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12921535 No.12921535 [Reply] [Original]

>someone advised here a week ago some suicidal anon to go no-technology detox for a week
>decide to try it out myself
>turn off phone, wi-fi router, no bluetooth headphones, and avoid pc
>during literally the first day of the detox, realize I feel like a completely different person
>no racing thoughts, the time slows down, become 10x more productive, sleep like a baby and focus on tasks like never before
>finally feel ALIVE
>this effect lasts the whole week
>after slowly transitioning back to tech, I feel like shit again

holy fuck, anybody tried it as well? I am seriously considering giving up the tech-jew or at least reducing the usage dramatically. also I feel like the wi-fi router and bluetooth waves fuck up with my mood but I might be paranoid at this point.

What do you guys think?

>> No.12921570

All the things I want to learn and get better at require the internet outside of some exceptions like philosophy books on my list.

>> No.12921597

I literally can't read a book when the internet exists. Only time I enjoy reading is when I am physically unable to browse the web

>> No.12921605

use cables no wifi you will get he same effect

>> No.12921606

i tried the no-tech challenge but i can only last like a couple of hours. This shit is harder than nofap
Any good advice for a tech junkie to make it?

>> No.12921615

>become 10x more productive
I’m sure Mr Shekelstein appreciates this

>> No.12921642

can't you download the material beforehand? or perhaps use the internet for that but just for that only

same, it just draws me in. I usually browse during breakfasts but it's almost impossible for me to go away once I finish the breakfast. It's really strange how addicted you can get to it

you're right, I'd be just as addicted but I started turning off my wi-fi router when I go to bed and I really feel better, although it might be placebo for sure

What exactly you have problems avoiding? Phone?

I don't go to work, I'm a student&freelancer

>> No.12921660

Both phone and pc. But yeah especially phone

>> No.12921674

I feel disconnected from the world if I don't have internet. I literally can't live without it, I start to hyperventilate so I think it is a bad idea for me. Glad you found some relief though.

>> No.12921725
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Good for you for having the willpower, been wanting to do this for years but alas

>> No.12921788

It’s true, bluetooth releases radiation and if you have bluetooth headphones, guess what. You have two antennas in your ears releasing 2.4-2.8gHz of radiation next to your brain. It accelerates aging of your brain cells, gives you a brain fog and much more. Just try listening to music with wireless headphones and then switch to normal wired headphones to see the difference.

>> No.12921856

Well if I kept it in my pocket, I would've probably also relapsed. I just turned it off and hid it the first day so I don't get tempted to look at it. Once it's outside your sight, you don't really feel the need to go look at it if you really want to do the whole week. PC is harder, especially if you need it to work. But if you prohibit it to yourself in your mind, it's easier to get over it.

Actually to me it sounds like it's even better for someone like you to try it, anon. I was not even that addicted beforehand and it really was a big difference in my situation anyways.

thanks, but the problem is that I am at crossroads right now, idk what kind of rules should I set up now so I don't slip back into it.
I can't give up tech for life since I need it for work/school eventually

makes sense, thanks for posting this

>> No.12921933

these devices you "control" are in reality your chains binding you to the society that developed them. you cannot achieve true personal freedom while you are bound to the conventions and mechanisms of others.

>> No.12921951

this sounds interesting, can you elaborate?

>> No.12921971

This anon is not lying. I can’t even begin to describe how amazing I have felt on the few occasions I have managed to avoid all technology for 2-3 days. It honestly makes me feel like I am high on some amazing drug. But alas my addict brain always bring me back to the screens.

Make me realize just how harmful all this technology is to the human brain

>> No.12921986

Try removing porn too and you’ll see the rest benefits. Ofc it will gets worse before it gets better. This the best advice I’ll give today

>> No.12921992

good to hear the effect is similar for everyone. honestly whenever I go a long time without tech, I start to wonder how can I even waste so much time on it since life seems so much more fun during the times when you're not using phone/pc

have you thought of reducing the usage? maybe just using it at a certain part of the day and then turning it off?

>> No.12922015

Yea, I have honestly been trying for years to cut back but it’s so damn hard. It is a real addiction, but the problem is that it’s so accessible. It’s like being an alcoholic and living in a bar.

