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File: 828 KB, 1668x1053, paypig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13097361 No.13097361 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a Findom good passive income?


>> No.13097400
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>> No.13097418

Just look at that thing, 100% a demonic creature, might be a baphomet tranny as well.

>> No.13097451


>> No.13097470

what the actual fuck is going on lads? that barely a 6,8/10 and she making bank?

good lord i want off this ride.

>> No.13097495

findom isn't about looks buddy
most paypigs will never get or even ask for lewds

>> No.13097505

That guy actually met his findom, which is way more than what 99% of paypigs ever get to experience.

>> No.13097517

how does one even acquire this sort of fetish?

>> No.13097535
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Search for paypig or findom on Twitter and lose hope in humanity

>> No.13097540

This guy is 64? He looks like he is 80+

>> No.13097541

i think these dudes need some professional help instead of some gold digging internet whore that takes advantage of their disability

>> No.13097548

In my day we called it marriage

>> No.13097549
File: 367 KB, 1080x1642, 20190323_122508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck did i click on this thread.

>> No.13097557

That's what solitude does to your soul.

>> No.13097561


> paypig

fucking rofl...

>> No.13097563


is this what a succubus looks like?

how the fuck do i become a satanist

>> No.13097566

why is the guy acting like a goblin?

>> No.13097568

They touch on it in the video
If you think about it, men fetishise money their entire lives
We have to constantly think about money because we are "providers" and money directly translates to power, status, stability, independence, and the ability to attract a woman
I mean this entire board is basically a celebration of that fact
So it's same thing that drives a sub to be gagged, tied up, and have his balls stomped on; a complete destruction of what a man thinks makes them manly
I could talk more about it, but I was only a finslave for about a month, so I'm no expert

>> No.13097572
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so apparently one whore only wanted to accept a grand from a paypig after doing this aswell

>> No.13097575
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 1552047102370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek, based boomer joke.

I wish I had the moral decrepitude to create a fake account and take money from these sniveling "men" -- it would be too easy -- but I would never feel right about indulging someone's mental illness and thereby exacerbating it. These guys desperately need help, or maybe just the warmth of friendship. I don't know. Someone has to tell them it's not okay. This just isn't right. If anyone in their lives loved them, they would stage an intervention. The entire fetish almost seems like a desperate cry for help or attention or affection.

>> No.13097577

kek Boris Johnsons looking a bit under the weather these days.

>> No.13097626

All humans have self destructive tendencies
You've got no right to judge them
A lot of the guys doing this are not hurting at all for money, and this isn't as huge of a deal as you make it to be
Just because $5k sounds like a lot of money to a poorfag like you, doesn't mean it's a lot of money to someone else

>> No.13097630

Yeah, I made a decent amount of money doing it but I wouldn't recommend it since it's soul destroying stuff. You can do it but you just need to figure out how to get a verification video so people know it isn't fake (it is fake of course).

If you search in the archive you can find the posts and the screenshots I posted. It was money for nothing at the end of the day but then at the same time it was money for having to read and see things which make you despise fellow man. Just do something else. Anything else. These people need help

>> No.13097641

What keywords should I use to search? I'm desperate for money at the moment. I've been thinking about straight up scamming guys via catfishing but doing the findom thing would be more moral, I guess. At least they would get something out of it so it wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.13097643

>It was money for nothing
Chicks for free?

>> No.13097651
File: 27 KB, 903x195, cuckery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13097698
File: 30 KB, 576x382, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You use someones pictures and copy all of their posts using a Tweet scheduler. They have 'verification' which means a video saying, "I'm X this is my Twitter handle, I'm real" and then you either find one which is one letter off, or you edit the video and re-upload it using a voice-over/other editing tricks. Then you post with the relevant hashtags and sit back and let the Tweet scheduler work for a few weeks.

Like I said it's not exactly good for the soul to see just how pathetic fellow man is, but you will make money from it. It's also probably a legal grey area since I suppose you could claim it's a 'fan' account. It breaks the social media sites TOS but they will just ban the account, if anything. To avoid getting a ban and the page being deleted, report the persons profile that you're copying with the account you're using so that when it gets escalated to Twitter support the drone worker is just as confused as the people sending you money thinking it's a real account.

Some of these girls make 100k+ a year and I spoke to someone else running fake accounts and they were managing 40+ separate accounts all doing this.
While doing this some researcher contacted the account as he was researching findom and did a whole bit on it, haha. I deleted the account/s now anyway after the "#thotaudit", and really I was just sick of seeing how pathetic some men are and felt that money was not worth it. It's a black-pill in concentrate form, men messaging saying they're sending their families savings, etc. But, money is money and If I didn't do it then someone else would part him from his money anyway. It gave me an insight into some things and overall served as a lesson.
Once the account is up and running then it requires minimal management and can be checked every 3 days or so.

Made over 20k USD (sometimes directly in crypto) by doing this, within 5~ months.

>> No.13097715
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Also, some of them aren't stupid and probably even post on 4chan but they still sent money anyway

>> No.13097718
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>mfw they have memes for pajeets who dont pay up

>> No.13097782
File: 256 KB, 1280x843, cass2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A wish for a overpowering partner the female mode of sexuality: The wish to be free of decission making responsibility and accountability.

Relates to rape fantasy and dating up as well, of course.
>he wanted me and fucked me, I couldn't do anything against it if I wanted to
That's ideal to a lot

>> No.13097929


I do judge them, and yes this is total and complete degeneracy, especially when there are a million and one noble causes to which that money could be given. The whole thing is pathetic and perverse. People can't seem to distinguish between what should stay fantasy and what should become reality.

>> No.13097947

I think you need professional help if you believe any of these ridiculous stories

>> No.13097957

Based and boomerpilled

>> No.13097961

this bitch looks like cheap hooker with a lot of plastic surgeries that already hit a wall

I would not give her 1 usd to blow me
wtf is wrong with these faggots that pays her for nothing?

>> No.13097979

I'm gonna bet you're some anime watching Hitler worshipping /pol/tard just based off that cringe imagine you posted. You really have zero grounds on which to call other people degenerate or pathetic.
These people understand reality better than you, and it's their choice if they want to satisfy a fetish with their hard earned money or donate it to some unemployed holier than thou NEET incel which is what you probably want.

>> No.13097980

haha this is so stupid
haha who would look at this haha eww its her feet :D lol

>> No.13098122
File: 44 KB, 587x380, komondor-vs-coyote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The strong protect the weak from the wolves who would eat them. The nation protects it's own from the snakes and vipers that crawl behind rocks.

>> No.13098141

nothing wrong with this, just make sure they're reporting taxes on this money.

>> No.13098209


Nope, they're pathetic soulless husks of men. You're probably the same for defending their "fetish."

Also read the thread, a lot of these guys are giving away money vital to their and their family's security. Some of it is undoubtedly role-playing, and some of it certainly is not.

But go ahead, tell me how bug-chasing and genital mutilation are also great pastimes.

>> No.13098233

How did you take payments other than crypto?

>> No.13098315


>> No.13098344

Imagine the rolls reversed here. Some handsome shredded dude pimping out mentally disturbed fat chicks. Women wouldn't dismiss that as a simple "fetish" now would they?

>> No.13099121


>> No.13099142

No shit, just watching the video you can tell this male is a husk of what any man should be or act

>> No.13099186

>Moneyslave cope the post
He is right to be disgusted by you and your kin

>> No.13099356

You sound like a faggot please consider suicide

>> No.13099365

yes rabbi

>> No.13099507

Fuck anybody who supports this.

>> No.13099563
File: 198 KB, 686x1029, arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hand it over, filthy paypig. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes."