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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 175 KB, 1300x852, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12995453 No.12995453 [Reply] [Original]

>Rank 3 or 2 market cap year round
>600m+ daily volume

Funny how this coin has not even once been mentioned in all of 2019, while it is right there at the top.

>> No.12995465

>not mentioned

>> No.12995472

Which did absolutely fuck all to XRP, while Charlee's chink fork goes 2x

>> No.12995480

only manipulated shitcoins pump wildly on "news"

>> No.12995486

People here have no idea what's going to happen and it's hilarious.

>> No.12995509

Do tell faggot

>> No.12995512

>Says the increasingly nervous bagholder for the last couple of YEARS

Literally worse than link

>> No.12995527

I guarantee you my stress levels are lower than yours. I've got a massive stack and now I'm just sitting back. No trading, no swinging. I'm complete.

How's your day trading going with Bitcoin?

>> No.12995531

up 25% for the week my only long term holds are ETH, Link and a small stack of XRP.

>> No.12995548

ETH is a shit long term hold. ChainLink as a system is sound, the zealots are insufferable though and nobody other than Sergei is getting wealthy from it.

>> No.12995559

Why? I doubt you know that much about XRP then. Do you even know about ETH and UBS?

>> No.12995572

you just described Ripple in the most astute way

>> No.12995592

I'm pretty sure I know more about XRP than anyone else on this board. I'm a /g/ native, I know the technical and business side of it. Ethereum is going to be deprecated by Codius. The native currency of Codius will be XRP.

Remember that Ethereum only exists because Vitalik couldn't get a job at Ripple Labs (visas not issued for working at companies established less than 5 years ago at that time). He scraped some ideas together from people at Ripple at the time, including David Schwartz himself, then made Ethereum. A bloated shit project with no clear vision.

David Schwartz himself is worth more than every other 'developer' in the cryptosphere put together.

>> No.12995747

I believe you but I do take it with a grain of salt. Look into Swiss banking and ETH if I understand it right ETH and XRP are going to be fucking huge in the coming years.

>> No.12995789
File: 59 KB, 960x960, new stellar logo money 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boi it's coming

>> No.12995816

Educated post, this is true.

>> No.12996235

>puffy vagina
what did jed mean by this?