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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 350x236, Fat Stacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12969110 No.12969110 [Reply] [Original]

If I handed you $50k to start a business, what would you do with it?

>> No.12969114

Start a business.

>> No.12969117

burn it on cocaine and hoes OP :)

>> No.12969119

meth lab

>> No.12969122

I would start a business. I have a couple in mind that I would immediately go to work on. One is a web based business, and the other a brick and mortar location. The brick and mortar location I think would be the most profitable in the current economic climate.

>> No.12969124

none of you can run either of these things without dying or getting robbed in the first week

>> No.12969128

Buy chainlink

>> No.12969130

Put it on the ponies.

>> No.12969238

I'd probably try to get into the shipping container farm business for specialty crops and sell them to restaurants. I tried getting my old man to help me venture into that because he owns a nonprofit that would allow some grantwork that would be mutually beneficial, but he didn't want to risk it.

I'd ride that out on the equipment until weed was federally legalized, and then I already have a state of the art growing system that's paid off, and I could easily push half a million bucks out of the unit in its first year, recycle that into expanding, and compete to claim the whole Southeast market legitimately.

>> No.12969242

i would buy holochain all in

>> No.12969245

Two chicks

>> No.12969253
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This anon gets it

>> No.12969259

ur mom

>> No.12969258

All in on Link.

>> No.12969260
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>> No.12969284

Open a pawn shop with my son big hoss

>> No.12969285

I'd give you back $45k and start a business with a product I can make at home with the other $5k.

>> No.12969293
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>> No.12969355
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>> No.12969358
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>> No.12969445

Invest that in actual equities instead of this stupid new cryptocurrency B.S. that biz is head over heels for some damn reason.

>> No.12969553

> he think it's hard to buy blow or whores. kekekek

>> No.12969633

I would restart my transhumanist nootropics & peptides underground shop.

>> No.12969737

Reach out to some smaller business which has one location, like a pet store or something, and give them money to open a second location for 50% of the profits.

>They already have all the contacts.
>They already have all the logistics channels.
>They already have tons of experience on the subject.

Pretty much the easiest way.

>> No.12969827

what would you say on the phone?

>> No.12969858

Aye yo I got fiddy G's for ya. Whatcha say? I give youz da half-hundred, you build Jimmy Jack's clownshoes numero deuce and you gimme da half-profits. Easy peasy dough.

>> No.12969871

porn business. even if you go bankrupt at least you had fun

bitmax, fantom & vite are undervalued gems and next to pump

>> No.12969896

I have two ideas but they are secret.

I am selling my first idea for 70k cash this year

>> No.12969953

I unironically tried to do that, anon.
They all said no, not interested thanks.

>> No.12969972

Buy a 3d printer, metal casting and shop gear and start making the ideas in my head real

>> No.12970032

how many times you tried? try with other business?

>> No.12970079

Kek top tier post

>> No.12970111

I tried just with three restaurants (then invested the money otherwise) but I may try again next year.

>> No.12970136

wow, you really ARE a faggot! cool!

>> No.12970176

buy 12.5 BTC and one kneepad in case it doesn't work out

>> No.12970360

Find roasties with daddy issues and start an amateur porn channel.

>> No.12970380

You can't really start much of a business with just $50k. Maybe I'd buy some brewing equipment.

>> No.12970746

Set up a 2 bedroom apartments for myself where one bedroom is an esl/efl classroom. Been teaching 10 years and can do an amazing job with my eyes closed. Work from there full time for 2 years then expand to office premises. No stopping me from then on.

Gib btc and will do it. You can have 15% annual profit.

>> No.12970793

Create Traps'R'Us

>> No.12970904

start an ebay business selling finger paintings and keep the 50k

>> No.12970931

mining operation

>> No.12970964

Sex doll brothel

>> No.12970990

I'd probably finally look into starting up a traditional game store in the area where I live. There are none around for around thirty miles, so I think that if I kept it reasonably small with some amount of community outreach to make sure that people know it's there that I could do well.

>> No.12971024

i would put it all in a bag and drop that bag on my skull using a rope and pulley in order to kill myself

>> No.12971029

Book of Ra Deluxe

>> No.12971045

Wildland firefighting logistics company for large incidents.

>> No.12971053

Fuckin a man

>> No.12971097

i would buy a kenworth t800 and a log trailer

>> No.12971922

Dividend stocks to keep me alive while I write.

>> No.12971928

pay off debt and continue profiting from my current business. thanks op.

>> No.12972017

buy a mine in afrika and kill people to make more money

>> No.12972069

Buy up a pizza place and sell gourmet sandwiches.

>> No.12972113

i would start a snail farm

>> No.12972130

invest it in deep OTM options

>> No.12972163

Throw 15-20k into a down payment on a small franchised business such as Subway, run that for a bit while vetting out the current manager or hiring a competent new one to learn the entire operation A-Z. Grab a second location and repeat. This is actually already what I'm doing, so I would just ramp up efforts and employ some seasoned managers to get me off the ground with multiple locations instead of just the 1.

>> No.12972198

sex dungeon

>> No.12972273
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That's enough to get five of pic related. I would put them together and charge admission to my own Scrooge McDuck money tower swimming experience.

>> No.12972340

Gamble it, specifically at an indian casino

>> No.12972371

Start a casino

>> No.12972389

Wow that's enough to hire one employee for one year with out an office or desk or any equipment or capital

sounds great

>> No.12972401

I'd make a new decentralized social credit system based on relationships. Private and secure with no data mining.
That's a lot of money to build a platform especially relocating to the Phillipines and hiring people to make the MVP.
What would it take for you and i to do business.

