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File: 36 KB, 513x338, 6672DEEE-80A4-4492-9FE5-385561723A9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13050822 No.13050822 [Reply] [Original]

Get the fuck in here if you want to make it

>> No.13050833

I also enjoy freedom from having money.

>> No.13050884

You'll be crying when this is the next Ethereum

>> No.13051864

Unironically just bought myself a SKY bag

>> No.13051872
File: 766 KB, 1001x921, 2ED17846-3B6A-4C0F-BE95-3D816C20320D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13051924

I have a small bag of sky will consider adding more. How many nodes now?

>> No.13051928
File: 1.16 MB, 1016x757, FUCKSYNTHFUCKSUDOFUCKJANNIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is what synth did with the skyminer money? he went and bought a bunch of chink slaves and made a cigarette company?

or is it completely fake, like everything else skycoin has delivered? the company didnt even have a website a week ago, and that marketing manager doesnt exist.

>> No.13051953

Nexus is better by long shot

>> No.13051955
File: 199 KB, 1024x894, shitcoin skycoin miner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post skyminers (tm).

>> No.13051990

Your complaints are hilarious
>Thinking this cost much if anything to produce, it's an account system that they award Skycoin to and trade promo items for
>whinging about a third world marketing manager not having a internet presence in English

When in reality:
>independent company decides to use Skycoin for rewards
>fires up a website
>takes some video and show Skycoin

Nothing can satisfy you people and it's going to be fun watching your mental gymnastics as Skywire matures and Obelisk launches.

>> No.13051996

Only willing to bag up 1 shitcoin based on my risk tolerance and it's this one. Got 750 so far.

>> No.13052000

Internet over satellite is a meme and it always will be.

>> No.13052012

Still a little above 9000. I expect 30k soon after Skywire is ready for public use.

>> No.13052043

yes, an international cigarette company that just happened to use the same color scheme as skycoin just happened to launch their first and only website the week before skycoin throws out this shill video. 0 presence anywhere until 2 days ago

>> No.13052065

This is your "only" shitcoin and you only have 750?

>> No.13052067

Lol, do you believe in Q larps too?

>just happened to use
You mean they downloaded the branding guide pdf that's on Skycoin's website?

>the week before
It doesn't take that long to edit a video like that.

The simple explanation of them launching the program and the website and immediately showing Skycoin makes sense and is more likely than a fabrication conspiracy.

>> No.13052559

Got 10k in usdt but wanna spread it into mostly top 20 by mcap. Wanna aim for 1k of that in SKY for 1000? How much money do u have in crypto rich anon?

>> No.13052568

I think XMR, BTC, CVC, and SKY are the projects worth allocating to. Hbu?

>> No.13052572

Ok now someone post up the shitcoin bingo card.

>> No.13052710


>> No.13052807

I'm bagging XMR of course g ya diggg?
BTC obviously Im not dumb
CVC ummmm no thanks.

Im putting mostly in ETH and other platform coins.

>> No.13052923

Is Skycoin the ultimate SOON coin? Taking the throne from AMB?

>> No.13052953


>> No.13053013

Also this. How can we achieve this? I suggested just spamming them with pasta

>> No.13053421

Look at all these delusional niggers in this post

>> No.13053475

Dude there are just a few Skycoin threads right now. The board has countless Link shilling threads. What is your motive here? Sky just released Skywire Mainnet

>> No.13053508

My motive is that it’s a blatant scam and the threads are all clearly inorganic paid shill posting. They’re just annoying. Just fuck off already. No one wants your useless bags.

>> No.13053553

Damn dude. I genuinely believe in Sky and I hold it but due to my own volition. Synth’s worldview makes sense to me and people I respect hold this coin. You can’t just accuse General threads you do not like of being paid shills that’s schizo behavior

>> No.13053568

>blatant scam
Why so sad fren? Surely you can come up with a real reason?

Or did someone hurt your feelings? Show me on the doll where Sudo touched you.

>> No.13053582

The thing that sky bag holders refuse to acknowledge is that the official explanation for the Synth kidnapping makes Skycoin look even worse than if it were a fake kidnapping. At least if it were fake it would show a certain level of devious intelligence in manipulating a bunch of bagholders into being dumped on. Instead the idea that Synth managed to get himself kidnapped by his own marketing team displays a truly shocking level of incompetence on his part.

