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13115543 No.13115543 [Reply] [Original]

How can anyone work for 8 (eight) hours a day, 5 (five) days a week????

If I could work for 8 hours in a row on something (more like 9 if you include commuting) without dying of boredom, I could be a fucking MIT Computer Scientist. But I am not that autistic.

How the FUCK can people do this when most jobs are dead end jobs that give you low status? Of course, picrelated happens (the nice guy thinks working makes society value him). But the nice guy analogy has further resonance, as I show in the greentext below.

>You think working for 40 hours a week is enough to buy a car, a house, and attract women? Like, ew, what a creep! Why didn't you go to an Ivy League college, and currently work on stuff on your free time, and go to networking events?

>> No.13115561

i’m exactly this nice guy:(

>> No.13115617

because otherwise I'd starve. stop being such a faggot.

>> No.13115625

>40 hour weeks
i wish

>> No.13115635


Yeah I don't know man, even 6 hours a day doing the same thing day after day year after year sounds like torture to me.

>> No.13115647
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>> No.13115677

Can I be a rich jerk please?

>> No.13115692

Why do you think one of the major workplace stereotypes of millenials is that they are more likely to move onto different jobs after a year?

Imagine what it's like being a chink where 60 hours a week is what's expected. If this was 100 years ago and you owned a farm producing your own food and living for yourself it isn't like you would work less than 40 hours a week on average. Even in times where the crops were not planted (IE in winter) farmers would often get jobs in town or doing things like processing christmas trees. 40 hours a week is easy street compared to how humanity has needed to survive throughout history

>> No.13115713

So the moral of the story is for nice guys to get financially stable and become jerks so they can fuck all the women?

>> No.13115728


I mean before electricity you couldn't do all that much at night in the dark. I'm pretty sure people used way more time in bed sleeping back then.

>> No.13115796

They usually would get up at around 4-5 in the morning and work for more than 12 hours during spring/summer especially if they had both animals and produce on their farms. If you count the 8 hours of sleep meme as a fact back then that means they would go to bed around 8-9 PM. Also the lightbulb was a thing still even the turn of the 20th century.

Although I'm sure you're right if you go back even further around 300 years ago before the industrial revolution, but at that point we get into territory so different from today that a comparison isn't even realistic. People probably died from the flu back then.

When you put it into perspective it's funny how much has changed in 300 years, that's a blink of the eye compared to how long humans have been around on this planet.

>> No.13116242
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Labor was bodily pretty intense so many people didn't work more than 6 or 7 hours per day. Of course there was a huge diversity among how long one worked but it's very wrong to think that people 200 years ago had to work 15 hours under slave conditions. This is more a thing of early industrialization.

Also, winter was a pretty lazy time, especially in the countryside.

>> No.13116284

200 years ago was early industrialization ya dunce

>> No.13116288


>> No.13116401
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ITT - onions city boys discussing farm life

Most of you know nothing. Farm life is hard but extremely satisfying. You wake up with the rooster when the sun rises, you work until the sun sets, usually thats a 12-15 hour day. its not easy and even a wageslave office job is better in almost every wya possible. The only good thing about farm life is that you eat what you grow and if you dont work you dont eat, you have to depend on yourself to support your family. Summer is obviously the busiest period, late spring is when you sow veggies and get ready for summer works, during summer you have to cut grass, dry it and stack it for animals to eat during winter, early fall is when go into the fields and gather what you have sown in spring, later you have to chop wood not to freeze to death during winter. During winter you take care of your house and farm, you feed animals and get rid of the manure. Theres a fucking lot to do on a farm, anytime.

Ofcourse this applies more to older days than modern, but i can tell you all this from my own experience. My grandparents lived in russian countryside, didnt have a tv, only a radio, me and my cousins used to stay there almost the whole summer and help them out, and then visit them very often. They didnt have a tractor, only a horse and the closest grocery store was 20km away. It was hard work, youre always tired but dont get sleepy, it was fun but hard, and we actually couldnt wait to get back to school. We werent allowed to sleep past 7am.

No matter how deppressing or boring, office job is so much easier. Dont romanticize farm life.

>> No.13116418

> You're going out with j-jamal ? I thought you were just f-friends..

