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File: 15 KB, 220x329, 220px-Atlas_Shrugged_film_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12969055 No.12969055 [Reply] [Original]

Saw the first movie (available on youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85mwDN8rsFQ))
Apparently the second movie has no recurrent cast, every character is played by a new actor, furthermore there was a significant drop in the production quality.. The first movie was more or less an A-tier movie, the second hardly even a B-movie..

Is this some elaborate socialist ploy to destroy the message? Or was the failure of the filmatization of the book due to libertarians being anti-social af and only torrent the movie they watch - if the latter is the case, then have libertarians not disproven the functionality of their ideology.

tl.dr. upset about a sequel to a movie being trash and blame it on you guys or random socialists.

>> No.12969105


Nah objectivism is a shit philosophy to begin with. Can't put perfume on a turd and expect it to smell good.

I like to think of it as radical libertarianism, and that's retarded too.

> you too faggot ancaps

>> No.12969116
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I was a hardcore randianite at one point too. Read Atlas Shrugged 3 times and the fountainhead at 4 times among her other books. Then I read actual philosophy that's backed up by logic and realized I was retarded.

> played myself

>> No.12969147

dw anon you're still retarded. fyi, this board has "ids" to identify unique posters, so we know you're replying to yourself

>> No.12969163


You clearly haven't read those books, because thats not what they talk about.

>> No.12969188


I've read John Gaults 300 page manifesto twice. I sure fucking have read them faggot.

> all that wasted time

And the premise of the entire books is every man is an island, except when you're a big strong capitalist who exploits other people.

>> No.12969198
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I did that on purpose to continue the chain dipshit. Its called post continuity. Fucking kys faggot

>> No.12969209


Objectivism is not developed in those books, she wrote about it independently.

The fountainhead is literally about artistic and moral integrity. The guy who goes after money and capitalistic fame ends up destroyed.

>> No.12969219

>read it twice
>can't even spell 4 letter name right

>b&r himself
>called out
>predictably reverts to le master ruse

do you also think we can't tell you're 19 years old, in college, vote democrat and haven't actually read either book?

>> No.12969227
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>> No.12969246
File: 3.40 MB, 588x588, tippitytopkek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played myself
Yes, you did. But not in the way you think.
It's funny, everyone who I've ever met who hates Rand's work has eventually showed themselves to be dishonest. Quite the pattern.

>> No.12969256

jesus fuck le reddit dumbfuck is a teenage leftist and a homosex mongloid tier idiot. back to university commie-brainwashing with you. I can also tell that you have read neither book.

>> No.12969266

National Socialism is the only legitimate philosophy

>> No.12969300
File: 72 KB, 588x823, wraparound_maga_brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was the rape scene in the Fountainhead your favorite? Or was it when Dagney was getting railed by John Gault?

> using muh cigarettes to ignite the fires of the mind

>> No.12969333

Free market economies and libertarianism can only work in nations with high cohesion and one dominant culture. Destroy the race of a nation, and all "philia" will be lost and nothing will work basically. Socrates was right.

>> No.12969562

Except he gives a long speech on objectivism at the end.
Also that other guy fails because he does what mommy tells him, not because of greed.

>> No.12970335


He was and wasn't. The greeks in all their wisdom failed to account for adaptive preferences with regards to choice and logic.

> muh sour grapes

But this convo is out of scope for biz.

>> No.12970366

Ayn Rand was a hack. Objectivism is a goddamn joke.


>> No.12970526

Fun fact about this movie: I worked on a set with the director a few years back. He was a pretty cool guy and hated the movie. Apparently the conservative group backing it took complete creative control over the film during the edit, bought him and his editor out of the film and made the movie they wanted from the footage they had. They cut out entire characters because they found out the actors were democrats. And then O'Reilly shilled it on his show, it got one weekend box office boost from idiots watching Fox News and then proceeded to flop. And there ya go.

>> No.12971169

i tried watching the first movie 3 times. it sucks, no wonder the sequel sucks more.

>> No.12971233

it was when the journalist was showing how he could manipulate/brainwash NPCs like yourself into worshiping garbage and the utter shit creations of the world and in the same stroke destroy works of genius because he could... and because he and his kind resented genius , talent, ability and grit more than anything on the earth.

>> No.12971394

>Read Atlas Shrugged 3 times

what is reading AND comprehension

>> No.12971464

>I've read John Gaults 300 page manifesto twice.

u read AS 3 times and galt (not gault)'s speech three times?

I get scared when people are this stupid,
its all ending anons.

>> No.12971625

I was a full blown Objectivist as a teenager. As an adult, I still agree with the majority of its principles but I'm also an ethnic nationalist and believe in strong borders with very limited immigration.

The movies sucked, btw. But I guess turning a 1000 page tome with a massive scope into a couple of movies is an impossible feat. They should have done a series.

>> No.12971866

It's not about exploitation, it's about competence versus incompetence--the Pareto principle.

>> No.12971890

That movie is garbage and not even funny garbage, it's just bad.

>> No.12971930

Is the new film part 2 of 2, or part 2 of 3?

>> No.12971962

it's funny because it's an ancap movie that was financed by an caps and they couldn't raise enough money to pay the actors for a second one.

>> No.12971981

>failed to account for adaptive preferences with regards to choice and logic

Just like Marx.

>> No.12972157


Ya he was a fucking idiot. He did have some good nuggets though so it wasn't all bad.

Fuck outta here. Most wealthy people start 3/4 of the way to home plate. We all know this. Stop pretending like it isn't true.

Ya well I have to live with the fact I did it. But then again I was bored af on deployment so what are you gonna do?