Why would anyone in their right mind invest in a man who is so bad at reading people and evaluating risk that he accidentally hires literal gangsters as his marketers? This isn’t just a case of a company getting scammed this is a man who is unable to discern whether the people he has put his trust into will break into his house and rob him or not. It’s like the retarded kid at school who doesn’t realise that the people he thinks are his ‘friends’ are really just taking advantage of him. It’s truly sad if you think about it. Never invest in anyone who is so incompetent that they can’t even get basic hiring decisions right.

>> No.13053593

The Skycoin shilled by the UN meme has got to stop. The problem with the shills bringing it up is that people like me then actually google this guy and the talk and realise he’s a non technical expert who in mentioned obelisk twice to a small room at a minor UN event. The guy’s a minor social science academic at a literally who tier university. The fact that he mentioned something called obelisk which he has zero technical understanding of means absolutely nothing. The fact that you paid shills keep bringing it up is a major red flag as if there even needed to be more red flags.

We argue with you for the benefit of the lurkers to stop them wasting their money on Sky.

>> No.13053606

There’s no point in arguing with these people. They’re paid Skycoin shills. The reason they’re using the ‘oracles don’t exist’ line of attack right now is because their strategy is to reel in bottom of the barrel brainlets who are easier to manipulate. They know that only the dumbest people on this board will fall for this level of retardation. It’s like how Nigerian scammers deliberately make their emails badly spelled and unbelievable to make sure that anyone who does reply is an utter brainlet and hence more likely to be suckered in. It’s exactly the same tactic here. The best thing to do with Skycoin threads is just spam them with pasta. Can be any pasta. Sky fud pasta or McDonald’s pasta whatever. Don’t engage with the shills. They’re not here to argue sincerely. Just spam the thread until it reaches its bump limit and gets off the board.

>> No.13053607

The kidnapping is irrelevant they stole his hot wallet not any of his real coin. I’m sorry but if you think this matters in evaluating a protocol your opinion is worthless. Synth is under the protection of Israel now

>> No.13053610

lol, triggered in to pasta

Synth is a genius but yeah, it seems he's not able to read minds. Including the intentions of letting some employees step inside for a chat.

>> No.13053621

The saddest part about Skycoin is that it’s not even a very successful scam. Its price is in the gutter and will stay there until going even lower. Meanwhile utility tokens and coins like /REDACTED/, BNB, and XLM have steadily gained in value and climbed the cmc charts for the last 6 months. If only you’d listened. Instead you bought bags of pure shit that are now worth a fraction of what they once were and the only thing keeping you going is the delusional rantings of Steve and synth with literally no confirmation from the outside world that they’re right. Steve literally claims that oracles don’t exist. He’s the only one in the blockchain space that claims this.

Meanwhile /REDACTED/ accumulates customer after customer (swift, Corda), endless partnerships, acquisition after acquisition (oraclize, town crier) and growing media recognition from legitimate publications (Tech review, WSJ). What does Skycoin have? A tattoo on the back of an old junkie. lol.

>> No.13053633

Alright well you gave it your best shot. I think you made a fool of yourself but observers can decide. Let me ask are you a former Substratum investor? Why are you shilling so hard against Skycoin? I usually fade people like you

>> No.13053647

Ohhh you’re a link shill. I get it now. Those bags heavy anon?

>> No.13053655



He makes some mistakes given ESL but this really just means that Skycoin is talking to people with UN connections. NGO projects are pretty lucrative.

>> No.13053676

But anon, oracles don't exist. You can't trustlessly write to a blockchain that rain fell on a certain day.

>> No.13053697

There’s no point in arguing with these people. They’re paid Skycoin shills. The reason they’re using the ‘oracles don’t exist’ line of attack right now is because their strategy is to reel in bottom of the barrel brainlets who are easier to manipulate. They know that only the dumbest people on this board will fall for this level of retardation. It’s like how Nigerian scammers deliberately make their emails badly spelled and unbelievable to make sure that anyone who does reply is an utter brainlet and hence more likely to be suckered in. It’s exactly the same tactic here. The best thing to do with Skycoin threads is just spam them with pasta. Can be any pasta. Sky fud pasta or McDonald’s pasta whatever. Don’t engage with the shills. They’re not here to argue sincerely. Just spam the thread until it reaches its bump limit and gets off the board.