>> No.12972413

>he thinks it only costs 50k for one employee

sure, maybe if you're paying them like 30k, but if you're paying them 50k in wages, then you are also paying another like 20k in payroll taxes and social security that the worker will never even see, not to mention healthcare and other benefits.

>> No.12972423

Party bus biz

>> No.12972424


>> No.12972634


>> No.12972652

All in Bitmax $$$

>> No.12972664


Find a partner who also had 50k to invest, put our combined money as a down payment on a rental property and start our real estate empire.

>> No.12972785

Down payment on an investment property; start an ATM business; start my own practice in my industry. (accounting)

>> No.12972949
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use my web dev skills to start all sorts autopilot tip based streams with contollable robots and such. I bet a bunch of lefties would give me their social insurance checks just to compete against other people in making some robot burn a picture of Trump or some shit

>> No.12972986

Buy Ethereum if I wanted to play it safe. Roughly 95% likelihood of >1500% returns in the next 5 years.

If I felt like putting everything on the line for a shot at living large, I would go all in on chainlink.

>> No.12972989

supreme kek

>> No.12973003

Start a mining farm after figuring out how to siphon free electricity

>> No.12973039

Part of it as a down payment on a run down smaller sized house with 2br in a relatively popular area, the rest on fixing it up to be a nice b&b vacation rental place.

>> No.12973102

Lol 50%? No one is letting you do that

>> No.12973109

You can start a software company for free if you know how to code

>> No.12973122

What about healthcare and all that other shit? A level 2 30k employee is at least 50k in cost

>> No.12973124

Realistically I would invest it into equipment rentals and hire someone more competent than I to help develop products. Startup companies without funding are hard as fuck.

>> No.12973136

Start a small gym in the downtown area of a mid America town.

>> No.12973163

>hey essay you need to clean the bathroom some foo shit on the floor
>[laughter in spanish intensifies]

>> No.12973270

>If I handed you $50k to start a business, what would you do with it?


Step 1: spend all the money to pay business services from umbrella companies that I will use to cash out (some taxes apply)

Step 2: declare bankruptcy

I've just made 35k$


So, the moral is: never hand me some money without a collateral.

>> No.12974436

buy a food truck and sell eggs to festival goers.

>> No.12974499

I'd quit my job or offer to work waaaay less hours (currently 80 per week)
start streaming full time
buy a zero-turn lawn mower and a couple other things I don't have
pay someone to hook me up with a marketing package for an all-inclusive lawn service, be super picky with clients I take on and only have a few while I develop my methods, with streaming being my primary income

or some other business, but lawn stuff is what I'd done before

should have some time to finish school too (current major is business but I still have time to switch back to cs, thinking about it)

whatever business I do run, I intend to streamline and automate everything I can over time, I'd develop a business that could easily be turned into something much bigger

>> No.12974504

Manufacture pet food and develope a software business that produces value added to customers by providing them a database.

>> No.12974753

Invest in an architectural glass factory in Syria.

>> No.12974776

i would straight up tell you to fuck off. i don't want your monopoly money. pay me in with something that has REAL value, like GOLEM

>> No.12974808


Why eggs

>> No.12974853


>> No.12974885

Brapista shop

>> No.12974886

buy a gun and rob a bank

>> No.12974914

buy a house in crete and make it a hostel. If theres any money left I build a kart track with a small shed in the area

>> No.12974924
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Kill two birds with one stone and shoot 50k worth of porn.

>> No.12974931

Could definitely work, but not for 50%. They're doing all the legwork, and you're reclining like some effendi. Lower percentage (somewhere near 10% - 15%), and you managing the property and business of the second location would be more acceptable.

>> No.12975091

i have an idea for a business based on this unique skillset i've developed.

a few years ago, i realized that when i looked at a picture of a girl or thought about what she looked like, i could figure out how attractive she is based on how quickly i caused myself to orgasm when i thought about her. and i realized that this would be a valuable service, since many people don't know how attractive they are. and so what i do is sell my consulting services to people and i give them a numerical rating and a report on what about them made it easy or hard for me to get off.

>> No.12975366
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>this stupid new cryptocurrency
internet is a fad

>> No.12975373

ITT: anon invents franchising

>> No.12975374
File: 46 KB, 393x511, elementarylecturesoneletricdischargesimpulsesandwaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Research company to explore electrical phenomena with the mindset and teachings thereby of popular opinion previous to ~1925 (Edison's Photo electric effect). Personally I feel there are many things awaiting exploitation in the field of capacity rather than the extensively explored inductivity. The one thing that has become clear to me is that if aught there be some reasonable method of consensus in which the present supersedes the past instead of standing on top of it then I take issue. Many men of great intellectual talent had faced the fury of electrical inquiry and fallen victim to it's typical blight upon their discoveries in the form of suffering in the highest of orders. I am no stranger to the suffering that existence brings. My youth is still within me, my ideas have actual ideological roots whose potential makes modern technology look like the world previous to the convenience of indoor plumbing. Naturally I am working to furnish a much larger amount with my own hands first, however this would be a good amount in the right direction.

tl;dr Revolutionize conceptions of electrical phenomena and implementation

>> No.12975399
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i'd install air conditioners in orlando

>> No.12975402


Buy bitcoin instead. Lmfao.