>> No.13116473

when people have purpose then working is not that bad. but when you take that away from people, they find zero reason in working. before you would work so that your kids and wife have food, housing, things, vacations. now a lot of people are single so they come home to pets. I see zero reason in a single man or woman working a full time job that is soul crushing when they have nothing to come home to

>> No.13116500

Lol 40 hours is a walk in the park son

Learn to wage cuck with the big boys heh 60 hours by Friday

>> No.13116534

That's what I've been trying to tell these stupid white niggers, my family has done nothing but farming up until the last two generations (myself and my dad). These people that think farming is just 6 hours of watering some plants and feeding a few cows while watching "wagecucks" at their morning commute is just plain delusional.

>> No.13116541


>Russian fucking peasant too stupid to actually farm properly after liquidatsia kulakov.

There's a reason all your rural peasants who knew what they were doing moved to Kansas / Oklahoma during 20's pidor.
You Dacha fucking shits romanticize "hard work" so that you can go back to your shitty depressing soviet hell-scape and be "thankful" for that.
If you're a market farmer, you have to work all day if you have a retarded monoculture farm. If you're a self sufficient farmer, you do your chores on the weekends, and produce *most*, if not all, of the greenery you need for a year (and corn / wheat if you can swing it). Farm chores are not constant if you have any idea what you are doing, and are not a multi hundred acre family operation.

Go back to the communal farm.

-t city kid who moved out to the country, grows his own vegetables, and commutes into the city for his bullshit office job.

>> No.13116549

I don't think I could've done it if I didn't have early retirement to look forward to.
I did the 40+hr/wk for 10 years straight to get where I am. I am now a comfy neet.
Also, I am a jerk. 10 year of office work have made me hate the world and become a complete dick. DESU, even though I made it, I feel like something inside of me died during that 10 year process.
Also, being a jerk does get you girls and the problem is that they won't leave you alone. I will be a complete asshole sometimes so they will leave me alone and they will just keep coming back for more....

>> No.13116567

Based and farmpilled

>> No.13116578

"Nice guy" = 4chin users

>> No.13116824

I own a business and work between 40 to 60 hours. AMA

>> No.13116857


How much profit? How do you motivate yourself at the beginning to do anything through your own initiative? Do you keep a schedule?

>> No.13117238

This. The only reason I'm currently working is to pay off student loan debt, so I essentially took on debt to get a job to pay off debt. It's soul crushing. I live with my parents and going home every day feels like defeat. I'm basically stuck on a treadmill going nowhere and the only reason I haven't killed myself is that it would make my parents sad. Today I confided in a fellow employee that I don't know how people can work for 40 hours a week for 40 years. He agreed with me, but he said it mainly depends on the job, but I've felt this way with all the jobs I've had. I've only been working off and on for about 10 years and I'm completely drained.

I've set a goal for myself. If I don't make at least 50k from crypto in the next couple years, I'm killing myself. I can live off 50k indefinitely. I'm happy to live a meager existence so long as I don't have to work a 9-5 job.

>> No.13117382

We do 1.5 mil sales and predict 300 to 400k profit this year. 3 owners. We want to be hands off by January working 20 hours a week. What motivates me is that if I keep going hard I can be set for life. Its been about 3 years of this and the light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. My schedule is about 5 or 6 days of work and on my downtime I just go to gym, play vidya or see my gf. Its not for everyone and took lots of telling myself to think longterm.

>> No.13117423

not true - nice guy matches with ugly girl. accept it.

>> No.13117471

>working 40 hours per week and get money
>working with that what you love (if you love making cookies make cookies)
>be yourself or super smart, work 4 hours per week
Pick one and get success, don't pick any and be a looser.

About this pic... you are not "nice guy" but you are
>poor and looser
>stupid and lazy
pick one or more

this sweet girl is (pick one from above)

this bitch is
>smart and funny girl who spotted nice guy

>> No.13117665
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tfw working 45 hrs a week is standard in my country

pls save me from this shithole

>> No.13117729

what industry ?

