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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.13132441

When you don't pay rent you get thrown out, why exactly is that a problem? Do you keep working when the employer stops paying you? Do the food stores accept you not paying for your food because you are low on cash?

>> No.13132509

Rent and housing value keep going up, but noone can buy either.

When there's no more money left to loan, there will be no more housing growth. When there's no more housing growth, property investors will lose out. Considering that the middle class bought a house on leverage (each), and a lot of businesses 'own' their premises by the same token (or lease from someone who does).

>> No.13132533

Rent keeps increasing on tenants. Commonly landlords evict tenants, so they can sell the property to some other slumlord that's going to jack up the rent even higher to pay for the massive fucking debt they got themselves into.
The debt to income ratio is out of control. The lions share is mortgages.
Real Estate is due for a pullback. But whenever that happens the global economy goes to shit. People lose their jobs and then they can't afford a mortgage or rent.
They didn't get the message in 08 and we're probably going to have to repeat that whole shit show all over again.

>> No.13132672

How exactly is this a boomer problem exactly?

>> No.13132687

>When there's no more money left to loan

>> No.13132705

all in HOLO

>> No.13132710

boomers hold ~45% of all property

>> No.13132721


>> No.13132827


Credit wasn't really a thing until the 70's and boomers almost all used it to buy stuff they didn't need, cars, vacations while taking out huge mortgages to pay for it all. Most 60+ people I know are in crippling debt.

Housing price falls? Suddenly their debt has no property value to cover the risk and interest shoots to the moon.

>> No.13132920

If you aren't a millionaire, you're a neopeasant, so you should only be living in small studio apartments, MAYBE a 1 bed if you are breeding future wageslaves. A small, 12x12 ft room is actually all you need to live, preferably next to a mass transit system so you can be most efficient at making your boss rich.

>> No.13132993

Had to rent a room for work in Rotterdam. Stayed there less than a year. New tenant has to pay 17% more rent. On top of that there is a 350 euro service cost deposit. Landlords are fucking scammers.

>> No.13133003
File: 145 KB, 670x424, comfyneety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'll inherit the house stay at for free from my parents and will have a base of operations for my business. I'm 33

Must suck to have parents that don't love you.

>> No.13133066
File: 164 KB, 1242x960, Worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one told him

Anon my son , housing is not going up , your currency is going down.
Only one way out of the ponzi is to enter the new monetary system called bitcoin.

One warning tough , those that live from the ponzi will accuse btc of being the ponzi , nothing is farther from the truth.

>> No.13133184

Must suck having parents so incompetent that they weren't able to raise a self-sufficient being in 33 years.

>> No.13133203

how old are they? Don't be surprised if it's not yours by the time you hit 50

>> No.13133250


>implying there's any such thing as "self-sufficient" when you live in a society

Classic burger brainwashing

>> No.13133269

>people give me money
>that means I'm self-sufficient

>> No.13133292

>why exactly is that a problem?
black people

>> No.13133312


>> No.13133338

How do you get along with two men in the same house? I have a good relationship with my dad, but I would be butting heads so hard it would be unbearable.

>> No.13134343


what if you have a family retard

>> No.13134560

>Rent and housing value keep going up, but noone can buy either.
Dude you're fucking dumb

Rent only goes up because someone pays it

Nobody can afford it? Wrong - neither you nor any of the broke people you know can afford it. But others can.

>> No.13134593

I Get it's a generational thing to some degree. But 20 to 30 year olds would largely do the same thing. The worst part is that generally boomers are squandering it all and don't care about their offspring. But that ties in with the whole decline of this society.