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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13119984 No.13119984 [Reply] [Original]

0xBitcoin is a scam designed by FPGA miners.
Friendly advisory the daily avg trade volume for 0xBTC is over 80% on the sell side.
It's been this way for a long time.
No one is buying it anymore except stupid fags on /biz/
The main reason you always see threads about it on this board is because the miner shills literally cant post about it on any major crypto subs on redddit - thats how scammy it is.
So, the only place they are left to shill is /biz/ - and they shilled so hard and pumped 0xBTC so hard that anons were FOMO'ing in at $3

Make no mistake 0xBTC is a miners scam coin.
There is almost no one even holding this piece of shit token.
The developers are literally from India - and it isnt a meme this time.
This isn't FUD its the actual fucking truth about this shit.
All you idiots actually buying it are fueling the desperate FPGA miners who constantly shill on /biz/ - STOP BUYING YOU IDIOTS
There is literally a better chance that 0xBTC goes to true zero than $1 ever again.

inb4 0xBTC miner shills raid this thread and desperately shill their useless scam token that literally no one is buying. just look at the fucking volume, over 80% is on the sell side. this shit is going to zero.

>> No.13120021

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.13120035


Ok here's what nobody sees

ICO's are fucked, we all know it. KYC/AML compliance procedures cost fortunes and essentially destroy the ability to launch before it even happens. STO's are not going to be the solution because they still abide by securities law and the are going to suffer (just as IPO's have in recent years)

0xBTC introduces a new method of acquiring seed money and distributing a token to potential investors, fairly and without the need for abiding by normal security laws (even if your token would otherwise do so in an ICO)

Allow me to explain by quoting the Howey test
>Under the Howey Test, a transaction is an investment contract if:

>It is an investment of money
>There is an expectation of profits from the investment
>The investment of money is in a common enterprise
>Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third party

So how does 0xBTC get us around this? It has created the "Initial Mining Offering" or "IMO"
>But anon how does an IMO get us around security laws?

Look at the first rule of the howey test
>It is an investment of money
If you are using electricity and graphics cards (or ASICs) to create the asset, then it is not a direct investment of money. And therefore, it completely alleviates the need for expensive security compliance for a startup looking to launch a token.

People will be able to launch tokens and receive 0xBTC (via the merge mining of their token alongside 0xBTC, with the 0xBTC going into a dev account as their token is mined), a pre-determined percentage of their own coin as it gets mined (just like an ICO), and distribute the new token to investors in a way that is not only fairer but 100% guaranteed to keep the SEC out of your business.

The SEC is gonna twist itself in knots when companies that would otherwise be miserable failures of the howey test and violations of security law get by because they were distributed in a way that makes them a digital asset/commodity and 100% not a security

>> No.13120043

yeah bro, good luck with finding an actual buyer.
your sell position will be open until 0xBTC hits true zero
>there is literally NO ONE buying this shit and its impossible to sell quite literally

>> No.13120074

You wanna see a true scam check out dbc I lost 100k of real savings because of niggerfist and you sound just like him.

>> No.13120089

holy shit anon, DBC was a classic /biz/ whale pnd
so sorry your newfaggotry didnt alert you to that fact
were u not able to control your greed and sell off when u knew you should have?

>i have no sympathy at all

>> No.13120118

Hello Pradesh

>> No.13120123 [DELETED] 

ok here’s the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.

Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin development in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would ‘evolve’ the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.

Blockstream (owned by Bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi’s AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical opcodes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.

Back to hash power – CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.

>> No.13120134
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this kills the trip fags

>> No.13120147


>> No.13120188

>over 80% is on the sell side
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're aware that every trade involves an equal number of coins being bought by one person and sold by another, and assume that you mean all the volume is people crossing the spread to sell. It's still completely false though, anyone who's been watching the order book can easily see that. Why are you making shit up?

>> No.13120212

and there he is, a desperate paid shill working for a cabal of 0xBTC FPGA miners.

how do you live with yourself Pajeet knowing that you are just stealing from stupid people?