>> No.13117750
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100 years ago 80 hours was normal, in ancient rome maybe 10 hours for upper class was normal, during industrial revolution hours worked peaked for man kind, since then it's been going down steadily in 20-40 years i think majority of world will settle 0-10 hours per week

>> No.13117756

Hahah nothin' personal kiddo

>> No.13117774

Who raised you to believe you deserve nice things for putting in minimum or even no effort?

Why haven't you discarded this notion yet and become a true adult that accepts responsibility for his situation?

Give up whining now. Whining is cope. You can either actively seek better circumstances for yourself, or stop pretending that you deserve something for nothing, and accept your status.

>> No.13117788


>> No.13117789


>> No.13117846

first of all people today have ADD due to internet addiction, so people in the past were able to focus harder
secondly the 8 hour workday was built when people did mind numbingly easy things (like sewing) for 8 hours a day and were extremely hungry and cash strapped. this allowed them to shut their brain off and pull the lever ten thousand times per day.
fourthly, people used to do many diffrent things at work. for example, you can imagine a lumberer spending several hours hiking to the site, then he finds a suitable tree, then several hours preparing the tree and fillinally felling it over 8 hours. the variety keeps the mind busy.
finally, when none of the above conditions are met, most people dont actually work 8 hours a day. they shoot the shit with their coworkers, eat lunch, check in on readings etc. in many skilled white collar positions, people are often highly productive for 2 hours a day, the rest is getting into the right mindset and keeping skills up to date.

if you find yourself pencil pushing until 5:00, my advice is to either
1. accept it as the nature of the job (ie, you're a warm body that has to be on standby (security guard)). bring in something to entertain yourself.
2. ask to go part time (realizing you're probably losing benefits by doing so, so negotiate for a higher hourly salary)
3. find a job that is varied enough to engage you.

>> No.13117892

Well you have to do what works when being nice is not enough.

>> No.13117930

>Not working 10 hours a day every day
Very weak

>> No.13117942

It's true for farmers, but before then, as hunter gathers, we only worked for around 5-6ish hours a day. People were more social, had a more varied job, and were generally a lot happier and healthier. Things went really downhill after farming, and modern technology is bringing us back in terms of less and more varied work, health etc but is socially destroying us, making us more lonely than ever

>> No.13117969


Me on the right.

>> No.13118029

not all jobs are shit, I do the same thing at work as I would at home, play games and watch movies while responding to emails, work just gives me structure to my day and gives me a reason to leave my house, the money is nice too.

>> No.13118080

yeah and i work at the blowjob factory larping faggot. kys

>> No.13118095

yeah all those people living in huts in the amazon sure seem happy

bet they sure are glad they avoided farming and civilization when they are starving and dying from common colds

>> No.13118097

Wat ya do, do you need a degree

>> No.13118111

>mfw slav

>> No.13118117
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in fact it was industrial revolution that started the "line work" as many historians would put it, literally doing the exact same thing in factories, mainly in western world. then it moved to china etc. later on still persist on west somewhat tho while some modern jobs are more varied.

not all, about 90% tho dont enjoy their 8 hour job

>> No.13118127


>> No.13118178
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why is it so hard for you to believe that there are non shit jobs out there? Here's a pic of my desk from last week, I installed a video card in that PC and play wow and LOL all week while getting paid.
IT, CS degree, though you can get by with an BS degree and enough experience

>> No.13118403

>MIT Computer Scientist.
That sounds horribly boring unless you have cosmic-tier autism. Being a forest ranger sounds more fun desu.

>> No.13118468

Holy fuck you are pathetic

>> No.13118474

Tribal people generally actually do have a high level of happiness and life satisfaction. Humans are social creatures, and modern living has lead to more and more isolation. Also mass starvation and disease were much more common during the agriculture revolution. Dirty, crowded cities, and crop disease lead to many sick, malnourished and starving people. It is only through modern science/infrastructure this can be avoided.

>> No.13118500

true dat
I love technology and modern conveniences as much as anyone else, but given the choice between this and living in a tribe, I think I would lean that way.