>> No.12922027

I bet you're right, going noporn, or even better nofap, is going to help tremendously as well. I actually am already doing intermittent-nofap but I find going notech completely impossible at the moment

true. I used to put on a rule to just browse for an hour in the morning and then turning it off till the next days, but I relapsed like a week later and then it just went to shit after it completely.
it seriously feels like all or nothing, when I put my mind to going notech completely I can do it since there's no temptation, but anything less than that and I am glued to the fucking devices. It's actually insane how addicting it is

>> No.12922048


the machines give you a false sense of agency that artificially placates your primal need to strive in your existence. They channel the efforts of millions along the corridors laid out by the makers of the machines to shape humanity along a limited, structured set of inputs and outcomes. The more the technology is incorporated, the more the technological oligarchy believes it will be able to predict and control the path of humanity. This too is an illusion of control.

>> No.12922086

Don't think I understand this completely, but I get what you're saying. Using the technology as often as we do now is surely bad idea.
Do you advise cutting it off completely though? Or is setting up rules on when to use it and sticking to them okay? Since internet is helpful in learning new stuff

>> No.12922122

still listen to music?

>> No.12922136

>hurr durr technology BAD!

>> No.12922453

Read about the daily routines of successful people and you'll find that a lot of them rely surprisingly little on technology. There is definitely something to cutting out the distractions technology brings from your life. The human brain just isn't meant to deal with constant bombardment of information, even high energy guys like Elon can't handle it. I'm a long-term NEET and have been using the internet basically every waking hour for years, last year I fell for the self-improvement/productivity meme and started a habit of disconnecting physically from the internet for a day or two every so often and it's unreal how your mind immediately feels so much clearer without the distraction. It's like lifting an addiction. My attention span is trash but on those days I can easily focus for hours.

>true. I used to put on a rule to just browse for an hour in the morning and then turning it off till the next days, but I relapsed like a week later and then it just went to shit after it completely.
>it seriously feels like all or nothing, when I put my mind to going notech completely I can do it since there's no temptation, but anything less than that and I am glued to the fucking devices. It's actually insane how addicting it is
This has been exactly my experience this past year. It sucks because the internet is pretty useful and fun and it would be nice to have that control to divide your time and limit yourself to a few hours a day but for me that just hasn't been possible.

>> No.12922556

>Read about the daily routines of successful people and you'll find that a lot of them rely surprisingly little on technology.
this is true, I read a little bit about this. Notice how the people in tech like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Elon are actually against their kids having smartphones/tablets etc, let alone the fact that they avoid it themselves like you've mentioned.
I think it has to do with dopamine overload, just getting dopamine rush 24/7 is bad for your focus, motivation and your mood overall.
>This has been exactly my experience this past year. It sucks because the internet is pretty useful and fun and it would be nice to have that control to divide your time and limit yourself to a few hours a day but for me that just hasn't been possible.
Seems like we're stuck at the same point. I think there's really no way than just forcing yourself to get used to the habit of just sticking to an hour or two you schedule every day for the internet and then just following it till it feels natural. It's gonna be worth it for sure, dunno about you but right now I am perma-stuck to my phone and pc and it's driving me crazy.

>> No.12922577

It's the opposite for me.
If can't get enough of my technology fix then I can't function properly because all I'm left with are my depressing thoughts.

>> No.12922725


what did you fap to?

>> No.12922744

My plan is to do a longer 2-3 week detox and hope the addiction weakens afterwards. I haven't gone that long without internet since I was like 10. One thing I find that helps me is to only let myself use it in the late evening. If I start in the morning I'll be checking it constantly for the rest of the day.

>> No.12922832

thinking about getting on this as well. what do you think about nofap?

>> No.12922890
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>if i just ignore the outside world by disconnecting, all of the bad things just magically go away!
Nice vagina you have there.

>> No.12922896

It is harmful, i feel it too, but it is powerful.

We are cyborgs (cf. Elon Musk). We are not meant to.

Best thing we can do is try to force ourselves to go out 1 hour a day and do regular exercise.

Before tech (i'm not so young), i was dead bored anyway so...

>> No.12922930


By the way most people don't connect to tech like we do. We are more fused to it than most. We pay the price but it has quite a lot of advantages.

