trying to make it to 1% of the 1%

it's hard

>> No.136432

Prove to me otherwise.

>> No.136436

you probably have connections all over the place, but you're too much of a failure to make those work for you

>> No.136444


Not everyone can be rich brah

>> No.136480

chance of getting through Marine Basic-95(ish)%
Accepted into BUD/S-60%
Pass BUD/S-10(ish)%

Roughly 3% chance of making it to SEAL status with that path. However, 3000 SEALS/300'000'000 Muricans=.001%

Seal=.1% of 1% of murican badassness (rough idea)

>> No.136479

win-win-win negotiations

>> No.136505

.1% of 1% of 5% of world total (roughly)

>> No.136732

No such thing. Sooner or later, someone loses out.

>> No.137672

Different guy, but what skills do you need for IB?

I have
>languages undergrad (mandarin & french)
>speak 5 languages in total (well, 4 reasonably fluently), languages are my thing
>business postgrad (covers a shitton of topics, including financial stuff, but loads of others)
>getting decent with Excel
>some knowledge of investing

What else do I need?

>> No.137686
File: 60 KB, 1278x566, brit meetup 30-1-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget the /int/ meetups, pic related.

I don't think there's too many middle-age divorcees here though. Seems like /biz/nessmen are more likely to be fresh grads or entry-level

>> No.137822

I don't really give a shit. I'm pretty grateful for what I have. Yeah, money is always nice, but the inevitability is death and all that shit you worked so hard for doesn't really matter in the long run. If Heaven exists, do you honestly think it's separated between 1% and 99%? That would be hilarious.

>> No.138539

how the fuck do you smoke cigarettes to subdue hunger you humongous faggot? As opposed to QUITTING CIGS AND BUYING FOOD

>> No.138587

IBM sure is lopping off heads these days. That both gives you more ways to immediately compete, and maybe less security. But good luck.

>> No.138629

Guys I researched my family name and it turned out we are actually and old jewish family, I always had a bit of a jew nose so that explains alot. My dad does aswell but I don't think any of us are actually jews. I'm not exactly rich, I'm more in the spectrum of giving my mom 70% of what I get so we can make it by. What do I do now though?

>> No.138649

Is your Mom jewish too? Jewish descent is matrilinear.

Anyway, here's what you do:
>convert to Judaism
>get a finance degree
>make dem contacts through synagogue
>enjoy shekels

>> No.138679


No my mother isn't jewish so I guess I'm fucked. Also my grandfather isn't even a jew afaik, I've only met him a couple of times in my life because he lives in south america somewhere. He does own a food chain there and is mad rich.