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12949078 No.12949078 [Reply] [Original]

(Your) future in crypto:

-SEC charges ICOs with violations of 1934 Securities Act
-Assets of ICO founders seized and liquidated
-Crypto market collapses, sorry losers
-Winners admire their stacks of gold, silver, USD and bitcoin


>> No.12949100

>he hasn’t heard of CZ

>> No.12949109

And then the collapse comes, your rocks x100 and you smuggly chuckle to yourself at the stupid canons ans their internet tokens. You chuckle silently in your basement however, as you're unable to spend, or even showcase, your boomer rocks without the fear of being Gaddafi'd in the town square

>> No.12949149


The only collapse will be of the digital crypto casino. Shitcoin cucks unknowingly funding Leftist causes are no match for the SEC.

>> No.12949752

Bullion BVLLS report in

>> No.12949770

the complete disintermediation of all governments isn't a leftist cause you fucking brainlet

>> No.12949785

Boomer pls, isn't wheel of fortune on right now? Stop getting on the computer when your grandson is at school and can't explain things to you, you are embarrassing yourself old man.

>> No.12949915
File: 488 KB, 1497x1141, 6D775BA5-E987-4200-9487-57042B68F827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, you literally “invested” in (((their))) creation. Crypto = globalist currency.

They made unpaid shills out of the lot of you for FREE, because you unironically bought into their “bank killer” meme. Like they’d ever let that happen, they are the gatekeepers and the mega whales. A couple hundred wallets own 95% of bitcoin, huh i wonder (((who))) has it all? When the fiat collapse happens, and it will happen, its imminent. They’ll flood the market with all their crypto, using that to buy even more REM, they’ll patiently wait until REM moons unbelievably and then buy back their crypto with rem dirt cheap at the very bottom and then own 99%.


>> No.12950473


Kek old man it might be time to just die

>> No.12950522

SEC does not have global jurisdiction retard. China Russia and so on don't give a single fuck.

>> No.12950854
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When you finally come to your senses and realize that Leftists completely co-opted the space (right under your noses using the same Mainstream Media disinformation tactics which have subverted people without brains for decades) and its players and then turned muh crypto into a Marxist jackoff and fingerfuck session, come back and see me.

>> No.12950867

if you're still seeing this as a left vs right thing your brain must be really smooth.

>> No.12950895


These Leftists in particular are also Globalist Big Bankster Commies

Apologies for my ambiguous shorthand

>> No.12950911

you know there are other markets outside of america right

>> No.12951014


There are 2,103 cryptocurrencies currently listed on Coinmarketcap and may many more which have failed. Step right up, spin the wheel and hope it lands on one of the 2,103 which might survive the coming armageddon.

An economic term which should be committed to memory and understood for all you bagholding faggots is SUNK COSTS. Sorry, sometimes it's better to cut and run when the future is certain.

When daddy loses his job is it time to liquidate his position in XRP, TRON, or Shitcoin X, Y, Z etc or is he selling the house?

Securities law in all first world countries are strikingly similar. Extradition treaties and cross-border asset seizures are most definitely a thing. If you want to invest in China and Africa there are much better ways to do it than Binance.

I like you faggots sometimes so I'm just here to warn you. Don't hate the messenger just because you don't like the message. It's coming. SEC confirms.

>> No.12951073

Can I say with certainty there won't be another bull pop if you sell now?


You might have to deal with some FOMO

But I would tread very carefully from now until the house of cards comes crashing down

Sometimes the only winning move is not to play

Just remember: History has always punished fraduluent scammers. E-Gold, Penny Stock Boiler Rooms, Ponzi schemes, take your pick. Fags act like just because a project is built on a blockchain it's exempt from securities law.

>> No.12951232

From Libipedia page, Sunk Cost:

Economists argue that sunk costs are not taken into account when making rational decisions. In the case of a baseball game ticket that has already been purchased, the ticket-buyer can choose between the following two end results if he realizes that he doesn't like the game:

Having paid the price of the ticket and having suffered watching a game that he does not want to see, or;
Having paid the price of the ticket and having used the time to do something more fun.

In either case, the ticket-buyer has paid the price of the ticket so that part of the decision no longer affects the future. If the ticket-buyer regrets buying the ticket, the current decision should be based on whether he wants to see the game at all, regardless of the price, just as if he were to go to a free baseball game. The economist will suggest that, since the second option involves suffering in only one way (spent money), while the first involves suffering in two (spent money plus wasted time), option two is obviously preferable.

Like the guy who stays at the casino until 5am trying to break even at roulette, and loses it all because the wheel fucked him one too many times in a row. Shoulda went home at midnight with a couple hundred bucks left and fucked your wife instead of rolling in broke smelling like cigs, booze and despair as the sun breaks at dawn.