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13089207 No.13089207 [Reply] [Original]

That people in their mid 20s are making $300k total comp as software engineers, plowing through Asian qts, and owning more of everything in your portfolio than you do?

>> No.13089218

Ever seen an Asian woman without makeup?

It. Stephen King.

>> No.13089223

THey are autistic

>> No.13089232

i'm currently doing computer science at best university of my country (nl), but no way i'm gonna make anything close too 300k. there are indeed a lot of asian qts in my classes. and i only have 80k link.

>> No.13089234

You tried.

>> No.13089237 [DELETED] 


Opens up this month



>> No.13089257

yeah they are indeed top tier, but the problem is they form these groups of only asians and don't easily open up for conversation. i do get a lot of fuck-me looks though

>> No.13089286

I only make 180k and I'm almost 30. Life isn't fair.

>> No.13089301

By knowing one day LINK, HOT and NKN will at least allow me to put my 4 inch dick inside an asian qt. I already lost hope on being succesful at my career. Just need to fuck a few asian girls and then I'm good to an hero.

>> No.13089315

>tfw studied CS and cant get a job
1k a month would be enough to survive at least

>> No.13089320

Ever seen a white woman without it? Crypt keeper. Same shit.

>> No.13089337

I only make 60k and I'm 30. Life isn't fair.
How to high income?

>> No.13089358

Wrong. Unless you think Italians are white

>> No.13089397

>Ever seen an Asian woman without makeup?
They're authentic goblins... my prrrreciousssssss

>> No.13089414


>> No.13089425

I've dated several asian girls that barely wore any makeup and were very hot. Same as any other race, 90% are ugly and then there's a handful of top tier smoke shows. White girls definitely included. White girls (blonde especially) also age the worst of all races. They are good until about 25 then off a cliff they go.

>> No.13089436

im still sat in a short position on btc that still hasnt dumped....so i dont get paid until it does so.

Life isn't fair.

>> No.13089489

The only thing those soiboys are plowing through is the daily doritos bag after they have finished staring at their monitor for 15 hours.

Not true

Italians are whiter than you can ever hope to be, mutt

>> No.13089609

Hot Asians usually aren’t smart enough to make it overseas to the west

>> No.13089670

> 300k
How can people survive off that? Shouldn't that qualify for welfare?

>> No.13089695

How do I know if a qt asian loves me for me or my money?

>> No.13089720

where do you live?

>> No.13089729

does it matter? your dick loves her because she's a qt asian

>> No.13089742

But I don’t want to plough through them, I want one 9/10 to love me genuinely Op

As for the money, I’ll be happy with $150-200k a year, and I’m getting there

>> No.13089757

Is loving a girl because she's pretty the equivalent of thots loving guys for their money and status

>> No.13089860

>I just realized I'm no better than a woman.

>> No.13089887

There is no mid 20s software engineer making that much unless that have a successful startup. Senior engineers at Google make that much and it is not even a guarantee. Never mind that 300k in SF is like 150k in a normal col

>> No.13089950

>and i only have 80k link.

> And I only have a wallet in the top 1000 Link wallet sizes in the world.

Oh my God dude, have some awareness.

>> No.13089970

I only make 50k and I'm 27. I am fucking doomed if my crypto bags don't take off. Probably going to accumulate crypto for the next year and then quit my job, go to Lambda School and live off my 401k.

>> No.13089994

>Pic unrelated

>> No.13089997

I'm only making 95k living in bumfuck nowhere Omaha Nebraska and I'm 20 years old. Makes me want to kms

>> No.13090015

I know that feel. I make 200K in FLorida (comission based so no garuntees) and every day I want to jump off a building. Paltry 150k LINK stack as well.