>> No.12922975

>I stopped watching porn and my aches and pains and fatigue went away, mom.
Breh, interwebs invigorates me because its /DIY/, /BIZ/, /POL/ and /o/ forcing me to find truth and knowledge to help me gain the upperhand in society.
Now, had I spent my time fapping really hard to porn all day, my eyes would ache, my neck would kink and I'd feel drained.
Im not saying no fap, im saying no porn.

>> No.12922989

>Can you elaborate
Dont make Ted kaczynski tell you all over again. Just read his manifesto

>> No.12923041

I went off the internet Jew for a few weeks last year. It was like the op explains. Now I'm back and I feel like shit but I can't stop

>> No.12923053

literally what do you do when off the internet though? i know how ridiculous that sounds but my friends dont live nearby so I cant just go hang out with people and I dont really have any non-technology related hobbies. I realize some exercise would be a good start but thats only a small chunk of the day.

>> No.12923068

You figure that out without the internet. Start by tidying your living space or something. Go for a walk. Let the ideas flow to you. Think too much and you will just go back online.

>> No.12923134

Funny when I used to think this was a meme because computers can't possibly be invented to do something like that because they're too complicated.

But now that you think about all the psy ops and mass media manipulation that happens you realize that this is the reality now.
It's funny when shit that's really far out in time becomes reality.
I remember when my parents used to think it was creepy to put your info on the internet, I actually still think that nowadays, but now because tv talks about it it's completely normal for them

>> No.12923233

Great thread!

>> No.12923291

My power went out for a day during a snow storm this winter. There was no enlightenment. Life just sucked.

>> No.12923326
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>We pay the price but it has quite a lot of advantages.
>it has quite a lot of advantages
Copefag. It is almost the sole reason so many people are socially-deprived, depressed retards nowadays. A sizeable population of Mennonites from my highschool (moderate Mennonites that just avoided entertainment-related tech) were happier, more socially adept, got better grades, and were more worldly than the outstanding majority of other students. If you don't put any faith in anecdotes, try it for your fucking self. Put your phone away for a week.
Entertainment tech-reliance is the antithesis to a healthy, functional life.
Whatever """advantages""" you get from your smartphone are offset 1,000x over by the soul-crushing artificiallity and addictiveness. Get rid of your fucking smartphone, you sòyboy cunt. It's fucking terrible for you.

>> No.12923380

Maybe it's not tech but how you use it.

Technology usage habbits are not boolean for, please stop people giving advice based on math like that.

>> No.12923422
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Remember that everything is designed to keep you on it as long as possible; not provide you with anything. More time on = more ad revenue. If you can recall the old days of YouTube when it was a cool little website designed to share fun videos with friends. It is now engineered to keep you watching for hours.

>I had to sit in a dark room with no books, friends, family, physical activity, chores, hobbies, or meditation
>Wasting my time on technology must be great because of this
>My depressing thoughts
You're supposed to think about those things and work through them, dumbass. You're emotionally stunting yourself.

>> No.12923444
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>> No.12923485
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I want to get rid of my smartphone but I can't find any good feature phones in the United States. They often don't work on all the celluar bands. I bought the Alcatel flip but it dosen't work some of the time. No joke the phone woulden't ring and it went right to voicemail. All the other ones are old and all the celluar companies here are getting rid of 2g soon if they haven't already. They have those industrial rugged phones but they're Xbox hueg. Is there a single good feature phone out there for the United States?

>> No.12923494

Just get off social media like twittbook and instasnap. The tendency for people to highly curate and post content to make them feel better about their shit lives makes you depressed because you're seeing their shit life curated to seem perfect from an outside perspective. Social media is a complete sham for narcissistic socially deprived fucks

>> No.12923495

Anyone recommend downgrading to a dumb phone? I always found the idea intriguing

>> No.12923521
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The best I could find is this phone called Xiaomi Qin. It's from China but I saw a youtube video of some guy saying LTE worked on T mobile. I'm considering it but I've been disappointed by feature phones multiple times already.

>> No.12923712

i got the att cingular flip 2 at target for 25$. same phone as what you described but mines working well.

>> No.12923734
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What if my work requires a PC? (Just PC though, no internet)

>> No.12923840

I had a similar experience when I moved houses and didn't have internet. I need internet to socialise and make money though so I can't really cut it off

>> No.12923874

I used to carry a cheap Nokia with me in public while keeping my smartphone at home and I felt more relaxed because I didn't have to worry about dirty screen or dropping it on the floor, also the battery lasted a long time. However internet really comes in handy most of the times so I just started carrying my smartphone again.