>> No.13118501

I agree that office jobs are pretty awful. I worked as a middle manager and hated it. I also tried to do hands on work and worked in a chemistry lab (what I went to school for) and it was incredibly mind numbing.
I quit and now work as a forest firefighter. It is a pretty based job for anyone interested. I work about 6 months a year during the fire season. It can be pretty fun work, people treat you like heroes even though almost everyone is sitting around smoking weed or drinking half the time. We stay in bush camps when on a big fire, and its pretty relaxing on the down time. I get to fuck a bunch of roasties while there which is nice. Pay is decent with the overtime. Once fire season is over, I get to be a NEET on unemployment for 6 months because its a seasonal job.
Works out to about 50-60k a year depending on the season. Requires no education, lets you be outdoors and connect with nature, stay in shape, etc.

>> No.13118537

More incels bitching about being lonely. What a suprise. Do you think you'd magically become happy just because you have a wife/kids? Fuck no. If you are miserable alone then you will be miserable with a family too. You need to get over the fact that no one is touching your dick right now and try to experience life a bit. Then who knows what might happen.

>> No.13118563

>Tribal people have a higher level of happiness and satisfaction

Oh cool what tribe are you from bro?

>> No.13118568

Can somebody change the rich face to Sergey and the flowers to linkies and make forever alone a pink wojak thanks

>> No.13118570

he's right you know. shit ain't cheap in the first world countries

>> No.13118581

Yes, apparently excpecting pussy and getting angry when you dont get it makes you "Nice"

>> No.13118692

its based on extrapolation of archaeological evidence, contrasting lifestyles, and studying of modern isolated tribes.
They worked substantially less, ate well, were more socially engaged, were generally not subject to social/economic inequality. Low expectations led to a sense of affluence.

I'm not saying they had some Utopian life style, of course they had incredibly high infant mortality, an inability to treat basic injury/illness etc.

>> No.13118804

long nose tribe

>> No.13118933

lmao i haven't worked a 40 hour week in YEARS.

>tfw delivery driver for small niche company
>tfw small business = 15 employees = no corporate snakes
>tfw $20/hour plus benefits
>tfw 2 week paid vacation
>tfw ultra flexible schedule
>tfw smoke weed and run errands in work truck
>tfw do side jobs in work truck
>tfw you're actually doing something productive, making money to live + invest + fuck you money, and still happy as fuck.

how can you bitch about work when there are jobs like this?


want a happy, blue collar life? work for a small business.

>> No.13119063

And she still cheats on you.

>> No.13119092

The American work day has been 9 hours for some years now, are you guys really still doing 9-5? I'm doing 9-6 as does everyone I know.

So that's -

>9 hours of work
>8 hours of sleep
>1-2 hours of commute
>1-2 hours of grocery shopping, shower, meal preparation, laundry, cleaning, shitting
>mfw you have literally 3-5 hours a day to fit a life into
>mfw finding a wife, raising children, finding meaning to life, practicing hobbies, enjoying leisure, meditating, exercise, literally everything that makes life, life, you will have to fit into a 3-5 hour time frame, everyday, for the rest of your life
>at best you can find yourself a housewife (as if women like that even exist anymore) and have her cook, clean, etc for you, save those ~2 hours a day in exchange for providing her for the rest of your life, after shitting out a baby for you she will probably fuck tyrone and leave you anyway

I've long made peace with death. i'm just biding my time until I either find a calm way to go, or release my pent up aggression onto this world in the form of a mass shooting. some days i dont even know what I am waiting for.

>> No.13119133

>fit into a 3-5 hour time frame, everyday
What about weekends? You work seven days a week?

>> No.13119137
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Mind you this isn't even getting into the topic of dwindling salaries. Forget about owning a house, decent car, any of that shit. In 10 years even for a high end dev these things will become out of reach with current trends. And even if you CAN buy any of those things, they will be made with Chinese parts or Mexican labor to the lowest possible quality standard. Everything around us is utter shit and the truth is that most of us will never have any true enjoyment in life. And that hurts, but I guess you gradually let go and accept it. And that's when you become a true wagecuck. When involuntary hedonism takes over and your only reason to exist becomes to work.

