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13067898 No.13067898 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, if a crypto based game is not 100% on chain then its assumed the game will need dedicated servers to prevent people from cheating / Item duping ect. A trusted 3rd party basically. Trusted third parties suck and they make it pointless to have a game that even uses crypto. Trusted third parties also mean the game can die if its not profitable ect.

Fuck that. I want to avoid that shit as much as possible. So this leaves me in a situation where either a game is 100% on chain or its fucking shit basically. But this means games like first person shooters will never really be possible on crypto and that really sucks.

Unless, what about this...
> Smart contract requires encrypted codes that are hidden in the game client.
> If you don't know the codes/encryption you cant run the smart contract commands without properly playing the game.
> Encryption could be constantly changing so even if you do crack it you wont be able to cheat for very long.
> Loot is time gated anyway so even if someone does figure out how to cheat they wont be able to do much more than normal players anyway.

This could only work for PVE loot based games I think. The games profit model would involve a player driven economy where the dev takes a small cut of all player profits on the market for buying and selling items but is otherwise "free to play".

Is this shit possible or is it completely fucked?

>> No.13067914

The current byte and has limits on ethereum mean you can only have a very simple game. We’re talking maybe 20 functions and 20 global variables before you hit the limits. Good luck.

>> No.13067921

Gas limit*

>> No.13067934

That wont be possible. This would likely require LOOM, TRX, EOS, STEEM or something along those lines.

>> No.13067963

Don’t think this guy even read my post but I’ve made a solidity contract that hit the gas limit and the byte data limit. It’s not even that complicated of a contract. Eth is still really limited for gaming. You have to do most on your own server and only do select things on the blockchain.

>> No.13067971

But wait, if this is a simple game, will the method I outlined work? Hiding encryption in the game client and making that necessary for the smart contract to do its magic. Would that be enough to prevent players from cheating.

I'm more worried if the solution is functional or if its shit.

>> No.13067974

You won't believe me, but this is entirely possible today with BSV.

>> No.13067981

Fuck off craig

>> No.13067990

sounds weird, i dont know why you would even need some kind of secret altering encryption for a loot based PVE system, sounds like you don't really know how to program and are saying random things

>> No.13067991

>You have to do most on your own server and only do select things on the blockchain.

If the method I outlined is functional enough to prevent cheating reliably then frankly you wont even need a server. You can do most shit on the client and just use the smart contract for verification, storage and DRM.

>> No.13067994

Didn't read.

>> No.13068009

>i dont know why you would even need some kind of secret altering encryption for a loot based PVE system

You have to have a way to prevent people from item duping and generating random shit from nothing. You also need proof the player did shit. If you don't do this people will just bot the smart contracts to death and they don't even need to play the game.

>> No.13068011

You gonna sue op because he stole your idea, Creg?

>> No.13068021

Sounds like you want the client to be in charge of granting items but want to do it in such a way that someone can't cheat the system and dupe items. You want to do this with some fancy cryptography but I'm not sure why you wouldn't just have the solidity contract itself grant the items.

I don't think it is possible to have any kind of system like you are imagining. How do you give the client the info it needs to generate the private keys for the encryption? It has to be somewhere, if it's somewhere then hackers/modders will find it.

I don't think it's possible, no.

>> No.13068038

If it was possible to trust the client then games wouldve already solved this problem long ago instead of having to verify everything on their own servers.

Doesnt matter if its blockchain or not.

>> No.13068042

>You want to do this with some fancy cryptography but I'm not sure why you wouldn't just have the solidity contract itself grant the items.

Ok so the smart contract can be run from any wallet that wants to do it. This means anyone with a wallet can pretend they are playing the game and have the smart contract grant items randomly. The only thing I need is to force people to actually play the game in order to have the smart contract grant items. And those items have to be granted based on verified past transactions. If there is no method to force people to play the game then this entire idea is garbage and it basically means the only games crypto can actually do are 100% on chain games.

>> No.13068097

>If it was possible to trust the client then games wouldve already solved this problem long ago

My goal is not to trust the client. My goal is to make it hard for people to run the smart contracts without actually playing the game. I have zero interest in trusting the client any more than I have to. The smart contract would be where items are granted or destroyed ect.

>> No.13068112

The question is, for what purpose? Why build a game on a blockchain? What is the benefit?

>> No.13068163

>Why build a game on a blockchain? What is the benefit?

> Profit model, easier micro transactions with less infrastructure. Much more money to be earned for far less work.
> Less competition in the space.
> Attention, hardest thing in the indie game scene is getting attention that alone is a huge deal.
> Verified multiplayer with no need to pay for server hosting.

If the game is 100% on chain
> The ability for people to "stream" their play session without the need for a third party streaming service. Anyone watching your wallet transactions can see your game play in nearly real time. (Faster blockchain needed)
> The ability to directly interact and modify another players experience directly. This is something Twitch has wanted for nearly a decade.
> The ability for the community to spot cheating before it becomes a problem.
> No need to worry about the game dying if the devs are not making money. The game lives forever basically.
> Player driven economy has a lot more weight where its much easier for players to feel like they have a greater degree of ownership over the items they have obtained. Those items may legit be worth a lot more money as well and its much harder for you to not be able to sell those items as you see fit.

My problem is that too many people get very confused when I ask a simple question and they go off on some random side point. I need to know if there is a way to make sure if I can force people to actually play the game.

>> No.13068218

>I need to know if there is a way to make sure if I can force people to actually play the game.

And by this I mean,
> Smart contract exists
> Anyone with a wallet can run those smart contracts any time they want.

How do I
> Make sure they are actually running my game client in order to run those contracts.
> Make sure they are actually doing shit in the game client in order to run those contracts.

Is it possible to do this? Otherwise this shit is a meme and 100% on chain is the only real way to do this shit.

>> No.13068253

Brainlet here no idea what's happening here, but seems interesting so have a bump

>> No.13068335

I believe it would work like:
20 players in fornite betting in a smart contract among themselves.
After the match, 15 out of 20 need to agree in consensus about the result.
There could be automatic penalties for those trying to cheat, and rating for trustworthy players, as well as their history, etc.
And you could have some external dapp, or even in the game onchain itself, monitoring for unusual activity.