>> No.13053710

There’s no point in arguing with these people. They’re paid Skycoin shills. The reason they’re using the ‘oracles don’t exist’ line of attack right now is because their strategy is to reel in bottom of the barrel brainlets who are easier to manipulate. They know that only the dumbest people on this board will fall for this level of retardation. It’s like how Nigerian scammers deliberately make their emails badly spelled and unbelievable to make sure that anyone who does reply is an utter brainlet and hence more likely to be suckered in. It’s exactly the same tactic here. The best thing to do with Skycoin threads is just spam them with pasta. Can be any pasta. Sky fud pasta or McDonald’s pasta whatever. Don’t engage with the shills. They not here to argue sincerely. Just spam the thread until it reaches its bump limit and gets off the board.

>> No.13053720

no point in arguing with these people. They’re paid Skycoin shills. The reason they’re using the ‘oracles don’t exist’ line of attack right now is because their strategy is to reel in bottom of the barrel brainlets who are easier to manipulate. They know that only the dumbest people on this board will fall for this level of retardation. It’s like how Nigerian scammers deliberately make their emails badly spelled and unbelievable to make sure that anyone who does reply is an utter brainlet and hence more likely to be suckered in. It’s exactly the same tactic here. The best thing to do with Skycoin threads is just spam them with pasta. Can be any pasta. Sky fud pasta or McDonald’s pasta whatever. Don’t engage with the shills. They’re not here to argue sincerely. Just spam the thread until it reaches its bump limit and gets off the board.

>> No.13053726

Ooh, Alinsky projection tactics.

>y-you guys are trying to trick brainlets!
wtf I hate sky now

>> No.13053728

There’s no point in arguing with these people. They’re paid Skycoin shills. The reason they’re using the ‘oracles don’t exist’ line of attack right now is because their strategy is to reel in bottom of the barrel brainlets who are easier to manipulate. They know that only the dumbest people on this board will fall for this level of retardation. It’s like how Nigerian scammers deliberately make their emails badly spelled and unbelievable to make sure that anyone who does reply is an utter brainlet and hence more likely to be suckered in. It’s exactly the same tactic here. The best thing to do with Skycoin threads is just spam them with pasta. Can be any pasta. Sky fud pasta or McDonald’s pasta whatever. Don’t engage with the shills. They’re not here to argue sincerely. Just spam the thread until it reaches its bump limit and gets off the board

>> No.13053740

The thing that sky bag holders refuse to acknowledge is that the official explanation for the Synth kidnapping makes Skycoin look even worse than if it were a fake kidnapping. At least if it were fake it would show a certain level of devious intelligence in manipulating a bunch of bagholders into being dumped on. Instead the idea that Synth managed to get himself kidnapped by his own marketing team displays a truly shocking level of incompetence on his part.

Why would anyone in their right mind invest in a man who is so bad at reading people and evaluating risk that he accidentally hires literal gangsters as his marketers? This isn’t just a case of a company getting scammed this is a man who is unable to discern whether the people he has put his trust into will break into his house and rob him or not. It’s like the retarded kid at school who doesn’t realise that the people he thinks are his ‘friends’ are really just taking advantage of him. It’s truly sad if you think about it. Never invest in anyone who is so incompetent that they can’t even get basic hiring decisions right.

And the best Sky shills can come up with in response is ‘everybody makes mistakes!’ ‘How could Synth have known?’
Revealing pathetic levels of delusion and cope. They have no reply to this pasta.

>> No.13053742

You're welcome to enlighten us with why you think oracles exist. Doing scary things like providing temperature data or rainfall data are pretty hard, aren't they?

>> No.13053756

You're gonna be bumping this thread for a while.

If these were Skycoin transactions, you'd be running out of UXTOs to spend as an anti spam mechanic.