>> No.13119178
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I don't want to attack you outright but that's a stupid and slave mentality. A weekend is not some wonderful gift bestowed upon us that we should be grateful for. A weekend is a staple of organized society, its literally a hallmark of humanity and progress - its a given. Just because you have a weekend off doesn't mean your week can be as brutal as possible. Humans don't live for the weekend, Humans live, period. And don't give me that "oh look at this asshole complaining about having weekends off, children in Somalia have to scrape lizard eggs from under rocks in order to have something to eat" bullshit - we live in the civilized western world. We hold ourselves to a different standard. I don't want to compare myself to 3rd worlders. And I know how selfish and entitled I sound right now, but it is the way it is.

>> No.13119192

This is the only answer excluding water and shelter

>> No.13119195

A staple of organized society that was extended from one day (for entire human civilization) to two days about 200 years ago

>> No.13119196

If not a 40 hour work week, what do you suggest? I'm no fan of the M-F 9-5 grind; however, most people including past monarchs would kill to be in our positions.

>> No.13119198
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>> No.13119206

>decent car
Get a used Toyota Corolla...god tier car. Reliable, fuel efficient, comfortable.

>> No.13119227

And yet Juan somehow has seven kids on his under the table gardening salary.
>finding a wife
Depends on what you want
>raising children
You can find a wife to do this, just lower your standards in other categories (e.g. find a plain woman who's nice and maybe somewhat smart)
>finding meaning to life
Go to church
>practicing hobbies
All of my coworkers have hobbies, I don't see how this is a problem
>enjoying leisure
That's your hobbies
How long do you meditate? This shouldn't be a massive timesink. Also go to church and pray.
Find a shorter workout or expedite your commute/chores

I do 11-6 because West Coast isn't known for punctuality and I get my work done fast for the record

>> No.13119249

no one's actually productive 100% of that time

>> No.13119256


>Most "nice guy" are actually just jerks with no confidence

Also, this ---> >>13115617

>> No.13119307

OP do you really think you need an Ivy League degree to get laid? The guy who scans your drinks at the convenience store and hasn't read a book since the 12th grade probably gets laid more than you

>> No.13119319

OP honestly you are just a pussy.

>> No.13119332
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Again, I find fault with this reasoning. I don't want to compare myself to people from 200 years ago because I don't live in a wooden hut and fear of dying from tuberculosis. This isn't 200 years ago, this is today. Work is increasingly automated and most Americans get their shit done in like 30% of the time it takes to go through a full work day. Instead of giving more leisure time like Europe to keep workers happy, Americans are too hesitant to evolve and break the mold in terms of societal structure. And this is why America WILL fall behind in terms of work and tech progress in the coming decades. Just like people said that America couldn't fall from grace in terms of living standards - it promptly fell behind Europe and isn't even close these days in almost any quantifiable measure of life quality. It can happen and it will because of this medievalness. And as for suggestions, its just escapism and tip toeing around the problem. It does not address the fundamental issue at all.

>> No.13119365

>slave away the best hours the day, only to barely be able to afford to live



>> No.13119396

>Work is increasingly automated and most Americans get their shit done in like 30% of the time it takes to go through a full work day
Take into account exactly how much time you need to spend at work when looking for a job. If you can get your shit done fast and go home, it's worth the pay cut imho. I'll concede the problems with automation
>And this is why America WILL fall behind in terms of work and tech progress in the coming decades
The only competition is from China where people work like ants. Europe is more unfriendly to entrepreneurship because it makes business owners provide more for their workers. See: Canada which is closer to the European model, and why Elon Musk decided to move to the US.

>And as for suggestions, its just escapism
You should escape this board and go to church

>> No.13119409

You people are obsessed with black people and having sex with them, I swear.

>> No.13119518

Wakanda 4 lyfe

>> No.13120008

>If this was 100 years ago and you owned a farm producing your own food and living for yourself it isn't like you would work less than 40 hours a week on average. Even in times where the crops were not planted (IE in winter) farmers would often get jobs in town or doing things like processing christmas trees

what the fuck use for a job in town is there when i produce everything myself. 40 hours during harvest 20 during planting winter and summer off

>> No.13120036

>If you're a market farmer, you have to work all day if you have a retarded monoculture farm.

self seeded perennial polyculture

ez life

>> No.13120068

>tfw you're the "jerk"
>even wear caps like the jerk in the pic