>> No.12923897

You're the one being conditioned. Try taking a break from it all and come back to me

>> No.12923946


Grothendieck spent ten years doing intense mathematics for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week with only an hour for lunch. At the end of it all, the only thing he said was his soul had suffered.

> put down the phone

>> No.12924076


Forums are a particularly bad thing, too.

Getting away from tech is amazing, a glimpse into what truly good mental health can be.

>> No.12924111

Radiation isn’t measured in frequency you dullard.

>> No.12924123

Every year I take a vacation where I just ride my bike 6-10 hours a day for a week. Perfect way to stay sane.

>> No.12924228

what the fuck do I do without my PC or phone?
I can read, play an instrument, and exercise. But all of that is at most 4-5 hours, and you still have a lot of time to do other things, what are you supposed to do with that free time?

>> No.12924241


I use my smartphone 5 min a day. It's PC mostly.

Those mennonites things the 11/9 was made by Bin Laden (lol), that we live in a democracy, and the federal reserve is a public institution owned by the state.

We are fucked up but somehow a little bit awake.

>> No.12924403

umm i gotta fucking read, study and do homework, sucks becasue i blame the internet searching for making me procrastinate

>> No.12924476

If you live in the USA you're boned. There isn't one that works. Euros still have strong 2g everywhere but their feature phones don't work in the usa.

>> No.12924565

I can't not use tech because I use it to check emails, investing/trading, and contact my family & friends so it isn't possible for me. I would definitely ditch it all If i could without any repercussions though.

>> No.12924607

>Alexander Grothendieck was a French mathematician who became the leading figure in the creation of modern algebraic geometry.

>retard who browses his phone 10 hours a day to watch porn and take selfies thinks it's comparable

He probably felt accomplished in what he did. Most people feel like shit for browsing all day.

>> No.12924631
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read/listen to Cal Newport on this stuff. it's life changing. now excuse me i need to get back to doing Deep Work

>> No.12924649

You're a fucking normie brainlet hippie retard and you should get the fuck bad to reddit and off my board.

>> No.12924658

I agree

>> No.12924666

I'm going to give this a shot and post back in a week. I try and not touch my phone whenever possible but I still find myself reaching for it the moment there is a slightly uncomfortable situation, waiting for 30 seconds for someone, middle of the night when I wake up. It is a toxic addiction. I turned wifi off on my phone which sits right next to my head before I sleep and always seem to sleep better. Can't imagine what the constant information is doing to us long term socially.

>> No.12924668

Hi anon, it was me that recommended a digital detox in that thread. Also no porn or fapping

Basically the logic is that alot of modern "depression" is actually caused by addiction, to screens, phones, games, porn, which messes up a person's dopamine levels.

The crazy thing is that most people don't even know they're addicts

Anyone good luck on your journey

>> No.12924675

Sounds lame. Why not just limit it to 1-2 hours a day instead of completly cutting it out.

>> No.12924695

why not just limit smoking crack instead of completely cutting it out?

>> No.12924702

>comparing crack to the internet

>> No.12924705

Reading this thread in bed using on WiFi.

If you want to be freaked out over electrical waves, DYOR on the upcoming 5G networks.

I suppose one day will all be part human and part robot, so these electronic signals flowing through our brains is just a warm up

>> No.12924717

I'm a (You) addict. Please don't give me any.

>> No.12924769

>digital crack
>physical crack
>digital gold
>physical gold

>> No.12924776

Issuing you guys a big big warning concerning 5g. If you find one of these boxes in close proximity to your house/kids/family in the near future MOVE house or destroy it until you can come to your own conclusions to the detriment it may have on your health. Do proper, informed research and try to distinguish fact from articles written to purely confuse and muddy up opinion such as ones made to class doubters as crazy tin foil hatters.

>> No.12924778

This guy gets it. Throw down your chains brethren do not let yourself be coerced into becoming a spiritually nuetered and malleable sub species arise!

>> No.12924779

keep up the good work OP, let us know what happens

>> No.12925320


How is Elon avoiding tech lol? He's even on social media which is literally the biggest distraction possible.