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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12934712 No.12934712 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about dropping out of my comp sci degree because I sure as fuck do not give a shit about software development and I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing this shit, competing with H1Bs for lower and lower wages.

Any good plan B's? What are your guys' plans, for those of you not in comp sci?

I think I'm just desperately hoping for LINK or some other shitcoin in my portfolio to save me at the last minute so I don't have to get a job.

>> No.12934733
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>I think I'm just desperately hoping for LINK or some other shitcoin in my portfolio to save me at the last minute so I don't have to get a job.

that's my plan

>> No.12934748
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comfy picture fren

>> No.12934755

How many years in are you?

>> No.12934757

I've been thinking the same exact shit for a while now. Got some motivation to finish CS after getting into crypto though.

>> No.12934758

Work in Asset Management or a Hedge Fund. At the end of the day, Americans want their money managed by prudent and sophisticated white males.

>> No.12934774

become a truck driver. can easily make $140k a year once you get your license.

>> No.12934777

how is that any better than software development lol

>> No.12935596


how far into it are you?

>> No.12935619

Most people dont finish their degree. Don't be a retard, comp sci is the best career path. Get into ML or create games or whatever gets you hard

>> No.12935636

The only thing way you will be able to change careers in any reasonable amount of time is to learn a trade.
What you're really asking for is a miracle that will somehow prevent you from having to do shit you don't like.

>> No.12935665

I’ve heard a lot of truckers get scammed into working for shit companies and are lucky to make 30k their first year. Also there is an extremely high turnover rate for truckers

>> No.12935667

If you are quitting software because of market competition you are a complete fucking brainlet. Unless you become a doctor, you're leaving the fastest growing field you can be in. Every other undergrad you can take is literally a downgrade outside of maybe nursing.
You might as well just become a tradesman. My dad makes 150-200k a year depending on his overtime.

>> No.12935668

yes there will always be immigrants taking cs jobs in usa.
they are also 5 years behind in most specialties
i got mis degree, much easier and taught myself code (mostly aws and php/mysql at the time)

the thing is, longevity at any ((job)) is a fucking meme because you will want to blow your brains out regardless if you are still wageslaving by 27. Figure out an entrepreneurial path well before then. Having tech skills will put you in a good place for that.

>> No.12935678

You will 100% be replaced by self-driving trucks in 10 years max.

t. manager of trucks & machines

>> No.12935683

No I'm quitting because I don't want to work
>muh trades
Sounds even more dull desu

>> No.12935722

I’m not a trucker. Seems like a hellish existence

>> No.12935886

They’re a special breed. Most Truckers I’d consider really good at their jobs love what they do. They love working long days, they know everything about engines & their vehicle. They drive motorcycles & muscle cars in their free time. I have one guy who’s furious because he constantly maxes out his overtime and can’t work more.

Meh-tier truckers want to work as little as possible, don’t really care about what they do or their vehicle. I’d recommend doing something else if this is you. They seem unhappy doing this, It’s probably hell.