>> No.13053765

>literal gangsters
They performed pretty well as an established marketing company until they decided to become gangsters. Now they're all in jail.

>why invest
Synth is a genius, his interviews on YouTube demonstrate his expertise and vision well.

>no reply to this pasta
Hmm, but it's full of logical fallacies, why is it worth replying to any further than I have already?

>> No.13053804

The thing that sky bag holders refuse to acknowledge is that the official explanation for the Synth kidnapping makes Skycoin look even worse than if it were a fake kidnapping. At least if it were fake it would show a certain level of devious intelligence in manipulating a bunch of bagholders into being dumped on. Instead the idea that Synth managed to get himself kidnapped by his own marketing team displays a truly shocking level of incompetence on his part.

Why would anyone in their right mind invest in a man who is so bad at reading people and evaluating risk that he accidentally hires literal gangsters as his marketers? This isn’t just a case of a company getting scammed this is a man who is unable to discern whether the people he has put his trust into will break into his house and rob him or not. It’s like the retarded kid at school who doesn’t realise that the people he thinks are his ‘friends’ are really just taking advantage of him. It’s truly sad if you think about it. Never invest in anyone who is so incompetent that they can’t even get basic hiring decisions right.

And the best Sky shills can come up with in response is ‘everybody makes mistakes!’ ‘How could Synth have known?’
Revealing pathetic levels of delusion and cope. They have no reply to this pasta.

>> No.13053816

There’s no point in arguing with these people. They’re paid Skycoin shills. The reason they’re using the ‘oracles don’t exist’ line of attack right now is because their strategy is to reel in bottom of the barrel brainlets who are easier to manipulate. They know that only the dumbest people on this board will fall for this level of retardation. It’s like how Nigerian scammers deliberately make their emails badly spelled and unbelievable to make sure that anyone who does reply is an utter brainlet and hence more likely to be suckered in. It’s exactly the same tactic here. The best thing to do with Skycoin threads is just spam them with pasta. Can be any pasta. Sky fud pasta or McDonald’s pasta whatever. Don’t engage with the shills. They’re not here to argue sincerely. Just spam the thread until it reaches its bump limit and gets off the board.

Ps. You can tel they’re paid shills because they’re obliged to reply to all of this pasta to ‘change the narrative’. They’re probably paid per post.

>> No.13053824

There’s no point in arguing with these people. They’re paid Skycoin shills. The reason they’re using the ‘oracles don’t exist’ line of attack right now is because their strategy is to reel in bottom of the barrel brainlets who are easier to manipulate. They know that only the dumbest people on this board will fall for this level of retardation. It’s like how Nigerian scammers deliberately make their emails badly spelled and unbelievable to make sure that anyone who does reply is an utter brainlet and hence more likely to be suckered in. It’s exactly the same tactic here. The best thing to do with Skycoin threads is just spam them with pasta. Can be any pasta. Sky fud pasta or McDonald’s pasta whatever. Don’t engage with the shills. They’re not here to argue sincerely. Just spam the thread until it reaches its bump limit and gets off the board.

Ps. You can tel they’re paid shills because they’re obliged to reply to all of this pasta to ‘change the narrative’. They’re probably paid per post

>> No.13053827

The saddest part about Skycoin is that it’s not even a very successful scam. Its price is in the gutter and will stay there until going even lower. Meanwhile utility tokens and coins like /REDACTED/, BNB, and XLM have steadily gained in value and climbed the cmc charts for the last 6 months. If only you’d listened. Instead you bought bags of pure shit that are now worth a fraction of what they once were and the only thing keeping you going is the delusional rantings of Steve and synth with literally no confirmation from the outside world that they’re right. Steve literally claims that oracles don’t exist. He’s the only one in the blockchain space that claims this.

Meanwhile /REDACTED/ accumulates customer after customer (swift, Corda), endless partnerships, acquisition after acquisition (oraclize, town crier) and growing media recognition from legitimate publications (Tech review, WSJ). What does Skycoin have? A tattoo on the back of an old junkie. lol.