>> No.13120218

Answer the question faggot, if you're here to help /biz/ avoid scams why are you including blatantly made up shit?

>> No.13120240

my statement about the volume being entirely on the sell side isnt anywhere near being false you misleading fucking 0xBTC shill cuck
you should be fucking ashamed of yourself and constantly posting your fake bitcoin scam on /biz/
the nice thing about 0xchan.net is that fucking faggotry like yours will never be on it because you are too fucking poor to stake 2 ETH just so u can post

>cut your hands off with a chainsaw in a public library while livestreaming it so /biz/ can watch and never post here again

>> No.13120253

>if I rant hard enough it'll distract from my obvious lie that anyone can verify
What's your game? I can't imagine someone paid you to fud 0xbtc of all things.

>> No.13120262

kekt and bought 100k

>> No.13120268
File: 113 KB, 359x512, 0xbtcstate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your ID is red pajeet.
its proof that you are never going to make it especially with your 0xBTC obsession.

>> No.13120276

He's probably a holder and is reverse FUDing. Typical dumb biz shit.

>> No.13120291

>no argument, just childish ranting
You don't have the IQ to fud this coin successfully, fuck off underage

>> No.13120305

t. desperate 0xBTC miners hoping for someone to actually buy their scam token

>the volume doesnt lie

>> No.13120334

>seething brainlet can't handle getting caught out in a lie, has to just repeat himself more loudly since he doesn't have a scripted response prepared for this situation

>> No.13120350

lying turbofaggot
lol OPfag rekt

>> No.13120518


> spooked

>> No.13120566

Baited!!! You fucking cia nigger. No sympathy but yet you attack 0xbtc your fucking rekt and anyone reading this thread knows it now faggot.

>> No.13120682

stay assmad you flaming discord tranny faggot
your 0xBTC bags are going to $0

and subsequently you shit in the street

>> No.13120760

No actually I just shit in your mouth.

>> No.13120781

ladies and gentlemen this is what an emotionally attached 0xBTC holder looks like
he is so delusional and consumed by greed that he fails to see 0xBTC is going to zero
he will hold even at $0.01 and lower still
he will never sell because he is that mentally ill

>absolute state of 0xBTC holders

>> No.13120790

and if he ever does try to sell, there wont be a single buyer to take it off him.
thats how worthless his bags are.
so worthless that NO ONE IS BUYING

>> No.13121924
File: 258 KB, 873x1134, 0xbtcpajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13122019


>> No.13122024

Okay op, i get it, you want to fud this token so you can buy for less, i get it. Why?
Because you're not even trying, when someone asks you
>why do you think so?
you just call them a pajeet
no arguments whatsoever

2 options here
1) Youre fudding so you can buy for lower (most probable version, won't work tho, 0xbtc is getting appraisal on biz those last days due to lava)
2) You're actually 20 iq and don't even know how to fud, your childish fud only makes the reader think otherwise, that 0xbtc is actually a good think. Look at this, we have 0xbtc holders who present actual arguments and ask you questions to defend your statement, while you are

this is so fucking pathetic i can't even look at you, i hope you don't get a single 0xbtc

>> No.13122110

I have a raging hard on for 0xBitcoin. Please call me names.

>> No.13122240

You're a big silly

>> No.13122258

>80% sell 20% buy volume

>> No.13123082

Bought 100k

>> No.13123582

never gonna make it

>> No.13123592

kys nigger

>> No.13123636

>being fucking assblasted over other people's bags

You are so obviously fudding to get your buy order filled, otherwise you could have provided at least one logical argument why this token is not an interesting project

>> No.13123656

>he is such a crypto illiterate he doesnt know that NO ONE IS BUYING 0xBTC

your poorfag is showing. get out.

>> No.13123667

lel no worries, I'm out, there's nothing to gain from this thread

>> No.13123676

thanks for the bumps you newfag fucking miner shill nigger faggot