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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13138324 No.13138324 [Reply] [Original]

NEETY NEETY listen sweetie
All day long you beat your meaty
Wagies married
Wagies rich
Wagies out fucking that bitch
NEET acts smug but NEET is sad
NEET be quiet don't wake up dad

>> No.13138366
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just lol @ the state of wagie cope.

>> No.13138507
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>> No.13138526

DESU I work and still a virgin. I really hate my life OP

>> No.13138600


I've fucked 10 girls and I'm a NEET. They don't care about jobs anymore. You should probably quit, your wagie mastah makes money off of your work then uses it to push for political change that makes your life even worse. You literally exist so he can fuck more women. Maybe you should stop being his bitch?

And yeah, wagies are trying so hard now to convince themselves that they have it better than NEETs. It is pretty tough right now for wagies. They probably will join the NEET race soon though. They can't take it that much longer, maybe some of the true cucks who enjoy being findom'd will remain wagies. I see a lot of people around me about to crack.

>> No.13138619

What's your problem bro? Are you mocking wagies? At least we work for a living and make money instead of being unemployed leeches.

>> No.13138627

No amount of federal taxes could demoralize the wagecuck as much as this post. Goddamn that was brutal.

>> No.13138846

>not fortunate enough to be a parasite off someone or be independently wealthy to afford to do nothing
>hate working
>constantly mocked by people online who are lucky enough to have one of two scenarios that allow them to do nothing with their lives

real sick of this shit desu

just let me suffer without salting the wound

>> No.13138857

where do you meet the wimminz?

>> No.13138873

>being married is a good thing

>> No.13138887
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me on the left.