>> No.13053840


>> No.13053878
File: 752 KB, 1200x836, lunarsportscars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cowering in fear that anyone that works for you might scam you

Nah, Synth doesn't give a fuck. And the entire situation revealed the importance of being more stringent with accounting when distributing coins.

>> No.13053893

Is this really the best that link's shill group came up with? Or are you just a guy that's really upset at the realization that oracles aren't real?

>> No.13053924

>no consensus
>devs lock wallets
>devs are retards
>community are retards

>> No.13053940

Fags. Should have bought at .90

>> No.13053948

>probably paid per post
Free speech and not being monitored by governments is pay enough for me.

4chan is already blocked in NZ, we'll get to talk to our kiwi friends over Skywire soon enough.

>> No.13053949

devs do not lock wallets. The rest is your opinion but I disagree

>> No.13053967

>Should have bought at .90
I bet you bought the dip" at $20 too kek. How's that "price floor" at $5 going for you? Oh, it's 80% down? Weird!

>> No.13053980

>forking to lock stolen funds from an employee wallet is "locking wallets"
that's a nope from me bud

>> No.13054090

Can someone do ta on Skycoin? I give it ten days to go back above 330 sats

>> No.13054099
File: 129 KB, 750x1334, 1135C872-2A50-47AC-ACB2-7E3661EFFA52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13054141
File: 188 KB, 1480x1484, Screen Shot 2019-03-18 at 2.18.11 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much everything important.

>> No.13054161

>dozens of threads a day
>not a scam

>maybe one thread a day
>clearly a scam with paid posters

>> No.13054166



>> No.13054172
File: 95 KB, 486x330, im-projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13054173

There’s no point in arguing with these people. They’re paid Skycoin shills. The reason they’re using the ‘oracles don’t exist’ line of attack right now is because their strategy is to reel in bottom of the barrel brainlets who are easier to manipulate. They know that only the dumbest people on this board will fall for this level of retardation. It’s like how Nigerian scammers deliberately make their emails badly spelled and unbelievable to make sure that anyone who does reply is an utter brainlet and hence more likely to be suckered in. It’s exactly the same tactic here. The best thing to do with Skycoin threads is just spam them with pasta. Can be any pasta. Sky fud pasta or McDonald’s pasta whatever. Don’t engage with the shills. They’re not here to argue sincerely. Just spam the thread until it reaches its bump limit and gets off the board.

Ps. You can tel they’re paid shills because they’re obliged to reply to all of this pasta to ‘change the narrative’. They’re probably paid per post.

>> No.13054197

Could you show me the mcdonald's pasta? Or is this reformatted from link threads?

>> No.13054204

>being this new

>> No.13054207


>> No.13054219

How was it fake? The team went to jail.

>> No.13054396

It’s shocking how people will repeat something without researching it. The thieves literally went to jail

>> No.13055054

I'm here get me in the screencap I'm gonna make it

>> No.13055233

Resistance at 1.20?

>> No.13055267

>captured twice by chinese mafia

>> No.13055298

I come to these Skycuck threads because as a HOLOCHAD it amuses me to observe dung beetles stop rolling around in shit to play dress up and pretend to be something worth taking seriously.

>> No.13055346

The thing that sky bag holders refuse to acknowledge is that the official explanation for the Synth kidnapping makes Skycoin look even worse than if it were a fake kidnapping. At least if it were fake it would show a certain level of devious intelligence in manipulating a bunch of bagholders into being dumped on. Instead the idea that Synth managed to get himself kidnapped by his own marketing team displays a truly shocking level of incompetence on his part.

Why would anyone in their right mind invest in a man who is so bad at reading people and evaluating risk that he accidentally hires literal gangsters as his marketers? This isn’t just a case of a company getting scammed this is a man who is unable to discern whether the people he has put his trust into will break into his house and rob him or not. It’s like the retarded kid at school who doesn’t realise that the people he thinks are his ‘friends’ are really just taking advantage of him. It’s truly sad if you think about it. Never invest in anyone who is so incompetent that they can’t even get basic hiring decisions right.

And the best Sky shills can come up with in response is ‘everybody makes mistakes!’ ‘How could Synth have known?’
Revealing pathetic levels of delusion and cope. They have no reply to this pasta.